A. Is post transition life what I expected? I suppose that I am post transition, but maybe some would say no because I have yet to have GCS, not that it is a requirement of being TS, but it is in my future. However I did change my hormones 3+ years ago, and legally and socially transitioned 2+ years ago now, oh and had an orchi done last year. Thus being as I have now been full time for more than 2 years, I'm going to answer the question from that perspective........................ No post transition life is not what I expected. It is SO much better than I could have ever imagined. Because everything in my life changed for the better? Not really, my life is pretty much the same as it was before, only now I'm actually able to be me, and the freedom within that is huge. I expected to be fully shunned and to lose everything, friends, family, employment, etc. But really I have lost next to nothing. What I have gained though feels priceless.

B. I agree with some others, I would tell my pre-transition self to get herself to an electrologist immediately! That was most likely the toughest part of the first year after I socially transitioned as I had not even started it. Having to grow out my facial hair for about a week while trying to present as the best me possible was very challenging, and often left me in tears.