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Thread: Did being dressed in my sisters party dress at 6 cause me to be a CD ?

  1. #1
    Aspiring Member Robbiegirl's Avatar
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    Did being dressed in my sisters party dress at 6 cause me to be a CD ?

    I can remember the whole incedent so well !

    Unfortunately for me when I was about 6 my mother and Aunt had this great idea to fool an old nanny that was coming to visit by having me and my younger sister switch clothes. After being shown the simple skirt and being bribed I agreed. Once down to my underwear my Aunt found a frilly dress she thought I would look cute as a doll in and despite my objections I was dressed in it.Back in the 60s all girls dresses were super frilly with puffy sleeves and very short. After hair barrettes were added and a hair band I was allowed to see myself in ! I couldn't believe how girly I looked ! I was shocked that It was that easy to make me look like a Girl ! My mother, and Aunt kept saying how adorable I looked and that maybe I belonged in dresses. I remember hating how short the dress was and that my sister kept flipping it up to laugh at my underwear like I had one to them. But I kept checking myself out in the mirror in shock that my sisters dress fit so well and shoes and frilly socks.

    The nanny was late so i ended up in the dress for quite sometime !

    I just rememeber just how much fun all the women were having at my expense my sisters wouldn't leave me alone !

    I think it was several years later that I started trying on their dresses so not sure how much affect it had ?

    Any thoughts ?

  2. #2
    Member bre's Avatar
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    Perhaps... It seems like you are the one having the fun with it now, Robbie.

  3. #3
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    That sure sounds like the seed was planted! Pretty sure my mother telling me I was supposed to have been born a girl set my path! That and the neighborhood girls used to play a game called catch the boy and put a dress on him. I lost and got caught way more than any other boy.
    Last edited by Karren H; 05-03-2022 at 12:05 PM.

  4. #4
    Not the one on TV!
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    Similar thing happened to me! My older sister was playing house with the neighbor girl. Being bored, I asked if I could join. They made me wear a dress to join them. The rest is history!
    Last edited by char GG; 05-03-2022 at 03:45 PM. Reason: No need to quote the OP

  5. #5
    Aspiring Member Robbiegirl's Avatar
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    LOL ! I guess I wish I knew how other boys felt that were dressed in girl clothes by thier Mothers or Sisters ?

    I mean wearing a puffy short dress is just so different than being in boys clothes ! I just remmember how shocking it was for me and how shocking it was for all the women around me !

  6. #6
    Senior Member Debbie Denier's Avatar
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    That incident set the wheels in motion subconsciously for your future adventures. Without a doubt.

  7. #7
    Platinum Member Read only
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    If you were predisposed to don female clothing sometime in your life I think the attitude of your mother and aunt conveyed the belief that not everyone disapproves. My parents were homophobic. There would have been zero chance to don a girl's dress on me. Surely, it would turned me into a homosexual! And, I would have had the crap beat out of me.

    I wonder in the antics described by Karren whether those same girls would shame their husbands if they were cross dresses. Chasing after a boy to humiliate them may make a serial killer who hates women or at least a batterer.

  8. #8
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    I don't believe it did. I have never had an incident like that. I was drawn to dressing feminine. I feel that I am female and when I dress I am normal.

  9. #9
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    I don't think being dressed as a girl when you were 6 had any effect in turning you into a crossdresser. It might have made you more aware of it, even at that tender age, but make you a crossdresser? No. I'm 100% convinced that being a crossdresser is something you are born with. Some become aware of it at an early age, others far later. But, it's there.

  10. #10
    Silver Member Maria 60's Avatar
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    I do remember when we were younger we would always get together with my mothers sisters family and she had 2 daughters and I was the only boy. We used to put on shows for our parents and once they dressed me up as a teacher. I remember putting on a dress didn't really do much but when one of my cousin insisted I needed pantyhose and she took hers off and showed me how to put them on was a big rush. Thank God none of them lifted my fluffy skirt because it felt so good. I stayed like that most of that night and when we changed back she didn't ask for them back and I slept in them that night, but the funny part was after that morning even though I put them in my drawer I never seen them again. I can't say that was what started it because I always loved the feel of pantyhose and always tried to get a feel whenever I was able. I believe it's in our blood and something would have triggered it another time.
    Last edited by Maria 60; 05-03-2022 at 05:59 PM.

  11. #11
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    A person has a tendency toward some degree of feminine desires or they don't. You may have tried on your sister's pantyhose out of curiosity, but if you had no feminine streak to begin with, it wouldn't have taken hold. If you believed, before that first pantyhose experiment, that you were male only, what happened was that you opened a door you didn't know existed, behind which your feminine side, also unknown to you, hid, quietly waiting for her opportunity to become known.

  12. #12
    Silver Member Geena75's Avatar
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    When I was about 4 or 5 my grandma stayed in a house-trailer next to our home. My sister (4 years older than me) got out my grandma's petticoat slip and things and dressed both herself and me up in them. I remember it vaguely, but there is old 8mm film of the occasion, so the image is clear. My only recollection otherwise is thinking it was funny and couldn't wait to get out of it. I captured a picture which is pretty fuzzy but gives the general idea.
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  13. #13
    Claire M Claire M's Avatar
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    The first therapist I ever saw about dressing/gender issues told me that my dressing had nothing to do with how my parents loved me or anything that happened to me in the womb or any time later in my life. It was"was just how I was wired". (At the time, I was pretty sure he was a total quack and this was a cureable conndition!!!!)

    Like Karen, I heard from my mom so many times as a child that I was supposed to be a girl. She was so sure from how her pregnancy went I would be a girl that my parents had no boy names picked out when they went to the hospital for my delivery. I was "Baby Boy M..." for my first 5 days!! They finally had to come up with something to complete my birth certificate before we could leave the hospital,

  14. #14
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    Thinking that childhood experiences definitely can and do shape how we feel, relate, and express ourselves? To what degree depends on the experiences, frequency, and the intensity. Not sure one experience would shape your views and tendencies but could have allowed additional events to happen and shape your thoughts and views. Additionally, you may have been totally wired with pre-disposition to CD or other things. It?s possible just in your DNA.

    I never dressed as a kid except trying on my mother?s bra, (which was too big), so I never tried again. Did not dress or makeup as adult but look at me now, over 66 easily, and just started dressing, makeup, 6 months ago. Point being, I was probably wired as such. Can remember that I always had feminine tendencies but suppressed them till just recently.

    Anyway, hope your well with everything now.


  15. #15
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I dressed as a cowboy a lot when I was 6, Robbie. When older I never thot even once about becoming one!

    When I was about 8 I once rolled myself up in a carpet and tried on my mother's girdle to see how those things felt. When I became interested in bondage in my 20's it never occurred to me to blame that carpet and girdle. Those activities were simply things that excited me. Just as wearing that dress excited u!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  16. #16
    Senior Member GretchenM's Avatar
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    It is not likely that one event triggered the whole thing. Single events usually don't have that much impact unless they are traumatic. But that does not mean it did not contribute to the behavior.

    It seems to me that prior to such an event having profound impacts there needs to be something present in how the person is configured that allows them to react in that particular way. The vast neural networks in our brain that regulate our gender oriented behaviors have a basic configuration that is a vague blend of active as well as potentially active traits and characteristics that have relevance to behaviors commonly seen in males and a similar set that are common in females, as well as a pile of others that are of no relevance to gender behavior. In nearly all people (94% according some studies) we are a blend of all three and their basic setup is genetic. But our brain is adaptive and in response to our environment these networks can shift and change in various ways as we go through life.

    You remember this event vividly and that means it had a huge impact on you, but it probably did that because you were already configured to lean in that direction. So, it was likely a significant factor but it was only one of many small, medium and large events that slowly shifted you to emphasize your more female-like neural networks such that you accepted CDing as something that is not only fairly normal for you, among other things, but a necessary part of the way you express your identity.

    So, yes it was a big factor that contributed to who you are today, but it did not create you to be that way today.

  17. #17
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    of course Childhood and life experiences have affected what you do and how you act today. is one incident enough? depends on many factors including how you thought about that time.

  18. #18
    Senior Member Kris Burton's Avatar
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    Robbie - One incident? And how did you feel about it at the time? Did you enjoy it? Hate it? Resent your sisters for it? Make you curious? How do you feel about it now? The answers to those kind of questions will give you a clue as to whether or not it is the "reason", a contributing factor, or just something that happened.

  19. #19
    Platinum Member Crissy 107's Avatar
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    I do not think one incident of dressing up as a girl would cause you to be a CD but it may well have awakened what was already in you.
    You have good memories of this, hmmm I would also, so it was a confirmation of the way you were.

  20. #20
    Member Gi Gondin's Avatar
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    I?m pretty sure that is how it started for me. In my case spending summer weeks in my cousins home and having her dressing me and pretending to be her daughter triggered the desire to dress. And thinking about this event I guess was the attention I got during this play time that associated dressing with a good feeling.

  21. #21
    I accept myself as is Gillian Gigs's Avatar
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    How we are shaped into who we are can be the result of many things. To fill a reservoir it can happen one drip at a time, a slow steady flow, a horrendous flood, or any other number of ways. Traumatic events are most often the one time situation. I now that my start into CD'ing was a traumatic event, followed by a slow flow, and then another significant event.

    Only you Robbiegirl can determine whether your first event followed by any other reinforcement cemented CD'ing I not your life.
    I like myself, regardless of the packaging that I may come in! It's what is on the inside of the package that counts!

  22. #22
    Aspiring Member Robbiegirl's Avatar
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    Yes I can remmeber the incident so clearly because it was shocking ! Even at a young age I clearly looked and felt stronger than my sisters and they were abit afraid of me. When I was put in the puffy dress and saw how much i looked like a little girl I felt week and hated how easily my underpants showed under the short dress! My sisters were no longer scared of me and were laughing and flipping up my dress begging my mother to put me into some of thier panties with ruffles on the butt. I learned that day that wearing frilly girl clothes makes the wearer act like a little girl

  23. #23
    Aspiring Member Brenda Freeman's Avatar
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    My mom wanted to dress me up as a girl for Halloween but I would not do it. The reason I wanted to so bad but was afraid. I would have loved to see what she had in mind back then. I know she had wanted me to be a girl she always commented on my curly hair and would say girls would love your hair. Well she came close to having a girl after all, I never had a chance to talk to her.

  24. #24
    Junior Member Princess Ludwyna's Avatar
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    Most probably it had an impact on you. Got dressed as a girl by my older sister for fun to mimic a movie.
    Hated it at the time.
    But then later, the lack of skirt or dress pushed me to sneak and wear some of her and my mother's stuff.
    And it all began.

  25. #25
    Silver Member NancySue's Avatar
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    I was 6 or 7, never thought about dressing, until one rainy day , next door sisters invited me to join them to play dress up. No big deal, until I slipped on a pair of old nylon stockings. It was like a lightning strike. At the time, nothing else interested me but I couldn?t wait to wear nylons again. That started it. Of my complete wardrobe, stockings are still #1. To this day, I often both dress and underdress.

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