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Thread: Stories about actually being caught

  1. #1
    Silver Member Elizabeth G's Avatar
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    Stories about actually being caught

    Hi all,

    In reading the thread on stories about almost being caught I thought what about stories of those of us who were caught? How did it happen? How did it all play out?

    I understand that this might not be as much fun as the "almost caught" thread and could be flat out distressing. But who knows, maybe it can be helpful to someone here.

    Here's my story, which I posted about at the time it occurred, now with a little bit of follow up.

    To give a little perspective here, my wife and I are in our fifties, it's a second marriage for both of us and we had been together for eight years when this happened. I won't get into the whole discussion of why I didn't tell her sooner as that isn't the point of this thread.

    A little over two years ago my wife and I were about to leave on a weeks vacation with two other couples. As we were leaving the house my wife asked me to unlock my car so she could grab my jacket. Earlier in the day I had done a little shopping en femme so I had brought a bag full of my things with me which I had removed and stashed when I got home. What I didn't realize was that when the bag had tipped earlier in the day something had fallen out. So I unlocked the car for my wife to get my jacket and when she opened the door she just froze. In a tone I can only describe as justifiably icy she then asked "Why is there a bra in your car?"

    We now had exactly five minutes in which to have "The Talk" as we got in her car and drove to meet our friends at which time we would not have a private moment to discuss things for the next eighteen hours. All I could say at first was "It's not what you think it is". Which I repeated a couple of times. She then asked "What is it then?" I hesitated. She then said somewhat sarcastically "Go ahead... take your time... think of something". Then she asked me "Why don't you just tell me the truth?" and I replied that the truth wasn't an easy thing to tell. I hesitated and then she asked in a somewhat derisive tone "What... is it yours?" and I quietly said yes.

    We arrived at our friends house about two minutes later with my wife reeling from that little bomb shell. We then had to spend the next eighteen hours getting to our destination unable to talk during which time my wife's mind could run rampant. Then we had to spend the next week trying to pretend everything was just fine around our friends while going through all of this. Quite surprisingly we still managed to enjoy some of our vacation.

    At first all I could imagine was divorce but so far we have been, and continue to work through things. We began seeing a counselor a couple of months later and continue to now, which has been very good for us. My wife still doesn't like that I'm a crossdresser and likely never will but we sometimes joke about it. I keep my clothes in a closet, keep my toenails painted all of the time and wear panties every day. She hasn't seen me fully dressed though I do dress in MIAD mode at home a couple of times a week and she does make arrangements to be out sometimes to give me the chance to get fully femme.

    We have taken things slowly and continue ro work through it all. It will always be an issue for us to some extent or another and though there will always be ups and downs things look good for us now and I'm hopeful for our future.

    Anyone else care to share?

    Last edited by Elizabeth G; 01-14-2019 at 11:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    I don't know if this counts (Was caught online), but I have an Instagram account where I post all my "dressed up" pics. And one day I woke up to find that all my friends had started following the account and were liking my pics. I freaked out and dreaded our next hangout.

    Nobody mentioned it when we hung out, and it felt like a "Don't ask. Don't tell" thing until one of them sent me a private message a few weeks ago, saying how happy they were that I was doing what I love. It made me feel great and things seem to be going well so far with acceptance

  3. #3
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    I was introduced to a girl by my house mates, they did not know she was a previous acquaintance and she did not discover me straight away.

    It slowly dawned over the evening as others conversations about me enabled her to realise she had seen me before.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  4. #4
    Silver Member Rhonda Jean's Avatar
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    I've got a few. Do this often enough and for long enough it WILL happen.

    The first time was when I was 20, newly married, living away from my parent's home for the first time in a city where we knew nobody with (at the time) an accepting and encouraging wife. Total anonymity. I didn't have the forethought to know that if we stayed in this community (which we did), some of the people we were becoming acquainted with we'd still be acquainted with even today. I was more out in those first couple of years in that apartment than I'd ever been before or since. It didn't start on day one, but within a few months I was pretty much out except at work. We lived in a second floor walk-up, so if I was going to go out at all I had to just do and accept that there was no avoiding being out. I wanted to be out to exactly that extent anyway.

    One weekend morning when we'd been married a few months my wife and I were lounging at home. I don't remember what I was wearing. I had near bra-strap length hair, and my wife had rolled my hair in the biggest brush roller you could buy, secured with the little pink picks. Someone knocked on the door. Figured it was a neighbor or maybe apartment maintenance. Either of those wouldn't be somebody hadn't seen me in curlers before. I pulled back the curtain on the window right next to the door and standing there looking right at me was my wife's maid of honor and her mother! I yanked the curtains closed and ran to the bathroom, telling my wife who was at the door. My wife answered the door while I went to the bathroom and ripped the curlers out of my hair and rinsed it, dried it with a towel, and then joined them in the living room. They never mentioned anything about me being in curlers. Their look said it all.

    I was embarrassed. I'm sure my wife was, although she never said. I feared they'd go back to our old home town and tell everybody. I don't know if they did, but that'd be something that'd be hard to keep a secret. I know that since the divorce my wife has renewed her old acquaintances, and I'd assume that incident has gotten some play.

  5. #5
    Miss Judy Judy-Somthing's Avatar
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    Two years ago,
    I was on my computer and my wife came into the room, and guess what she was holding?
    My size 13 pumps I left in the bedroom. OMG
    I told her I've dressed since 8 and hid it because I could see she didn't like it.
    She said she wanted a man not a GAY GUY and she always thought something was wrong with me.
    I told her I use to dress with friends and haven't dressed for over 18 years but now that the kids moved out I thought I would see If I still liked it.

    When I was 17 I had long hair down to my shoulders which was great for a CDer.
    Well one day I told a school friend that I like to CD, he said I like to see that.
    So one night I got fully dressed he said "you look great lets go walk around"
    We ended up sitting in a park at about 11:00 PM, I was loving it until a car pulled up and parked at one end of the park and 5 older guys got out and started walking towards us.
    I thought "OH CRAP" got up and started walking towards the opposite exit of the park, my friend ran off. In heels I couldn't keep up with him.
    Meanwhile the guys started fallowing me saying "hay honey hang with us and have a beer" I ran like the dickens and hopped a few fences in heels.
    I reached home but when I looked through the door window I saw my farther watching TV so I ran to the garage when the guys finally caught up to me.
    They asked why did I run, we only want to hang out. then one said "hey you're so and so's brother I ended up telling them I did it on a dare. boy was my heart pounding.
    "This is ME" I am not CRAZY, I'm just a GUY who likes dresses!
    Since allot of men dress up in woman's clothing that makes it a manly thing to do!
    Much more fun than fishing.
    I do construction like house building and I love CD-ing, what's the difference?

  6. #6
    Aspiring Member StevieTV's Avatar
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    I didn't answer my work phone one afternoon. I was finished work and my boss was calling me on my work phone. Anyhow, I was at home and dressed in yoga pants and a pink sweater. Just relaxing. I had the door bell ring and forgot what I was wearing. It was someone from work my boss sent to see why I wasn't answering the work phone. I answered the door. Later, this guy that came over told everyone I was gay. I am, but still it was a major invasion of my personal life.

  7. #7
    Aspiring Member Steph_CD_62's Avatar
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    I got caught twice.

    First time I was probably around 4 or 5 and I had my mom's panties on and she walked into my room and saw me, but I don't remember how my mom reacted.

    Second time was by my ex-wife. I had given up dressing when I got married but doing the laundry late one night and I discovered how good her nylon nightgown felt. I tried it on and enjoyed myself. My ex was pregnant at the time. I did this a couple times until one time my ex came looking for me and walked in on me in the bathroom. I had a lot a explaining to do and I spent that night on the couch. We worked things out and she came to accept me for who I am.

    I told my current wife from the beginning so there would be no getting caught.

  8. #8
    Banned Read only
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    Im having a hard time posting this but here goes. A few months ago I went to a fancy restaurant with a female friend. The restaurant is a couple of towns over from where I live and I go there dressed occasionally. We were sitting at the bar enjoying ourselves when a man approached me from behind and said hello. I have been hit on before there and met aome great guys so it was no big deal. However, I almost passed out when I turned around and realized that it was a coworker of mine (from a different department but we interact regularly). He introduced himself and I responded quietly as my mind raced in panic mode. He kept talking for about two minutes and suddenly stopped. He said, hey, XX, really? with a puzzled look on his face. I replied, you must have me confused with someone else, and smiled. At that point my friend finally figured out what was happening and askrd me to leave. As we got up, my coworker stood there dumbfounded. I walked out and was terrified. Well, a few days later I bumped into him at work and he said, Hi. BTW you looked great the other night. And that was it. Haven't heard a peep about it since and we have interacted a couple of times at work. I guess time will tell.

  9. #9
    dress to feel the energy Shely's Avatar
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    I was fully DRESSED UP (100%) an in the back yard taking some pictures near our patio, when I realized the neighbor was on his deck which totally overlooks out patio. I was back yard a little farther so he couldn't seen me there because of our shrubbery. I quietly waited for him to go back in the house to make my break back indoors. In a couple of minutes he went back into his kitchen and I made a break for it. But just as I dashed toward my patio door he came right back out with a drink. My heels were clicking on the concrete, I had the tripod in one hand and my purse in the other, and I was right in the middle of our patio, in full view. He couldn't have missed me if he was blind. I guess it happens, here's what I was wearing that afternoon.MSSP (17).JPG

  10. #10
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    Oct 2017
    I won a trip to the US for a week. In that time my partner stumbled across some of my panties and thought I was cheating on her. It wasn’t until after I got back she confronted me about it so I just admitted everything. It took her a few days to get used to the idea, but is 100% accepting and supporting now.

  11. #11
    mini kilted chick t-girlxsophie's Avatar
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    Hope this isnt too heavy for this thread can remove it if so

    Way back in my closet days (prob 20 years ago) during my first marriage,my then wife was away visiting her folks so I decided for the first time to step out dressed,I had purchased a cheap fancy dress wig and had few items of my own,which i combined with some of the wifes things (handbag,overcoat) and applied makeup badly I waited till early morning,when I mistakenly or was it stupidly thought the streets would be empty went a walk,about 20 mins out from my home.

    Everything went ok,there were a cpl ppl enough but far enough away not to notice me,Well deciding I had best get back I turned a corner only to be confronted by 3 guys worse for wear,well I was done for after some pushing and hauling,and a string of verbal insults.I was felled by being smacked over the head by one guy weilding a wine smashed and he tried jabbing it into me,succeeding somewhat.thankfully this was enough for them and they ran off

    Well I ran like ive never done before back home getting in and ripping the clothes off,I was shaking and light headed I knew I couldn't just clean up so got to the accident & emergency dept of local hospital for treatment,requiring 20 stitches in head and face wounds,and gash in my side.The Police were called and i managed to concoct a story about being attacked going to work.Well thankfully that story held for them,and more importantly (funny enough) my wife.It was a hard earned lesson,and I never did anything so downright idiotic and reckless again.Never ventured outside till got divorced a good ten years after the incident,Ironic that i now live round the corner from where it all took place and have been out dressed to get train into the city.....we live and learn i guess

    Last edited by t-girlxsophie; 12-24-2018 at 01:42 AM. Reason: Repeating myself
    We look to Scotland,for all our Ideas of Civilisation-Voltaire


    A woman who loves to wear beautiful clothes is like a flower.
    A man who loves to emulate these women is a special flower-a rose
    Facebook:Sophie Johnson

  12. #12
    Platinum Blonde member Ressie's Avatar
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    ^OK, now I'm afraid to ever go out dressed alone again!^

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    Quote Originally Posted by Happilymarriedguy View Post
    First time I was probably around 4 or 5 and I had my mom's panties on and she walked into my room and saw me, but I don't remember how my mom reacted.
    Same here, I was probably 7 or 8 though. The only time I was truly caught! When I was around 26, somehow my nephew detected I was underdressing with panties. Kids are so aware of details sometimes.
    "You're the only one to see the changes you take yourself through", Stevie Wonder

  13. #13
    Emerging Diva Nikki A.'s Avatar
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    As Herm Edwards (football coach) always says "Being out after midnight never leads to anything good". Male or female, being out and alone on the street is asking for trouble.
    That said my first experience was at being caught was around 6 or 7 years old. We lived in a big house and rented out two rooms to women. I had the house to myself and tried on mom's clothing. The one tenant came home early and knocked on the door to check on me. The door separating us only had a chain on it so it did open a bit and I'm sure she saw me. Nothing was ever said to me but she stayed with us even when we moved twice. Since I never had my own room (long story) whenever she made trips back to Columbia (to visit her parents) she'd let me use her room. She was almost a big sister to me (tutored me in Spanish). I'm sure she knew but nothing was ever spoken.
    At this point I don't use the word caught anymore. I dress for myself, if I am seen by someone who knows me and clocks me, so be it. I will not come out to certain people, but neither will I cower if exposed.

  14. #14
    Girl Power! CrossKimmy's Avatar
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    There’s been a few times I remember. One time my dad had gone out for a few or so I thought. I was fully nude with moms lace teddy laying on the bed! OMG! How do you explain your way out of that?

    One time I was really busted was when my mom came home unexpectedly and I was head to toe dressed in her clothes when I saw her car in the driveway. I RAN so fast and got out of the clothes but didn’t put them back right in her closet. She asked if I was messing with it and I told her I was bored.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Ceera's Avatar
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    Only have two incidents, really.

    I had been cross dressing and going out in public for about a year and a half before I moved from Texas to Oregon, at the end of 2015. Started in my late 50's, shortly after the untimely and sudden demise of my wife, who I lost to heart failure. I had a female FB page for friends of my female side, and pretty much kept my female social life and friends separate from my male side. My daughter, who was 18 when I started and who still lives with me, was the only one who knew both sides. Christmas 2015 was totally closeted, celebrating in male mode with my sister and her family for the first time in many years, now that we lived in the same state again. A few months into 2016, my sister visited our new home. She noticed my manicured nails and newly pierced ears, but didn't quite put it together at that time. And she had to leave again before I could just tell her properly. Then, later that year, shortly before Thanksgiving, she stumbled across Ceera's FB page. She didn't tell me, but she outed me to her husband her four adult kids, and her kids spouses. The family thanksgiving celebration suddenly ended up being held at her oldest daughter's home. My daughter and I were there with them, and I was still trying to keep it toned down, with very plain manicured nails, and the smallest gold studs I owned in my ears. No one mentioned knowing. Then we got passed over for a Christmas invitation, (ostensibly, my sis and her kids were celebrating with their respective spouses families that year) and then a few months into 2017, the oldest daughter finally contacted Ceera via FB Messenger, out of the blue, and let me know what was going on. My sister had been rather distraught when she saw my FB page and pics there, and her husband had insisted on knowing why she was upset. When he saw pics of me out socially as a woman, he went ballistic, said he didn't want me setting foot in their house, and he only barely tolerated me being invited to the Thanksgiving meal of they moved it to their daughter's home. Well, all my nieces and my nephew had no problems with my cross dressing, and my sis was trying to be accepting. But that bigoted brother in law acted, and still does, as if I had suddenly become a flagrant and promiscuous gay prostitute! Mind you, everything on my FB page was totally G-rated! Me shopping at the mall. Me out on a boat at a lake in a bikini, with friends. Me dressed to go dancing at a nightclub. Me at the Austin TX pride festival, in a short floral-print skirt and a white peasant blouse. Me at various music venues, watching friends perform, or dancing. Nothing suggestive or lewd. No racy pictures, or lurid tales of my exploits. Well... it's his problem, not mine! I have since talked with my sister, and she wants to be accepting. But she can't oppose her husband. The thing is, he has several nasty medical problems, and he probably will only live 1 to 3 more years. We all know this. So... I'll just bide my time, and will have my sister back when he is gone.

    A much more uplifting 'got caught' story took place in 2016, shortly after we moved. Once we were in Oregon, I resolved not to hide my comings and goings as Ceera. Virtually all my social time was female by then, and I even was going mall shopping and grocery shopping en-femme. I could pass pretty well, even when conversing with someone. I figured if any of my neighbors mentioned it, I would tell them what I was doing. I had recently bought a house in our new town in Oregon, and I had been talking, as a male, with the back fence neighbor lady about replacing the aging fence between our properties. She knew I had an adult daughter, who lived with me, but she had not met my daughter yet. Well, one afternoon I got dressed to go to the mall and shop. Just as I was about to head out, there was a knock at the door. I could see through the stained glass window in the door that it was the back fence neighbor lady. So I opened the door and welcomed her in, as if nothing was at all unusual. She wanted to talk about the back fence replacement and needed some measurements, but... she apparently I assumed she was speaking with my daughter! (I look much younger en-femme than as a male.) I wasn't going to say otherwise, just yet, so I grabbed a tape measure and went out the back door to get the measurements. Just as I left the room, my daughter walked in from another part of the house. The lady did a double take, then introduced herself to my daughter, and asked, "Ummmm. Is that your dad?" and pointed to me in the back yard. My daughter just had time to say, "Yeah, that is." before I came back in. Well... the neighbor proceeded to finish the conversation as if nothing unusual was afoot! We finished our business, and she said she would get back to me later with prices from the contractor.

    When the neighbor was gone, I talked about the incident with my daughter, and she told me what had transpired while I was out of the room. A week later I heard the neighbor lady over the back fence, and I thanked her for reacting so well to unexpectedly seeing me as a woman. She said that when she got home, she looked up information on cross dressers and transgender people to better understand, and that she had quickly decided I was a fine neighbor so far, and that this changed nothing. We had a lovely chat for over an hour, in which I answered any questions she could think of, and I filled her in more. And that was it - no problems from getting caught at all!
    Last edited by Ceera; 12-24-2018 at 06:02 PM.

  16. #16
    mini kilted chick t-girlxsophie's Avatar
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    Reese,had a wee think the incident was actually 27 years ago,and I had never fully dressed like that so i looked bloody awful,an allround idiotic decision on my part,thankfully I've learned so much that i never get myself in any situation that could cause me problems,I'd hate to think telling about this event in my life would put off anyone from being out.

    We look to Scotland,for all our Ideas of Civilisation-Voltaire


    A woman who loves to wear beautiful clothes is like a flower.
    A man who loves to emulate these women is a special flower-a rose
    Facebook:Sophie Johnson

  17. #17
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    I was caught by my Mom several times (most because I hadn't put her clothes back the way she had them), but she was pretty good with it. She told me when I had gotten older that she had always wanted another daughter. My oldest sister died when I was 10 and I had all her clothes to use afterward.

    I was 21 and with my one day first wife at the time I first came out to her. We had been playing truth or dare with a couple of friends and I refused to answer the questions and took only dares. I ended up in a purple mini dress and white go go boots for the rest of the game. She asked me the next day why I seemed to feel so comfortable in her clothes. I told her the truth, my sister used to dress me up as her little sister. She said nothing more about it.
    A month or so later I proposed and we went up to Sacramento to visit her parents. On the way up I came clean and told her I still dressed and she never said anything. That night she told her Mom and Dad and said she wasn't going to marry me. Her Dad stood up for me and told her that If I was man enough to tell her the truth and marry a woman that had two daughters, then she better have the brains to marry me. She came to bed and we talked the rest of the night. I told her she had until 630 am to make up her mind, because that was when I was headed back to the ship. She slid into the truck at 628. We were married for 4 years. She decided she need a real man and wanted a divorce. Funniest thing was her Dad continued trying to get me to take her back. Never happened.

    I told all three wives about my dressing before we were married, the last and current Lady was 28 years ago and she is comfortable with it. I don't go out, don't want to go out and I give her as much or more male time than Tammy time.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS my Friends

  18. #18
    Aspiring Member Karmen's Avatar
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    @Shely, were you ever confronted by your neighbour about this incident or he pretends like it never happened? Does he act any different now when he is near you or not?

    BTW, you look stunning in this dress.

    About being caught. It happened to me once when I was buying female shoes in drab. I was trying them on and another customer walked on me just at the moment when I was wearing high heel sandals and making sure they fit well. I think she was more surprised and not knowing what to do than me. She just quickly walked away, but she looked back in my directions once or twice while walking away.

  19. #19
    Silver Member IleneD's Avatar
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    A good and timely thread. The Wife knows and is begrudgingly accepting. Trying, learning but still grieving about my trans and CD life.
    The other day as I was preparing for my support group meeting (where I go with her blessings), I caught her looking. She wore an expression that could only have been interpreted as "What has become of you?". And yes, it broke my heart a bit. I know now what she's experienced and tried to deal with for about the last 4 years. I'm sure there's many a day she regrets stumbling into the bedroom at the wrong moment and CATCHING me.

    Yes, that's how I came out after hiding my predilection towards wearing women's articles and wanting to be a woman. I was in a pair of black and pink panties and heading out of the walk-in closet for my jeans on the bed. I had been under-dressing (again) for quite a while without being detected. I messed up that day and had a LOT of explaining to do.
    At that point I gathered my courage and spilled my guts to my wife of 40 yrs; told her I'd always had "this issue" my entire life. I came out, but it was a forced "coming out". We're still living with the shock (so to speak), but have dealt with it as best as can be expected.

    To aggravate matters, within a few months of my grand initial Coming Out, I blundered with some photographs of me en femme. I was dressing more after I was caught and went more "all in". My wife's sister (my sister-in-law), and both my daughter and granddaughter were visiting. The Wife was showing our family photos on the big screen TV like a slide show running in the background. She used the flash drive that contained a couple photos that slid through the deletion process.
    My 4 yr old granddaughter was the first to see it and declared to the women in the room "Hey, that's Boppa in a dress!". Heads turned. Everyone saw. My daughter, my sister-in-law. Everyone except me because I was out of the room cleaning up after my work out. I learned of it from my every embarrassed and angry wife.
    That particular mistake (one of many in my early and renewed dressing experience), was probably the one that turned The Wife against the entire enterprise (my CD and later transgender realization) for a long time. She's kind of gotten over it now, but that was bad way to get caught.

    The infamous photo, and in my favorite dress too.
    Spirit Dress-Lady Blue -FC.jpg
    Last edited by IleneD; 12-26-2018 at 09:53 PM.
    There resides within me a Woman, and she is powerful.
    She has been my Grace and Bearing on the stormiest seas.
    I could no more deny Her than I would my own soul.

  20. #20
    Banned Read only
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    I have never actually been caught dressed but had lots of close calls like I remember a time with I was in my 20's sharing a house with a couple other guys. I was fully in the closet but felt safe dressing in my room. We all respected each others privacy in that aspect. I think it was after work one day, I am not sure where everyone else was but they were not supposed to be home so I was in my room happily dressed watching TV and there was a knock on the door... From my room I could peer out and see the front door, as I lifted the blanket I had over the blinds to look out the window the blanket decides to start coming down, so I hit the deck imagining the whole blinds are coming down. I am laying on the floor in my bra and panties and look to see, luckily the blinds were intact but she heard the ruckus and started knocking again. I turned off the lights and changed back to boy mode as quietly as I could and waited what seemed to be an eternity, she finally stopped knocking and left.

  21. #21
    Danielle cdinmd206's Avatar
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    About 17 years ago the now ex-wife and daughter were gone for the weekend, so I decided to fully dress and perv on the internet. As I was watching a movie I heard someone clear their throat behind me and there stood my wife's best friend. The wife knew I liked to wear stockings, garters and heels and also to occasionally fully dress, but her best friend had no idea. All sots of things went through my mind but all I could do was sit there. Finally I said I will go change and she smiled and said not to change on her account. She said she knew I was home and when I did not answer the door she thought she had better come in and check to make sure I was ok Long story short I found out she liked seeing guys dressed. She said she tried to get her husband to do it but he would not. For my 50th birthday she bought me a new dress and her and her husband and my now ex wife took me out for dinner and dancing.
    Oh I did make sure the doors were locked the next time I dressed and perved on the internet!!!!!

  22. #22
    Silver Member stephNE's Avatar
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    I have been caught many times, so I’ll give you a good story and a bad story.

    I started crossdressing very young. At age 5 my parents would laugh and tell me “boys don’t wear that”. But soon it changed to fussing at me and then beating me for trying on girls things. When I was 14, my mom and brother went out of town, to my grandmothers I think. My dad said he had to go to work and that I was to stay in the house all day, and when he got home around 6 we would go get dinner. So as soon as he left I put on my moms things: bra, pantyhose, dress, shoes, makeup! Along about noon I was getting hungry so I went to the kitchen to make something for lunch, and then I heard the front door open. I looked around the corner and saw my dad coming in. Before I knew it he had pulled out his belt and was swinging it at me (holding the leather end so the buckle was hitting me). He chased me around the dining table and eventually I got up to the bedrooms and took the clothes off. I ended up with bruises on my back, arms, and sides of my head from that one.

    OK, enough of that, here’s a good story:
    A few years ago (I’m almost 60) I started feeling like I’m tired of sneaking out of the house. So now I get up one or two days every week, get dressed and go out to do my errands, shopping and lunch out. By the time I’m ready it is usually about 9am, and most of my neighbors have already left for work, and the children have gone to school. And when I’m done and return home, it is usually mid afternoon, like about 3pm, so the neighbor are still at work. But one day I returned home and sat down at my computer to see if I had any emails. As soon as I turned it on, a facebook message popped in from the lady across the street. She asked “Who did I just see driving your truck with lots of hair?” CAUGHT! Obviously she knew, so I told her it was me, and that I did this a few days a week. She had left something at home and had come back to pick it up. We traded a few messages, she seemed interested and even said she wished she had been able to see me better, so I sent her a couple photos of me dressed.

  23. #23
    Senior Member Asew's Avatar
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    Jan 2018
    Rochester, NY
    So when I went to college, I purged my femme closet (since I couldn't trust it at home unattended or in my dorm room with a roommate). But in early November I got the urge to dress, so I went to the halloween store and got a wig on clearance and a bra and balloons. I would occasionally dress and keep these couple things well hidden in the back of my closet (didn't get more since I didn't want them taking up much space to make it easier to hide). In the spring my roommate and his friends were planning a big weekend trip. A few hours later I was dressed wearing the bra, balloons, wig and a long male sweater I was wearing like a dress. Well I hear a key in the door and I tried to hide but boy was he able to open that door quick. He saw it all, turns around saying something about how he and his friends shouldn't bother me and will go hang out in one of their dorm rooms instead (so at least only he saw me and not several people from the floor). Apparently his friend's car was having issues so they were going to postpone their weekend. Never learned if other people knew or not. After that, our relationship was totally awkward and this event was never mentioned. Was totally surprised when he FaceBook friend requested me a few years ago which I accepted but we never messaged or anything.

  24. #24
    Senior Member Hell on Heels's Avatar
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    Monterey Ca.
    Hell-o Elizabeth,
    Reaching into the “Waayyyy Back” file here. I was about 7 or 8 years old at the time.
    I was in our one, and only, bathroom trying on a pair of my mother’s nylons when my slightly bigger/stronger older brother came knocking. Naturally I was in no hurry to leave my little sanctuary, and he continued to insist that I do.
    Well, the knocking quickly turned into him turning that doorknob, and forcibly pushing the door open. I fought back, trying with all my might to hold that door closed, but my nylon clad feet upon that linoleum floor were quickly losing the fight.
    He had won.
    His victory had gotten him a complete view of me, collapsed on the floor, tired from the battle, feeling weak and embarrassed, defeated.
    He then ran to the living room yelling for all to hear, “He’s in the bathroom wearing nylons!”. I was still in the bathroom when I heard mom reply to him “maybe he just wants to feel what it’s like to be a girl?”
    BAM! Take that Bro! Mom doesn’t care!
    To this day, I’ve never heard a word about it.
    Much Love,
    Last edited by Hell on Heels; 12-27-2018 at 02:08 PM.
    I smile because you are my friend, and
    I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it!!!

  25. #25
    Silver Member Rogina B's Avatar
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    Ft Lauderdale Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by Hell on Heels View Post
    Hell-o Elizabeth, I was still in the bathroom when heard mom reply to him “maybe he just wants to feel what it’s like to be a girl?”
    BAM! Take that Bro! Mom doesn’t care!
    To this day, I’ve never heard a word about it.
    Much Love,
    As someone that grew up with an encouraging Mom, I like this story !

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