When the opportunity presents itself, I like to dress in the clothes of a woman. Dresses, skirts, women’s jeans, blouses, sweaters, bras, panties, you name it, and I will gladly wear it.

I am also a makeup junkie, and I put forth exceptional effort and take great pride in applying my makeup just so.

As for my shape, I transform my body through the addition of various pads, breast forms, and curve accentuating garb.

I can even change my hair at a moment’s notice simply by donning a wig.

In this regard, instead of shying away from my own innate femininity and inner woman, I do exactly the opposite and seek her out, whether I consciously choose to or not.

Even more so, I proactively search for and explore the femaleness within my essence.

And I do these things regardless of the fact that I am a male.

Society, however, does not approve. Boys are raised to wear blue, and girls conditioned to wear pink. Society frowns at deviance, fears the unknown, and seeks conformity among its members.

As such, I am not supposed to apply my own makeup, wear dresses, shave my legs and underarms, walk around in high heels, or paint my nails in sexy, alluring, and magical colors. Yet I do all of these things and more.

So just what the heck am I doing?

This is the million dollar question. But it is also a loaded question, a trick question, and a question to which the answer is ever elusive, and always out of reach. In this, the answer is most likely unknowable.

Still, despite the fear, the joy, the sadness, the happiness, the crying, and the laughing, I seem to always come back to this very basic, generic, and ridiculously simple, yet amazingly complex question - why?

So far, the only answer I have come up with is “just because.” As in I am a complete and total tranny “just because.” As in I am hopelessly a tranny to the core “just because.” As in I always have been, and will always remain a tranny “just because.”

Does this answer, though, suffice? I suppose, given that there is very little or no alternative, it must. After all, it just is, and I just am.

But sometimes, when I really think about it, I mean really, really think about it, it just blows me away. OMG!!! I’m a tranny!!!!