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Thread: don't know what to do

  1. #1
    New Member
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    don't know what to do

    Hello Ladies,
    I have a problem, just before christmas I had heart attack, was rushed into a local hospital where I had emergency treatment. I am obviously out and about again and gradually getting some more strength back.

    Early last year I decided to take early retirement ( always the way isn't it).

    I had started to get used to being able to dress and go do a bit of shopping etc.

    On the day this happened I had been dressed earlier in the day, but had changed into trousers and shirt as I had to go get a blood test and blood pressure check.
    I had kept my fem under wear on under this.( panties, tights, medium length slip)
    I had blood test and blood pressure done and left to go to local garden centre to get a cup of tea and a slice of cake.
    I left there in an ambulance.

    I am now between the devil and deep blue sea, as I still feel i want to get all petty but i am scared/frightened it will happen again. I have bagged up a lot of my clothes but I don't know what to do with them, seems a shame to take them to charity shop or just bin them. ( 8 bags so far)

    I don't really know why I am writing this.

    I am a little heavier than I should be, was reasonably fit, I have had raised blood pressure for a few years. but I see people a lot worse, (not meaning to be nasty just an observation).
    And it was like I had flicked a switch, one minute i'm fine next I'm on the floor.

    Anybody had similar experience or anything that might help.

    Thanks, Sabrina.

  2. #2
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    I have had 2 seizures so yeah I can relate to waking up in the hospital.
    I understand how you can correlate the panties to the medical situation but they really have nothing to do with each other.
    Its just that you are worried if you wear them again the same thing will happen and that in all probabilities is not going to happen because you are wearing guy underwear right now aren't you?
    Thanks to my anti seizure medication I'm a lot heavier than I used to be too but I get out and walk everyday and do martial arts so I stay active.
    My weight won't stop me from dressing or being myself or will anything else for that matter.
    I guess my point is just because this happened don't give up what you enjoy doing and if thats dressing and feeling pretty then by all means do it.
    No sense in living in fear and not enjoying life.
    Last edited by Tracii G; 03-01-2018 at 03:24 PM.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Janie Jane's Avatar
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    Don't stop living your life! Don't worry about what the med staff thinks. No matter how long life is, it is still too short. Took me 56 years to learn this, and it'll take a lot longer to be fully comfortable with it. I went in to get meds adjusted for a life long tremor. Turns out they offered me brain surgery to hopefully eliminate that tremor. For a hospital system, even in the US, it's taken a frighteningly short time to near completion of the work-ups and qualification for that surgery. During the process I've become completely honest about cross-dressing with all, and I believe I've earned respect for that. Health without happiness will rob you of both. I've spent my life worrying about what others thought of me. Only one person's opinion of you matters, and that is your own. Keep you clothes AND your self respect.

  4. #4
    Yendis Sidney's Avatar
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    I have post elsewhere about my trip to the emergency room and being caught by a nurse in my pink panties. Her only comment was nice color and that I was not the first man to be there in femine cloths. I have had bypass surgery, four stents, two mini strokes and low blood pressure problems. All my problems started almost 20 years ago and i like everyone else don't know if there will be a tomorrow, I don't worry what I wear under my male cloths, paties, bra, panty hose etc. Like you said it was like someone flipped a switch but it was turned back on. You never know when that switch will be flipped off never to be flipped on again. You have a choice, sit on the porch in all male cloths in a rocking chair OR enjoy, cherish and love every day. It's my life and I'm not going to worry about what someone else may think about what clothing I choose to wear. Life is ment to be enjoyed not worrying about what others may or may not think.

  5. #5
    Live it! Love it! BeckyAnderson's Avatar
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    I wouldn't be too worried about the issue. Back in 2014 I had a major heart attack. My widow maker artery was 99% clogged. They installed a stent and I don't think I've ever felt better, stronger and younger!!! I dress as much now as I did before I had the heart attack and I'm not worried about a similar event. Life is too short.....enjoy every precious minute you have!!!!

  6. #6
    Member BillieS's Avatar
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    I hope you are feeling well!

    The first time any medical people saw me underdressed was at a dermatology appointment (of all things!) so my medical situation was not as serious yours.

    I was embarrassed, but only because I hadn’t anticipated them asking me to disrobe. And, of course, it was the first time I’d be seen.

    But they were total pros. Didn’t say a thing or give any indication they thought anything was amiss.

    I’ve underdressed many times at medical appointments ever since and have never had even a hint of a problem.

    Did your underdressing cause you any problems during your treatment?

  7. #7
    Gold Member Dana44's Avatar
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    I woke up in a hospital with white leggings on. LOL I asked the doctor how long I should were them. He said 60 days and you can wear stockings anytime you want to. they are good for you. I say don't worry about it, life is too short.
    Part Time Girl

  8. #8
    Gold Member Jaylyn's Avatar
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    I say get back to dressing and quit worrying you are now retired and retirement I made to be enjoyed. If your are having anxiety about what you were wearing when the first heart attack occurred then take the entry back into the dressing slowly and at your speed in which you can handle. I'm just shy of being 70 and I have gradually worked myself into shape by walking and now running in 5 K's but I did it slowly and watching what I eat. Take it slow and as your strength comes back then begin more strength training. I really don't think the dressing could have had anything todo with the heart attack other than maybe causing you to be anxious about it. Just don't flick any more of those switches and do what the doctor tells you also.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Nikkilovesdresses's Avatar
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    Hi Sabrina - welcome to the forum.

    Life is short; stockings are long. What you wear is of very little interest to medical staff. They are rushed off their feet and they've probably seen it all before anyway.

    If in doubt do not purge. Wait a while. Surely Brexit is far more worrying than what colour your panties are.

    May your life be long and joyous.
    I used to have a short attention spa

  10. #10
    Banned Read only
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    You say you were out earlier in the day shopping so if the heart attack had happened then far more people would have known, so how much of an issue would that have been ? If it wasn't a major problem then the choice to return to dressing out is an easy one , just do it and enjoy it as before. I'm 4 years older and the issue doesn't really concern me most people know about my dressing , the family may not be happy but now I've separated they will just have to accept it's part of me .

    I suggest you don't purge but work on your health and fitness level , you may never have another attack and regret the hesitancy for the rest of your life . I accept the window is only open for so long make the most of what you have .

  11. #11
    Transgender Person Pat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabrina1955 View Post
    I am now between the devil and deep blue sea, as I still feel i want to get all petty but i am scared/frightened it will happen again.
    I'm not clear -- are you associating dressing with the heart attack? Or are you just concerned that you might have a medical incident while dressed and thus be outed to the medical staff? Either way, it might be time to come to terms with who you are.
    I am not a woman; I don't want to be a woman; I don't want to be mistaken for a woman.
    I am not a man; I don't want to be a man; I don't want to be mistaken for a man.
    I am a transgender person. And I'm still figuring out what that means.

  12. #12
    Carole carhill2mn's Avatar
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    I had a heart attack and bypass surgery in my early 50's. As I was recovering I decided that I would pursue my desire to cross dress more actively. Yes, it is a bit scary at first wondering if any pain is another attack. Eventually, this fear passes as you learn that it is less likely to happen. However, you can not live your life in fear of what might happen.

    There is always some risk when you go out in public en femme. If you do have some sort of an emergency while en femme you may experience some embarrassment but you will live through that. Mean while, try to enjoy your retirement.
    Hugs, Carole

  13. #13
    The avvy pic isn't me
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    Been there done that Sabrina......but the replies are right, the potential for it to happen again shouldn't stop you living your life in whatever clothes you feel most comfortable.

    My story.....
    I knew I was having a heart attack, my dad knew too and as he was grabbing the keys to get me to the hospital I managed to slip in another room and remove my undies.
    I had a stent put in and according to the cardiologist I was actually gonna be healthier as a result.
    I quit smoking; I had a cig at 3:30 in the morning after a bad dream and the heart attack was about 20 minutes later. Quiting was easy after all that.

    I've never given what i'm wearing a thought ever again, I've been in treatment a couple of times since then (the 28 day kind) and I wasn't about to go out and buy men's underwear for the occasion, and since they search your belongings each day all the staff there knew.
    I've been in many doctor's offices since then too.....IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER!

    Point being: get healthy, stay healthy and live life on your terms.

  14. #14
    Platinum Member Shelly Preston's Avatar
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    Hi Sabrina

    The medical staff will do what they do best.

    They will treat you to the best of their ability.

    One thing I know is they don't care what you are wearing

    Enjoy your life however you want to live it.

    Super Moderator....How to tell your partner......Abbreviations

  15. #15
    Member Diane Taylor's Avatar
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    After my divorce I was dating a nurse who was aware of my crossdressing. She told me that she worked in an emergency surgery unit and both the nurses and doctors saw just about everything, including underdressed CD'ers. She gave me quite a few examples of things she'd seen and they were far more embarrassing than a pair of panties. Live your life for YOUR comfort, not for the comfort of others.

  16. #16
    Silver Member ClosetED's Avatar
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    I am a physician, but not telling you what to do.
    You may be concerned that dressing excited you, bring on the heart attack. More heart attacks occur having sex with a mistress than with the wife. So if dressing turns you on until you then release, then dressing may be a risk. But from your story, you got used to dressing and go about your normal life doing things. The peace and calmness is probably better for you than not dressing and being worried about it.
    Being a bit overweight is not as bad as being sedentary. Walk a few miles a day (in heels or wedges if you like) and that will help you more.
    Hugs, Ellen

  17. #17
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    Hmmmm ... Being under dressed while out and about, a medical emergency can happen, but so can it happen when fully dressed at home, and you are in no position to 'change' or to be changed when the EMTs arrive to haul you off to the ER. So, enjoy and live YOUR life the way you wish.

  18. #18
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    This thread reminded me of a Warren Zevon song, “My ****’s F****d Up”.

    My (physical) health has been remarkably good these 65 years, one might dispute my mental health. But that can change in a NY minute. One day, it’ll happen to you....and me. We cannot live worrying about what the ER staff thinks....besides, they have seen it all.

  19. #19
    Gold Member Alice B's Avatar
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    I have posted before about seeing varied doctors and going to the ER wearing panties. That is all I own. Once during my annual physical they said something was not right about my stress test and after several tests I was sent in for a special test with dye added. The day after the test I went to antartica for over a month. Wearing panties every day. Got home and called my cardiologist. She screamed at me to get to the ER RIGHT NOW! Right coronary artery 100% blocked and my body had build a blood vessel around the blockage. 3 large stints were quickly installed. Was still wearing panties.Red at the time. The point of all of this is that what you are wearing does not matter at all. Medical people are concerned abouit your health, not your choice of clothing. Wear what you want, were you want and enjoy and feel good about it.

  20. #20
    Senior Member kayegirl's Avatar
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    Sabrina, although I didn't suffer a heart attack, I too had heart bypass surgery, almost three years ago now. Because my op was a scheduled process , I had time to sort out my belongings. Now I have not had any male pj's for years, but did consider getting some for my stay in hospital. But in the end stayed with my normal nighties. No problems or comments from any of the hospital staff.
    Now well on the road to recovery and dressing almost full time. So as has been said, go for it. Wear what you are most comfortable in, and hope that you feel as good as I do in 3 years.

  21. #21
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    as others have said: if you are taken to the ED with a heart attack, what you are wearing will be the least of anyone's concerns

  22. #22
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    Worrying about this will probably be worse for your blood pressure. So focus on getting yourself as fit as possible, eat a healthy diet and get out and exercise as well as take your medication. Then just dress as and when you want.

  23. #23
    Silver Member Aunt Kelly's Avatar
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    Sweetheart, I was a paramedic for a lot of years. I can speak for virtually all of my colleagues when I say that we don't care. We're focused on you and your emergency. The color of your underwear doesn't affect the diagnosis or treatment. If I was ever uncomfortable in such a situation, and there were a few, it was for the patient who was clearly mortified at being "discovered".

  24. #24
    Gold Member Sometimes Steffi's Avatar
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    I would say about half of my doctors know I crossdress to some degree.

    Some I've gone to in full femme. I slip the receptionist a note to have them call me by Steffi when it's my turn to go back.

    Several times I've gone to the doctor not expecting to have to take my shoes off. And then they say, "Take off your shoes and socks, please." So, they get a nice view of my pretty nails. When I get a pedi, I always get color. It's no big deal.

    Sometimes I've gone to the doctor knowing that I will be taking my shoes and socks off. No big deal. Even got some compliments. The time I went to the dermatologist for a full body scan I was wearing coral toe nail polish. The dermatologist and her assistant both saw my painted toenails, and told me they liked the color.

    The time I I went to the orthopedist for a twisted ankle, I had on bright pink nail polish. The X-Ray tach, the doctor and the nurse fitting me for an ankle brace all saw.

    Once, I went to the ER for a suspected heart attack. I was with my wife, and she doesn't know I paint my toenails. When my wife went to lunch, I asked the nurse to bring me some hospital socks so I could put them on while my wife was gone. Again, no problem.

    I don't care, except for getting caught by my (DADT) wife.
    Last edited by Sometimes Steffi; 03-02-2018 at 09:05 PM.
    Hi, I'm Steffi and I'm a crossdresser... And I accept and celebrate both sides of me. Or, maybe I'm gender fluid.

  25. #25
    Silver Member IleneD's Avatar
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    OK, maybe it's just the slightly naughty audacious part of me.
    I love flashing (so to speak) while out in public; those secret little REVEALS to perfect strangers. Most of those folks will never see you again (except maybe a doctor)
    A bit of nail polish on a man in a retail shop. Panties at the doctor. Lipstick and leggings in the gym.

    Confess. You know you love it too.
    There resides within me a Woman, and she is powerful.
    She has been my Grace and Bearing on the stormiest seas.
    I could no more deny Her than I would my own soul.

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