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Thread: Why we CD?

  1. #51
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    In my case, i crossdress because i love to wear boots and how sexy i feel with them and with a catsuit. I hope there is someone else like me, as i see, my feeling is more close to something that sexually excites me.

    I hope this does not annoy anyone.

  2. #52
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    In my case it's because I am obsessed with romantic lingerie & satin sleepwear and I can't imagine not wearing it to bed every night. It's extremely sexual for me given I'm a very sexual person and even more so since I have a boyfriend to wear it for. It's luxury at it's finest and in my mind turns me into the woman that's inside of me. There's nothing like beautiful lingerie.
    Last edited by Jessica Secret; 11-15-2023 at 05:30 AM.

  3. #53
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    In the beginning I just felt compelled to do it. Then it turned into a rush and I was aroused by it. As I got older, much of the rush and arousal turned into calmness and peace. I get to escape and be someone different for a bit. The lighter fabric and the softness just feels so nice.

  4. #54
    Senior Member Kris Burton's Avatar
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    I've got to admit I don't think about this much anymore, and I know there are probably some deep seated psychological reasons. However, the bottom line was best expressed by my wife as I fumbled for the words to explain why had begun to crossdress at age 69. She said "Oh, I understand. You want to feel sexy!"

    Yup, she nailed it!

  5. #55
    Junior Member NatalieMN's Avatar
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    I echo many others that the reason is somewhat unknown. And, arguably, irrelevant. I started because I found my mom's panties and it became sexual. This is how it was for years until I found bras, skirts, dresses, shoes etc. Even then it was more sexual but I wanted to explore it more and more and it started becoming something I wanted to do to feel good about myself versus just a fetish.

    I do think that my growth as a male led to my desire to dress up more. That is, I have become more comfortable in just being who I want to be without worrying about reprisal. And this led me to wanting to see if maybe Natalie is more of me than I let her be in the past. And that is where I am now.

  6. #56
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    A long time ago, "Linda Stockings" wrote:
    At a very young age I noticed how much I liked seeing young women in certain clothing. As their styles and fashion choices changed, they stopped wearing them. At that young age, if I wanted to see them worn, that meant wearing them myself.
    Even a month or two later, I thought I should write my appreciation of "her" description. To a large extent this is just how I felt: I loved seeing girls my age wearing their clothes - skirts, dresses, etc but also being so intrigued by how different they must have felt from my own experience of male clothes. It wasn't just the dresses and skirts, though. It was everything: the nylons, slips, bras, suspenderbelts, girdles, shoes. Like Linda Stockings, my interest waned when women started dressing more like men! Being able to continue the enjoyment by wearing those "girl" clothes myself was a good enough reason to crossdress.

  7. #57
    Senior Member BrendaPDX's Avatar
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    Because I am different, I am unusual, it's not a bad thing, it is just who I am.

  8. #58
    Aspiring Member Joanne108's Avatar
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    I dress as a woman because I love the way the clothes feel on me. And importantly I love the way I look when fully dressed. it?s a positive experience for me and continues to be.
    It?s cool to see a beautiful woman in the mirror when I look at myself fully dressed.

  9. #59
    Once upon a time... Veronica Lacey's Avatar
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    Hi Marihanne...

    Like yourself and so many others here I sought these same answers of myself for many years although without the help of the internet or therapy; just had to figure it out. Thankfully, I found my answers, answers that I was satisfied with on why I dress to the level that I do (and all other related quandaries) and could let it rest. Finding those answers certainly helped me accept who I am and I can breathe easier even if I still keep it private (my wife knows and has since very early on.)

    I believe that it's a good exercise to ponder, question and seek answers to why we are how and who we are. The challenge is to know when to ease off on the self inquisition. At some point(s) you need to accept the answers you find so you can move on and let things go. It's fine to revisit from time-to-time if new information presents itself but at some point you just need let it go and accept who you are.

    As an after thought...once you've found your self-acceptance you may, in time, begin to forget the answers you are currently seeking. As some have indicated here it likely won't matter anymore perhaps because you've made peace with yourself.
    Last edited by Veronica Lacey; 11-30-2023 at 12:21 PM.
    Part-time crossdresser, full-time human

  10. #60
    Junior Member Melinda Jean's Avatar
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    When I was an early teenager and became curious about women's clothing, it quickly became an erotic experience for me. That experience has changed over time to where I may not get the same sexual "thrill", but I very much enjoy trying to transform into a female, at least in the visual sense.

    As I have aged into my mid-60's, there is still a touch of that that erotic experience at times, but mostly now I derive a great sense of peace and relaxation when I dress. It is a great stress reliever for me. Now I may dress a bit "over the top" at times, but that is my preference for when I'm feeling "frisky". I have the advantage of being both an empty-Nester and divorced so I can experiment with different looks any time I want!

  11. #61
    New Member Anissa's Avatar
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    I love the process and the outcome. I love the creativity. The clothes and makeup. A kind of clandestine thrill. I love seeing the person at the end of the transformation who bears little resemblance to the person who started.

  12. #62
    Andrea Andrea1964's Avatar
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    When I started it was definitely a sexual thing and I felt disgust and disappointment about myself after wadds. However, over the last few years I've changed and now find I receive enormous amount of well-being when dressed and the sexual element is tiny.

  13. #63
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    I stumbled upon crossdressing and at first was at a loss as to why it felt so right. I now feel that the reason is obvious. Women have WAY more choices in clothing! Nothing in male clothing compares to leggings! Don't Evan get me started on panties! Womens clothing just feels so good. Mens clothing doesn't have that hug that woman's clothing has. I have lately been trying to incorporate both genders in every outfit I wear, and I love it! I still enjoy wearing mens clothing, but I am never going to stop mixing genders when it comes to outfits.

  14. #64
    Junior Member Snide_lobster's Avatar
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    There's certainly a "thrill" or "exciting" element to it, if I'm being completely honest. But that's only a component, I think a large part of it is that I want to look sexy and pretty. Why do I want to look like a girl? I've got no clue, it just feels fun. The better I can put into my presentation (as well as create new outfits) the better the experience. It's not just because girl's have more options (although I do like expressing more of a fashion aware side in my femme clothing), but it is explicitly tied to mirroring the female image. If the look isn't tied to what I think of as female attire, I don't have an interest in it.

  15. #65
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    Very interesting read, I have a massive attraction to fur and long boots, I?ve always liked the thought of being in women?s clothing and experimented with lingerie when I was a younger, years rolled by and I managed to “control” my thoughts and feelings, about 11 years ago I had a breakdown caused by a narcissistic work manager, which caused me to spend time in a private hospital, I was medicated fairly heavily, saw a psychiatrist and have been seeing my psychologist since 2013, my psychologist has been a massive help to me and was very supportive when I told him about my desire to wear fur and boots from time to time, my wife is not so accepting, she has suggested it?s for me to get my rocks off which is untrue and she feels like I have deceived her by not telling her 25 years ago, I understand that it is very confronting and confusing for her as she seems to think this will change me as a person, I have no intention or interest in taking my cross dressing much further other than maybe a nice blouse and skirt to match my fur and boots, I?m trying to be sensitive and non confrontational with my wife and trying to allow her what she needs to try and adjust, she has said she doesn?t want to see it or be involved in it and doesn?t want me dressing while she?s in the house, I desperately love my wife and would love to share just a bit of this part of my journey with her, her reaction while old fashioned is understandable but I find myself in a position where I have to do this as I believe it will help relieve some of my anxieties, allow my softer more understanding feminine side to surface and I just want to experience it and self express in a way that makes me feel happy

  16. #66
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    Why we CD?
    It's exciting, exhilarating, relaxing, relieving, does wonderful things to your mind and body that nothing else can!

  17. #67
    Aspiring Member Bea_'s Avatar
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    Oddly, for me, I feel like I am enjoying my masculinity more by establishing my own definition rather than conforming to what is typically considered masculine. I feel stronger and more manly by making a conscious decision to wear a skirt, dress or leggings than I do in Wrangler Cowboy Cut jeans and a western shirt with boots. I own them all.

    It feels like women's clothes celebrate women's variety while men's clothes downgrade the variety and encourage conformity to some arbitrary ideal. It's almost like men are camouflaged into the background by the very limited uniform choices that we have.

    That being said, if the same exact item were available from the women's department and the men's department, I'd enjoy it more if it were from the women's department. I can't explain that.

    I find dressing to be a peaceful endeavor rather than exciting, but that's at home. I've only been out in public once with a deliberate femme/hybrid look. That was anything but peaceful. I think I pushed the envelope to far for my first time out and I have yet to try again. And, I don't think that the look I portrayed that one time out truly represented the persona that feels authentic. I think I sent too many feminine signals at once for my own comfort. It's all experimental at this stage.
    Last edited by Bea_; 12-27-2023 at 11:30 PM.

  18. #68
    Junior Member Sabine7's Avatar
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    My crossdressing is like the case of Dr Jekyll and Mrs Hyde. Switching into the en femme mode is like an escape into freedom of femininity. It's to make real my fascination and a never lasting desire of being a woman and to get rid of the oppressive masculinity. To feel the pleasure of being a part of the feminine world being my home. I do not CD because I simply like female clothes, I do because when en femme I am the woman and she needs female clothes.

  19. #69
    Aspiring Member
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    The answer is simply..... because
    Live Today as if it is your last day

  20. #70
    Platinum Member alwayshave's Avatar
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    As my tag line states, I always have. Can't say why.
    Please call me Jamie, I always_have crossdressed, I always will, "alwayshave".

  21. #71
    Member Deborah G's Avatar
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    I read thru all the posts (some twice!) as I have wondered about "why" now and again, but more so as I age. Although the rationale has changed for me over the years, the constant is the desire to do so, even if I set "Deborah" aside for awhile for other commitments. I am an outlier in other areas, too, so it fits my personality. Above all as others have stated here, it is part of who I am.

  22. #72
    Member Leah87's Avatar
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    Just so difficult to pinpoint a reason why. It's just part of who I am and always will be.

    I enjoy how I feel; I enjoy how I look; It just feels right.

    I enjoy every moment of my CD life as much as I can.

  23. #73
    Join Date
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    As opposed to a 'regular' CDer, I don't dress for comfort or as a way to relieve stress. I just find wearing women's clothing to be very exciting.
    Like many other members on this site, my journey started with trying on a pair of pantyhose then escalated to a desire to fully dress up as a woman.

  24. #74
    Member AllieBellema's Avatar
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    I do it because it's what I enjoy doing. I got a lot to put on whenever I dress up, but I enjoy every moment of it and seeing the results in the mirror once I have the dress on. I can spend a good hour just posing around infront of the mirror just seeing how I look and watch the dress swish around with my movements!

  25. #75
    New Member Dianna_ericka's Avatar
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    I started at 5 with a pair of yellow tights to complete a bird disguise for a school event, it was my mother?s idea, she forced me to wear it but during the event I felt in love with it.
    It escalated to the point that I wanted to wear them on regular basis but then it came the explanation of the difference between boys and girls clothes which I considered unfair.
    I asked my mother to keep the tights, I had them in my underwear drawer for years but never used again (officially) but I did it with no knowledge of anyone.
    I started to take my aunt?s pantyhose and get it hide in a hidden spot in my closet.
    My point is that I now wear all type of female cloths and still consider it like a right that everyone has, I like my life as a man, and I enjoy clothes.
    Dianna Ericka

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