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Thread: TS questions.. all welcome to reply

  1. #26
    subversive azure's Avatar
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    Smile Hi Kitty : )

    Thankyou for your care, I want to achieve a female figure with the implants though I still have breasts from my hormone therapy before, Im a 36c, and very proud of them, though keep them from view. Im preparing a nice natural outfit to go and see my doctor in June, and Im thinking about laser therapy to get rid of facial hair. I was having electrolysis before, but money got tight.
    If any of the girls here need any advice/tips about transition, Im more than happy to share my experiences. Im not crazy about going on about myself, I find its better to share and work together, and support each other.


    Azure : )
    Is there someone I can speak to, in customer services, I seem to have the wrong body, no I dont have a reciept, er maybe an upgrade.....hello..???

  2. #27
    ~Dee~s GG always&forever ~Kitty GG~'s Avatar
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    I support you and the others doing such a tough job for their country. And I admire your honor. Thanx

    I saw your cheerleader pic. Fantastic. Its wonderful to see people moving toward their goals. And more importantly living life while doing so!
    Congrats Girl!

    Thanx for clarifying your views.
    I personally still think that the individual should be making the decisions w/ the help of doctors, pshrinks etc.. NOT w/ the permission.
    If a person chooses to go overseas for SRS you usually don't have to conform to an RLT. I personally disagree with the RLT.. I would think that anyone professing to be TS would be living that role as soon as they could.. so since SRS doesn't change anything the public can see.. why wait till after that to dress in your true gender?
    I know.. everyone's gonna tell me its cuz people rush in and make mistakes. But I think that putting so many other people in charge takes personal responsibility away. And so the TS person may be thinking that even tho they have doubts.. the pshrink passed me.. I made it through the test.. I must be ready. They can stop using common sense, logic, and trusting themselves.
    I do think that its important for people to understand that things like SRS, or winning the lottery, or getting cosmetic surgery, or getting married, or having kids.. (the list goes on) won't magically solve problems and give you a better life. They are all changes in circumstance. Problems are a part of life. Self acceptance and a realistic view of what challenges you face are a much better way to improve your life.
    I do think that acceptance by others is more readily available them most people think. Maybe its cuz I only hang with those who would accept. But anyway.. as I've said through this whole thing, these are things I believe, so these are my opinions and not some gospel.

    Sounds like you're well on your way. I hope that you and your wife can work together.
    If you go for the orchi, will you be ruling SRS out totally? Most of the info I've read says that the proceedure limits the tissue available for later SRS.
    I would think that HRT becomes more effective tho.

    Thanx for indulging me. Its nice to hear that you're available for questions.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    I'm always pleased to see that someone has added to this thread.
    Thanx again girls.
    Aren't there SO's who have something to add?

    Love & Hugs
    [SIZE="2"]Love is trusting
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    Love is not a hand that holds you down

  3. #28
    New Member kelli's Avatar
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    Thanks for the kind words and support. I'll try to answer and provide some insight on orchi vs. SRS.

    There is a great deal of mis-conceptions regarding an orchi followed by SRS. The vast majority of SRS surgeons, endos and urologist now say there will be some shrinkage over about a three year period and given all the other material available could, let me repeat could, cause a lack of depth. Most natal women have a depth of 4-5 inches, most post op TSs have 5-6 inches. Drs, Bowers, Metzler, Reed, Bassard and the king of the new technques Dr Supron all agree.

    Shrinkage will occure from either an orchi or taking antiandrogens. The amount of shrinkage is person dependent but appears to be the same for both HRT and orchi. There are dozens of cases where people waited 3-12 years between an orchi and SRS. Some had skin grafts to make up for the shrinkage. Some even at 12 years needed no grafts and obtained 6-7 inches.

    You are correct HRT should be more effective with less drugs, smaller doses and less health risk.

    I still think about SRS and RLE however, I am going to go as far as I need to go. I do not know if that includes SRS or not. What I do know is that as a transsexual person I have constant femme thoughts and needs and as a human being those thoughts and needs will change over time. The $50.00 question is where will the journey take me. Many look at SRS as icing on the cake, I know I want cake, just not what type yet.


  4. #29
    Lisa Scotts SO Cheery GG's Avatar
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    This thread is great, thanks kitty and thanks to everyone who has replied, its been very interesting read.....

    The one thing that i havent struggled with is this, my So is TS.....and ive been thinking that if one is TS then surely to feel 'right' you need to do everything you can to become the person physically that you feel you are on the inside, it seems this isnt necessarily the case. I think ive been seeing it as very black and white....

    I will ask Lisa to answer this thread as it isnt fair to speak on her behalf and she can answer it much better than me....

    [SIZE="4"]The pleasure you get from life is equal to the attitude you put into it.[/SIZE]

  5. #30
    boi - gurl - whatever... Ms. Donna's Avatar
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    Question I wish I knew...

    I've been on the fence with regards to replying to this, but I'll put this out here for what it's worth.

    If I had to stand in the box, I could live with 'being' a Non-Op TS. It's not accurate, but it's close enough for government work. There are many factors which I feel exclude me from this category:
    • I do not consider myself a woman
    • I do not consider myself to be female
    • I do not feel trapped in the wrong body
    • I do not need to be stereotypically feminine

    My presentation, however, definitely leans to the more feminine side. Almost all my clothes are women's - panties, socks, jeans, trousers, t-shirts, sweaters. I wear earrings, necklace, bracelet, anklet, rings - and carry a purse - almost all the time. My hair - naturally wavy - is now down to my shoulders. And depending on the shirt I'm wearing, my natural bustline is noticable (see my profile pic.) I will often get read as a woman - but even with all of this, I can 'pass' as a man.

    So, I suppose the question is "Am I transitioning / have I transitioned?"

    I don't know how to answer that. I have integrated women's clothing into my everyday wardrobe for a long time now. Perhaps is only the past few years where the balance has tipped to almost all women's with a few men's items mixed in. I don't identify as a man - or as a woman. I don't want to have surgery: I don't 'hate' my penis and my wife kinda likes the fact I have one. I don't really 'fit the mold' as a textbook transsexual - but I also have more than a few toes in the water.

    I'll leave it for you all to decide where I am.

    Love & Stuff,
    Just your average transgender non-op transsexual
    crossdressing genderqueer transgenderist geek.

    [SIZE="1"]The obligatory blog:[/SIZE]

  6. #31
    Swishy Pirate CaptLex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Donna
    I'll leave it for you all to decide where I am.

    I've always thought you were in your own category - if indeed a category is necessary - and I've always thought that's kind of cool.
    But why is the rum gone?! - Capt. Jack Sparrow [SIZE="1"]Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl[/SIZE]

    Why is the rum always gone? - Capt. Jack Sparrow [SIZE="1"]Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest[/SIZE]

    Why is all but the rum gone? No, the rum's gone too . . .
    - [SIZE="1"]Pirates of the Caribbean: At World End[/SIZE]

    [SIZE="3"]Lex on the Beach[/SIZE]. . . [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

  7. #32
    ~Dee~s GG always&forever ~Kitty GG~'s Avatar
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    Well you've told us what you're not. And you've told us that you present as female for the most part.

    But why? Why do you have mostly femme clothes? If you don't feel feminine.. then why not just wear unisex stuff? Or regular guy stuff? Why the purse and the overtly female trappings?

    And is there anything else going on? Is it just clothes and accessories?

    What makes you identify not as CD but as non-op TS? Since you don't feel that you are a woman?

    Its ok to not fit neatly into boxes.. they can get cramped.

    Its nice to hear what people are feeling, and its interesting to see what choices different people are making.

    Love & Hugs
    [SIZE="2"]Love is trusting
    Love is honest
    Love is not a hand that holds you down

  8. #33
    I ride my Harley enfemme btmgrl6's Avatar
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    Just because srs is not right for you what makes you think that it may not be right for someone else? there are a ton of people who have delt with thier "other problems" (as you put it) and are ready to take that next step.
    You can't just walk into your doctors office and get a sex change. Like you said...doctors and other professionals look at us very carefully, before allowing a sex change.
    And again I'll say that eons ago, people had to put up with a lot of things that medical science has since improved on. Quality of life has changed.
    Now the quality of life for the transgendered has changed for the better...
    Can we sit in judgement of others who's feelings are different than ours, because our feelings are different?
    You might not want to transform....because as you say you have more impotant things to consider.
    Other's do want to transform....because they too have considered what's impotant in their lives, and to them....this is it. There are a million stories in the naked city... your's is just one. The desire for some to transform is so strong that it could literally be a matter of life and death.

    Last edited by btmgrl6; 05-31-2006 at 01:40 PM.

  9. #34
    On the Capn's Ship Kimberley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by btmgrl6
    Just because srs is not right for you what makes you think that it may not be right for someone else? there are a ton of people who have delt with thier "other problems" (as you put it) and are ready to take that next step.
    You can't just walk into your doctors office and get a sex change. Like you said...doctors and other professionals look at us very carefully, before allowing a sex change.
    And again I'll say that eons ago, people had to put up with a lot of things that medical science has since improved on. Quality of life has changed.
    Now the quality of life for the transgendered has changed for the better...
    Can we sit in judgement of others who's feelings are different than ours, because our feelings are different?
    You might not want to transform....because as you say you have more impotant things to consider.
    Other's do want to transform....because they too have considered what's impotant in their lives, and to them....this is it. There are a million stories in the naked city... your's is just one. The desire for some to transform is so strong that it could literally be a matter of life and death.

    I dont believe you read the entire thread. I did clarify my position because some were not reading it correctly.
    My choice was personal and in no way intended to present persuasive argument. I am sorry if you took it that way. I think that if you read other posts of mine you would also realize that my personal decision has had serious consequences for me.
    Secondly, I am not against transition and that is not and never was my point. My point was that too many of us focus on transition as the goal when living life in our true gender should be the goal. Transition is only the icing on the cake.
    Finally, yes science has provided the means to make life "better" but I think that in my second post on this subject I stated very clearly that transitioning does not solve the problems. It does however exchange one set for another.

    Hope this clears up any confusion.


    Venus and Mars are not aligned; Good thing.
    Where are all the rumballs?
    I may not soar with eagles, but then weasels dont get sucked into jet engines...

  10. #35
    boi - gurl - whatever... Ms. Donna's Avatar
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    The plot thickens...

    Quote Originally Posted by ~Kitty GG~
    Well you've told us what you're not. And you've told us that you present as female for the most part.
    I present as female only if you buy into the Cisgender Ideal that all men are male and that all women are female. My sex is male and I don't do anything to hide that. Now, if someone reads me as a woman and makes the assumption that I am female - that's a different story. But I don't present as female.

    Quote Originally Posted by ~Kitty GG~
    But why? Why do you have mostly femme clothes? If you don't feel feminine.. then why not just wear unisex stuff? Or regular guy stuff? Why the purse and the overtly female trappings?

    And is there anything else going on? Is it just clothes and accessories?
    Now, you know it's not a fashion thing - otherwise I'd say I'm a crossdresser and leave it at that.

    I don't know what it means to feel feminine any more that I know what it means to feel masculine. I only know what it means to feel like me. To present as a stereotypical 'man' feels wrong - as does presenting as a stereotypical 'woman'. These extreams simply do not resonate for me - if anything, they create a disonance. The 'overtly female trappings' are not as overt as it may sound. It usually pushes things far enough to be just past ambiguous - enough to elicit a double-take - enough to make people question 'what is that?' - enough to challange the assumptions they hold so dear and yet don't know why.

    What is going on is that my answer to the question, "Are you a man or a woman?" is "Neither" - or "Both" - but usually "Neither."

    My presentation is my way of expressing this 'other' gendered state.

    Quote Originally Posted by ~Kitty GG~
    What makes you identify not as CD but as non-op TS? Since you don't feel that you are a woman?
    I don't identify as a Non-Op TS so much as I dentify as transgender. More correctly, I identify as Genderqueer.

    The difference between these labels - Non-Op TS / Transgender / Genderqueer - is so vague: there is no clear line of demarcation. I mean, what is the difference between a 24/7 transgenderist and a Non-Op TS? I'm sure that each will tell you that they are not the other - but from a practical standpoint, they are basically the same thing.

    For me, transsexual is a fairly narrowly defined category. It assumes a belief in the Cisgender Ideal (above) and that as a woman (or man), you are in possession of a body of the wrong (opposite) sex. Were the sex of said body to be corrected, you would no longer be transsexual - you would be a 'normal' (Cisgendered) woman (or man). This is, by and large, the POV most 'textbook' transsexuals have - not all - but most.

    To people outside of the TG 'community' - the 'public at large' - I would be 'explained' as either a crossdresser or transsexual. These are the labels with which the general public is most familiar as they simply do not know that there is more to it than that. For the purpose of public consumption, Non-Op TS is probably the closest category in which to place myself: I'm male-bodied, I present more or less as a woman and I have no plans for surgery. On a simple operational level - it works: it's a bit flawed, but it works.

    I don't want to hijack your thread - but you did ask.

    Love & Stuff,
    Last edited by Ms. Donna; 05-31-2006 at 03:52 PM.
    Just your average transgender non-op transsexual
    crossdressing genderqueer transgenderist geek.

    [SIZE="1"]The obligatory blog:[/SIZE]

  11. #36
    If I can just jump in here for a minute, I'd like to add something. A few years ago I read a study, wish I remember where I found it, where researchers went back and interviewed a large group who'd had SRS and asked them if they were happy now. Two thirds of those asked said no, and half of them said they regretted having the surgery. On a personal note, I know several who have gone all the way, and they're not happy with their life either. According to my tranny doc, the vast majority of TS's don't go all the way for various reasons, preferring to remain non-op like me.

    As far as being carefully screened before being allowed to have SRS, in most cases that's true, but there are places where you can have it done without it. As a friend of mine who had SRS told me, "if you've got the cash, you can get it done with no problems whatsoever."


  12. #37
    On the Capn's Ship Kimberley's Avatar
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    I think we 3, Donna, Karen and myself are in somewhat of a minority here yet each of us shares pretty much the same direction although for slightly different reasons yet many of the same ones.

    Yes Karen, I agree with the statement about happiness post op. Like you, I also know of a couple of post ops who by and large regretted going forward but it was for reasons of practicality; jobs etc. They werent dissatisfied with the SRS but in their ability to function more or less normally as females. There was a lot of discrimination, none of which could be proven of course but that was the perception they held. Both were university educated and had many years of experience in their chosen fields but were deemed unemployable in the end.

    As Donna pointed out, presentation as female is not necessarily a prerequisite either. Understanding and acceptance of one's self and the limitations associated is more important to us than surgical procedures. Like Donna I also move in a presentation that suits me. I dont need to scream to the world what I am. I already know and if someone questions that then they get an answer. What is important is to know ourselves first and not let other external factors influence who we are. Can we spell noncomforming TS's?

    I think the one thing I have seen here is a certain discrimination that says if you dont go for SRS then you are not a TS. This of course is complete nonsense. Everyone of us is different yet we all share similar traits. Each of us acts on those in a different way. There is no right or wrong, only that which suits the individual.

    Just my opinions.

    Venus and Mars are not aligned; Good thing.
    Where are all the rumballs?
    I may not soar with eagles, but then weasels dont get sucked into jet engines...

  13. #38
    boi - gurl - whatever... Ms. Donna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptLex
    I've always thought you were in your own category - if indeed a category is necessary - and I've always thought that's kind of cool.
    Why thank you! Cool is something I've never been - at least I've never seen myself as cool.

    Being in a category all your own, however, has it's own set of issues. The general public 'know' about crossdressers - they 'know' about transsexuals - and some know about transgender. After that, you might as well be an alien.

    It is also a lonely place at times: being an outsider to a group of outsiders. (See my thread: Welcome to Nowhere... posted shortly after joining here.) I know how the 'longing for belonging' can obscure one's view and drive one to making rash decisions. It almost did for me. Eight or so years ago, I was sure that the only thing that would 'fix' me - that would make me 'normal' - was SRS: I was wrong.

    Doesn't mean that it isn't right for someone else - just that it wasn't right for me.

    Love & Stuff,
    Just your average transgender non-op transsexual
    crossdressing genderqueer transgenderist geek.

    [SIZE="1"]The obligatory blog:[/SIZE]

  14. #39
    Join Date
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    In the mountains
    I am a ******* and I think this is where I will be for the rest of my life. There is no way that I could transistion, unless I won the lottery. I have lived this way for so long that I am content with my life.

    I have taken quite a bit of stuff to try to get a female shape. Some stuff I didn't even know what it was, just something that some other Ts's would give me. I even tried birth control pills when I was young. These things did make my breasts grow, for this, I am happy.

    I know these things seem dangerous but the feeling is too strong to be concerned about the dangers. Some people take iileagl drugs for the buzz even though they knew it would be dangerous, well I would take whatever I could to help the shape of my body, just like a drug addict.

    Right now, I have the look that I want, although I would like bigger breasts, I would get more work with bigger breasts. lol

    All in all I am happy, happy to dance in the dark area of not being a man or a woman. I am not both, a man and a woman, I am the opposite, I am neither a man or a woman.
    In solitude where we are least alone. Byron

  15. #40
    Gender Outlaw Kim E's Avatar
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    Hello Donna ~
    Very well said. I also can relate to lonely, to being an outsider among outsiders and guilty of longing to belong. Sadly, I wasted many years before realizing that I am who and what I am, I can't change it. We're all different in our personal lives. We may share common ground but ultimately its up to each of us to choose our own unique path in life. Whatever that may be, it doesn't make any of us either more right or more wrong in our choices.

    Hello Amelie ~
    I understand completely what you have said here. If you are happy and content then I'm behind you all the way. Sometimes others and outside influences can shape our lives, but if we're self accepting of who we are inside, then its ok. Personally, I'll fight for you to the end, because that's what friends do. I think you know what I mean.


  16. #41
    Swishy Pirate CaptLex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Donna
    Being in a category all your own, however, has it's own set of issues. The general public 'know' about crossdressers - they 'know' about transsexuals - and some know about transgender. After that, you might as well be an alien.
    Even if the general public is aware of the existence of CDs, TSs and TGs, some of them still think of us as aliens anyway. You're not as alone as you think you are. In any case, I think everyone can find acceptance here - regardless of labels used or lack of them.

    P.S. I still think you're cool.
    But why is the rum gone?! - Capt. Jack Sparrow [SIZE="1"]Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl[/SIZE]

    Why is the rum always gone? - Capt. Jack Sparrow [SIZE="1"]Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest[/SIZE]

    Why is all but the rum gone? No, the rum's gone too . . .
    - [SIZE="1"]Pirates of the Caribbean: At World End[/SIZE]

    [SIZE="3"]Lex on the Beach[/SIZE]. . . [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

  17. #42
    I ride my Harley enfemme btmgrl6's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Kimberley]Hi Kitty,

    Our reality has existed for eons, and all that time SRS was nonexistant. We learned to live this duality and in many cultures it was celebrated and still is. Today it is our western "Victorian attitude" culture that makes it so difficult for us. Religion has too much to say about things that are not matters of faith and we buy into it.
    I beleive that if our society was more tolerant allowing us to be who we are, the need for transitioning would be considerably less. Instead, transition has become a necessity to mask and protect us from society. Modern science has provided the tools.

    We had no choice but to live this duality eons ago...There is a huge difference between existing, and happiness wouldn't you say? I still say that If SRS would have been available "eons" ago..... it would have been a big seller. BIG!
    I am a literal person so when someone says.....that people transition in order to mask (which to me means hide) or to seek protection from society... it means just that.I can't read anything else into that statement.
    Last edited by btmgrl6; 06-01-2006 at 05:50 AM.

  18. #43
    I ride my Harley enfemme btmgrl6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kimberley
    Hi Kitty,
    I will not be transitioning. This is a decision I made 15 years ago. It was difficult and gut wrenching and has caused a lot of pain and anguish in the interim, but it was the right decision for me. I had more to lose than I would have gained; family, career etc. Those same reasons still hold true today. This doesnt make me ambiguous, only to have establishe priorities for my life.

    Our reality has existed for eons, and all that time SRS was nonexistant. We learned to live this duality and in many cultures it was celebrated and still is. Today it is our western "Victorian attitude" culture that makes it so difficult for us. Religion has too much to say about things that are not matters of faith and we buy into it.
    I beleive that if our society was more tolerant allowing us to be who we are, the need for transitioning would be considerably less. Instead, transition has become a necessity to mask and protect us from society. Modern science has provided the tools.

    Too many of us are of the opinion that we have to go to SRS to live and be happy. I disagree.
    Karen is the poster child for this. She has proven she can live without it and be happy with herself, her family and her life. I can only wish I could follow her footsteps.


    In your first paragraph you say that you are not going to transition, and how hard that decision was to make, but you did it because you had other priorities. Then you go into the happiness with your "true gender" thing.
    Sounds to me like you setteled. Sounds to me like you weren't happy about it, but you did it. The question is... are you truely happy with your decision, or have you learned to live with it because you had to?
    The "eons ago" thing.......They too had to live with it, just as you find yourself having to do. But were they Happy, and if they had a choice..would they have elected to not undergo SRS?
    does agreeing with Karen and calling her a poster child for not having SRS give credence to your arguement for not having SRS?
    I guess what I am asking is... are you trying to convince us... or you?
    As for me.. I feel that my true gender is female. ( I don't know if you think that this is possible or not) but for the sake of arguement let's just say you do. Now if I present as male, but my true gender is female, should I just resign myself to the the fact that I am a male, and should I just accept it and convince myself that I am happy?
    I read a study that said that although there are different reasons for people to undergo SRS... The main reason was stated to be that it was essential for a transexual person so that they may experience harmony between body and self-identity. Ok so I elect to have SRS...and it could or could not cause new problems... only now, just like you I can deal with it "living my true gender"

    My opinion


    Last edited by btmgrl6; 06-01-2006 at 06:45 AM.

  19. #44
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~Kitty GG~
    If you are TS or your So is TS..

    A) To what extent do you (or does your SO) INTEND to transistion?

    B) What steps have you (or your SO) taken so far?

    I'm not doing a survery.. or just being nosy. I'm genuinely interested and would like to get to know the TS faction here a lot better.

    Love, Hugs, & Thanx
    Complete, and completed (as in post everything)

    I just joined here, so I don't know where everyone else is on their journey, and I'm curious too.

  20. #45
    On the Capn's Ship Kimberley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by btmgrl6
    In your first paragraph you say that you are not going to transition, and how hard that decision was to make, but you did it because you had other priorities. Then you go into the happiness with your "true gender" thing.
    Sounds to me like you setteled. Sounds to me like you weren't happy about it, but you did it. The question is... are you truely happy with your decision, or have you learned to live with it because you had to?
    The "eons ago" thing.......They too had to live with it, just as you find yourself having to do. But were they Happy, and if they had a choice..would they have elected to not undergo SRS?
    does agreeing with Karen and calling her a poster child for not having SRS give credence to your arguement for not having SRS?
    I guess what I am asking is... are you trying to convince us... or you?
    As for me.. I feel that my true gender is female. ( I don't know if you think that this is possible or not) but for the sake of arguement let's just say you do. Now if I present as male, but my true gender is female, should I just resign myself to the the fact that I am a male, and should I just accept it and convince myself that I am happy?
    I read a study that said that although there are different reasons for people to undergo SRS... The main reason was stated to be that it was essential for a transexual person so that they may experience harmony between body and self-identity. Ok so I elect to have SRS...and it could or could not cause new problems... only now, just like you I can deal with it "living my true gender"

    My opinion


    Hi Steph.
    Yes, I settled on not proceeding because my family was extremely important to me and still is. Proceeding to surgery would have left me alone. So, the trade off was for love of family. That was and remains the major reason for my decision.
    The second reason was that at the time I had a business to run. The clients were largely conservative so, the impact on moving to surgery could have cost me clientele and subsequently jobs for the dozen or so people working for me (translation,looking to me to provide them with a living). Top that off with a huge personal investment in this business and again, it was a matter of responsibility.

    Now to the question of happiness. I made responsible decisions on several fronts, decisions that were right for me then and now. Was I happy about making them? No. Am I still happy about making them? Maybe. The fact is that I had to learn to live with myself and those decisions. Today I am comfortable with them but overjoyed? No, of course not. I could have acted selfishly and irresponsibly and said stuff it to the world and gone on my merry way, but to do so would have created more problems that were not in my best interest. Sometimes life is a trade off. All things are negotiable but at what price? For me, the price was too high.

    I do not and never have advocated that anyone should follow my path. Exactly the opposite. My position has ALWAYS been that each person has to find their own way. Period. Look, I am more than aware of the overwhelming need for transition. Do not think for even a heartbeat that I do not. It has taken years of therapy to get to a state where I can live with myself. And yes, this is after several suicide attempts.

    I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. That is not the purpose of these forums. These forums are not here for argument or criticism. They are here for support of one another.

    I ABSOLUTELY resent your implications that I am trying to convince anyone, myself included, of anything. I have spent a lot of time (the last 15 years) coming to terms with myself and 50+ years living with myself. I come here to help others. I come here to put my life out there, mistakes and all for others to see and maybe avoid the same pitfalls (and that includes going forward with SRS when you absolutely need to). What you choose to do with your life is your decision. I would be the last person to tell you or anyone else to do anything except get educated on both sides of the fence and think before acting. That is the extent of my advice to anyone in the past, now, or into the future.


    Venus and Mars are not aligned; Good thing.
    Where are all the rumballs?
    I may not soar with eagles, but then weasels dont get sucked into jet engines...

  21. #46
    Kimberley, it sounds to me like you made the right decisions for yourself. Like you said, life is one big trade off for this and that, the key is finding balance and acceptance for ourselves and the decisions we must make, and you've done that. All I can say is good for you!

    You know, I've had more than a few TSs tell me that there's no way I can possibly be happy without going further like them. The funny thing is that it comes from people who aren't happy themselves, so who are they to say? Also, they don't know me at all, they have no clue as to what I feel inside. Sometimes it feels like they want me to join them in their misery, like their jealous of the fact that I've found peace and happiness, and they haven't.

    In any event, we're all here to support each other, not to try to convince anyone of this or that. That's the beauty of this place, everyone for everyone, sisters for sisters. Take care Kimberley, and be well.


  22. #47
    Lisa Scotts SO Cheery GG's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Midlands UK
    Quote Originally Posted by GypsyKaren
    Kimberley, it sounds to me like you made the right decisions for yourself. Like you said, life is one big trade off for this and that, the key is finding balance and acceptance for ourselves and the decisions we must make, and you've done that. All I can say is good for you!

    You know, I've had more than a few TSs tell me that there's no way I can possibly be happy without going further like them. The funny thing is that it comes from people who aren't happy themselves, so who are they to say? Also, they don't know me at all, they have no clue as to what I feel inside. Sometimes it feels like they want me to join them in their misery, like their jealous of the fact that I've found peace and happiness, and they haven't.

    In any event, we're all here to support each other, not to try to convince anyone of this or that. That's the beauty of this place, everyone for everyone, sisters for sisters. Take care Kimberley, and be well.


    Karen karen karen, oh boy honey....

    i cant believe i just read that thread......My lisa and i had a conversation ocne about my jealousy towards one of her ts friends. This particular person passes very well in my opinion, has had all the SRS, and desperately want Lisa to join her and go down th same path. I tried to explain to Lisa that this friend is not happy, (her words), but yet she wants you to do it too....i cant help think its so this so called friend can have someone to wallow in the same 'woh is me'....attitude.

    Thank god Lisa is independant thinking and knows what she wants and what she doesnt....

    YOur post struck a cord with me, thanks ya

    [SIZE="4"]The pleasure you get from life is equal to the attitude you put into it.[/SIZE]

  23. #48
    Junior Member
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    May 2006
    A) All the way. When they discover how to make us into genetic girls, I will be first in line. Unless magic or some other supernatural force has manifested itself before then... If it has then I'll just use that. :P

    B) I wear girly-er clothing when I feel like it. I wear eyeliner. Uhh, to be honest though... the only steps I need to take are to impact my physical self... I'm a girl with a birth defect. :P Always have been a girl and always will be... It's like wearing a costume or something... I've just got to find the zipper pull and get out of it. Wish I could just use a safety pin as a pull, but I can't even find the zipper itself. Or it's like being born with that disease that makes your skin and eyes yellow... Just need to put you under special lights for a bit... Well, I just need to be physically modified a bit. But if they had special lights that would do the trick, I'd have those in a heartbeat.

    Oh, and I am in no way stereotypically feminine... Well, maybe in some ways... But I like machines, weapons, and sharp things too much to be stereotypically feminine. I carve out my own niche to plant a bomb that will crumble what people see as "normal". I don't like stereotypes much, see? It would greatly please me if people stopped judging people by them, because it gets very hard to actually get to know someone when stereotypes are in the way.
    Last edited by OniKoneko; 06-01-2006 at 10:59 PM.

  24. #49
    ~Dee~s GG always&forever ~Kitty GG~'s Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Donna
    The 'overtly female trappings' are not as overt as it may sound. .

    Were the sex of said body to be corrected, you would no longer be transsexual - you would be a 'normal' (Cisgendered) woman (or man). This is, by and large, the POV most 'textbook' transsexuals have - not all - but most.

    I don't want to hijack your thread - but you did ask.

    Love & Stuff,
    You didn't hijack the thread.. this is what the thread is all about. I must admit to goading you with the "overtly female trappings" cuz I wanted you to tell us how you see things.


    I don't understand what you mean when you say that when the sex of the body has been corrected the person is not a TS anymore. I've mostly heard post-op TSs still consider themselves TS since genetically they are still the opposite (trans) sex. And I figure that even if you could change the genetics.. unless you did that within a very short time after birth.. the life experiences of the TS mean they lived a life in the other sex.. and so may have a lot of attitudes, ideas, and experiences that they have only because they are TS. So I don't see that as being erased.

    Steph, Kimberly, & Karen~
    The differing opinions and different choices related to TS goals is what this thread is all about. And so its good to hear how unique each journey is. I do have a prob with non-ops pointing out how unhappy post-ops are.

    It doesn't say to me "I weighed all my options and my wants and needs and chose no-op". I look at it this way: I'm not a career person. And I have lots of reasons for not pursuing a career. I know what works for me. I know how much money I need. I know how much a title or a place in society means to me. I know how lazy I am. I know me. But I could point to career people and say they're not happy. There are a lot not happy people. Its not cuz the choices they made were wrong choices for everyone. Its cuz they made wrong choices for them.

    I think you're the only one to identify as *******. I applaud you for saying what you feel.

    If you did win the lottery.. would you go for SRS? would you go for breast implants? would you stay as you are? or would you share the money with me?

    Wow things are moving right along. Must be exciting.

    Will you come out at work now? Why did you choose to stay in guy-mode at work?

    I so much prefer the term "lesbian transsexual woman" to "male lesbian".

    Welcome to the forum! I hope you find lots of interesting and fun things here. And that you'll share your experience, thoughts and feelings with us as well. I'd like to see more TS issues brought up.

    When they discover how to make us into genetic girls, I will be first in line. Unless magic or some other supernatural force has manifested itself before then... If it has then I'll just use that. :P

    Well, I just need to be physically modified a bit.
    Since you say you only need to be physically modified a bit.. and there is a lot that's possible today.. why do you also say that you will wait till they can make you a genetic girl?

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Thanx again for all the posts. When I ask you q's.. please don't take them to be judgements. I'm curious why people choose one way or the other. I don't think that anyone is capable of making the choices for you.

    Love & Hugs
    [SIZE="2"]Love is trusting
    Love is honest
    Love is not a hand that holds you down

  25. #50
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    In the mountains
    If you did win the lottery.. would you go for SRS? would you go for breast implants? would you stay as you are? or would you share the money with me?

    Ha,,lol,, my lottery money would be all spent in one day, you'd have to come to Balto very fast if you want to catch some of the money before it's all gone. lol

    If I had the money, first, I would get breast implants, then I would have stuff(silicone I guess) pumped into my butt and hips, and yes "little Willy" would be gone, or at least "Willy" would be in a jar over the mantle of my new home.

    I would go all the way, if I had the money.
    In solitude where we are least alone. Byron

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