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Thread: Report from My First Ballet Lesson

  1. #1
    Gender adventurer JamieG's Avatar
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    Report from My First Ballet Lesson

    Edit: Read more recent replies for updates on subsequent lessons.

    In an earlier thread, I mentioned that my wife and I had signed up for beginning ballet lessons together. Earlier this evening, I completed my first class. As promised, here's my report...

    Things started off not so good. My wife has been ill for the last few weeks, and can't kick a nasty cough. She was up most of last night, and despite getting a good nap this afternoon, decided it was best if she didn't go. We still had the baby sitter coming over, so she could get her rest while I went out. I was a little nervous to have to go on my own, but forced myself to get over it. Despite the encouragement of a number of members to wear tights and leotards to class, I decided to play it conservative. I wore black running tights, black socks, an underarmor tee, and a white long sleeve tee over the underarmor. For the trip to the studio, I pulled some track pants over my tights. I'm a little modest in guy mode.

    The class is held at a large college gym, and it took me a little while to find the dance studio. There were a number of women outside in tights and ballet slippers, so I assumed I had found the right place. I introduced myself to an older woman who I mistakenly thought was the instructor and we chatted a little bit; both nervous because this was our first class. Finally the instructor comes out and asks us to enter the studio. Unfortunately, we have to walk through the basketball courts to get there! I'm not sure who designed this building. As if it isn't hard enough to get men to dance, let's make them parade past the "macho" guys on their way to ballet class. I get off my track pant and slip on my ballet shoes.

    More and more people filter in to the class, til there's almost thirty people there. Ages range from 20 to 60, so I'm right at the average. There was even one other guy there. I feel glad that I didn't go with a more risque outfit. Although many of the ladies were in tights, there were plenty of leggings, sweats, and shorts. Only one young lady wore the traditional white tights and black leotard. The other guy was in shorts and a tee, and apparently he's majoring in dance education, so it would have looked a little weird for this complete novice to significantly outdo his ballet uniform.

    Although the class was advertised for beginners, there were six intermediate students who got additional steps. Seeing them was quite intimidating. Class started at the barre, and I had a hard time keeping up. Fortunately, I studied a little terminology beforehand so I knew the basic positions, and what plies and tendus were. Even so, I had to keep watching the other dancers. I had trouble staying on the counts and switching to the next step. Whenever we had to let go of the barre and balance, I wobbled. Then we took the barre away and worked in the middle of the floor. She taught us some combinations and once again I had trouble keeping everything straight. One involved sixteen rapid jumps in the air with changing of feet positions, followed by a plie, a few sidesteps and a raised leg; only then to repeat again. Talk about tiring!!! Another exercise involved taking four steps across the floor leaping while raising one leg to the side (I think in "retire" position for those who know the language) and continuing across the floor. I felt I really messed this one up.

    Despite my feelings of being completely lost at times, the instructor was very supportive. She said I was doing well, and even commented that I "was built to dance." Apparently, I can naturally bend in ways that dancers often work very hard to do. That made me feel pretty good.

    To make a very long story short (sorry about rambling on so much), the class was difficult but great fun, and left me with a desire to learn more and get better at it. I only wished I had started sooner. This week I'm going to try and practice the things I remember. My toes and legs are already sore, I can only imagine how hard it will be to walk tomorrow.
    Last edited by JamieG; 02-03-2010 at 12:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Member Dee2U's Avatar
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    Congratulations! the first class of anything is the hardest. You had to go without your security blanket (your SO). It was not cowardly to go to the first class in more subdued dress. First impressions are important and you just want to be one of teh dance students. I would not be surprised if some of the GGs dressed down for the first class for just the same reason.

    I am envious of your flexibility. When I studied dance some 30 years ago it was a big struggle for me, especially my hamstrings and groin. Personally you inspired me a bit. I strted doing some jazzercise and other aerobic videos en femme last week. I am much stiffer than I have ever been. Oh well I am having fun and burning calories - over 3lbs of Xmas weight in a week (although I am dieting too).

    Wow that was too much about me. This was just supposed to be a cheers type post. Have fun and keep us posted on the classes....Dee

  3. #3
    Silver Member NancyTO's Avatar
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    Great post Jamie. Glad to hear you had fun and found you had some natural talent.

    I would love to take a ballet class myself and wear some of the tutus and leotards, tights I have bought off Ebay. It would be pretty ugly though. After 25+ years of being a long distance runner, I have the flexibility of an old sandal.

    Keep us updated on future classes.
    If your not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room.

  4. #4
    heaven sent celeste26's Avatar
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    I understand that ladies never sweat, they glisten, so did you get a good workout? Tired, sore? I know just how hard a dance class can be and the dedication it takes in spite of the soreness and pain at times.

    I think its wonderful that you were able to actually get through the first class and hope you can enjoy many more.
    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. Mark Twain

  5. #5
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    That's awesome. When I was younger I always wanted to do either ballet or tap. I never did either ... I was too chicken to go on my own ... so kudos to you!
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  6. #6
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    Sounds like fun, Jamie. What did you mean by wearing something more risque?

  7. #7
    Senior Member jenna_woods's Avatar
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    Report from My First Ballet Lesson

    I am sso glad you had a great time,the frist time is always the haqrdest.

  8. #8
    Aspiring Member Vieja's Avatar
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    Jamie the picture of you walking past the basketball players was good for a few chuckles.


  9. #9
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    you will get better but expect to work hard. Balance will be the hardest thing to develop.
    Also as you get more comfy going, you will shed the security blanket and dress as you want.

    At home if you practice, even if you do not have the proper equpipment, you can still work on flexibility and things like pliés or jumps. Even the back of a kitchen chair can serve as a barre of sorts.

    But yeah once again, really be careful of the turnout. Ot os sp tempting and esay to force it but that is what causes knee problems.
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

  10. #10
    Gender adventurer JamieG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by celeste26 View Post
    I understand that ladies never sweat, they glisten, so did you get a good workout? Tired, sore? I know just how hard a dance class can be and the dedication it takes in spite of the soreness and pain at times.
    I guess I'm not a lady then, cause I certainly sweated. It was a great workout! However, rather than being exhausted afterward, I felt rejuvenated. Despite sleeping poorly the night before, I was up til 11:30pm last night posting this thread. My legs and toes are still sore, but I think that's partly due to being out of shape. I haven't worked out in about three years; mostly because I couldn't find a method that didn't bore me. Now I get to work out and be feminine (at least in movement, if not appearance) at the same time, so I hope to stick with it a while. I know I've only been to one class, but right now, I could see myself doing this every week for the rest of my life.

    Quote Originally Posted by LisaM View Post
    Sounds like fun, Jamie. What did you mean by wearing something more risque?
    I simply meant that I didn't wear a men's leotard or a unitard, nor did I wear women's tights with the leotard on the outside. "Risque" was probably the wrong word. I probably should have said "risky," as in risking exposing myself as a crossdresser. Right now there are only two people outside of the TG community that know Jamie, so I'd rather not have her "fall out of the closet" in a sea of pink and sequins . I'm not ashamed of who I am, but I want to control who gets to know this special side of me.

  11. #11
    Senior Member
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    Thanks, Jamie. Now I understand--at first I thought you were trying to explore ballet in your female mode.

  12. #12
    Member CamillaCD's Avatar
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    I went shopping for ballet accessories last saturday. After a search on the net I found a couple of shops here in Oslo and randomly just selected one of them. The shop keeper, who had been a professional dancer, was very encouraging when I said what I had in mind. I did it simple and just bought a pair of nude colored shoes and white tights. I figured I could use a tank top beneath a black running t-shirt.

    So this tuesday I drove to the studio right after work. It is located in the midst of a residential area with single family housings, and looks just like an ordinary house. In fact, for many years it housed a family, while at the same time being used as a ballet school. The family moved out many years ago and the rooms on the ground floor have been converted to a reception area, offices and changing rooms. The dance studio occupies most of the first floor.

    The girl at the reception was very friendly, so most of the butterflies went away there. So after the registration I got changed. While waiting for my class I had a chat with a mother who was waiting for her daughter to finish her class. She didn't find it odd at all to see me in tights and ballet shoes.

    The class was adversised for youth/grownup beginners, but those rules obviously weren't very strict. Of the 11 students 3 must have started elementary school last year and half of the teenagers had done some ballet before. So I took care of being the grown-up male beginner. At the barre the instructor placed the ones who had done it before at each end. It did help a bit to be able to watch them.

    My experience from the class resembles Jamie's. The best for me would be to learn the combinations in small increments and then do them 100 times. When the instructor had finished showing a combination, either at the barre or later in the middle of the floor, I was still busy processing the first couple of steps. So I got the start ok but then lost the details on where to put the feet.

    Despite all this I got a good 75 minute workout. Not the kind gasping for breath, but I worked up a good sweat and felt that I had used my muscles. I think that when I learn the combinations the workout will be even better.

    So yesterday I paid the fee for the semester, all 14 weeks.

  13. #13
    Gold Member sherri52's Avatar
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    If you continue to take ballet and you manage to keep up with the class, even if you didn't get good at it you would help your girlish figure
    Put a little lipstick on you'll feel better

  14. #14
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I'm SO PROUD of u, Jamie!

    And, a little bit jealous, too!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  15. #15
    Gender adventurer JamieG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CamillaCD View Post
    The class was adversised for youth/grownup beginners, but those rules obviously weren't very strict. Of the 11 students 3 must have started elementary school last year and half of the teenagers had done some ballet before. So I took care of being the grown-up male beginner. At the barre the instructor placed the ones who had done it before at each end. It did help a bit to be able to watch them.
    Camilla, thanks for sharing your experiences. I'm envious that you only have 11 students in your class, I can barely see myself in the mirror at my class because it is so crowded (half of us have to stand at portable barres in the middle of the floor). However, I'm glad I don't have any elementary-age girls in my class. I'd feel really out of place there. I felt odd just seeing so many college-age women, since I expected that my class would be mostly middle-aged women (the instructor had suggested that the typical ages were 30-60).

    Quote Originally Posted by CamillaCD View Post
    My experience from the class resembles Jamie's. The best for me would be to learn the combinations in small increments and then do them 100 times. When the instructor had finished showing a combination, either at the barre or later in the middle of the floor, I was still busy processing the first couple of steps. So I got the start ok but then lost the details on where to put the feet.
    Yes, you would think that in a beginner class they would go a little slower. At least in my case, I think many of the students were continuing in the class from the fall, so that may explain why things go fast. I can understand not slowing the entire class down for a few new students.

    Quote Originally Posted by CamillaCD View Post
    Despite all this I got a good 75 minute workout. Not the kind gasping for breath, but I worked up a good sweat and felt that I had used my muscles. I think that when I learn the combinations the workout will be even better.
    Yes, that's how I felt. I'm still a little sore from Tuesday. Funny thing is, pointing my toes and doing ballet stretches tend to make the aches go away. Maybe I'll just have to dance my way through the rest of my life.

    Quote Originally Posted by CamillaCD View Post
    So yesterday I paid the fee for the semester, all 14 weeks.
    Glad to hear it! My semester is only 8 weeks, but I think its very likely that I'll enroll in the next one when the opportunity arises.

  16. #16
    Member Randee's Avatar
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    Good on you for being so bold as to attend class with your wife ill. And you found that others were holding off dressing in leotards and tights (save one, thankfully) until they saw what the others were in. Now you can still start wearing leotards and tights to class by attending with your wife when attends with both of you dressed to compliment each other. Just start by choosing matching outfits that are modest and unisex like your basic black short sleeve scoopneck leotard and black tights. Or you could be in basic and she could be in more feminine styles. Or presenting yourself as a colorful pair with maybe you in tights matching her leotard and her tights matching your leotard. Then you can switch combinations from there. You will look like a fun couple and it won't have to have anything to suggest crossdressing unless you are in explicity feminine leotards. Above all, keep it fun.

    Your account just reminds me so much of the wonderful times taking jazz/ballet class with my gf a few years ago. Mine was a much more cozy a class than yours with usually 6 ladies and myself, better to get to know each other in class.

  17. #17
    Gender adventurer JamieG's Avatar
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    Report from Second Lesson

    I had my second ballet lesson last night. This time my wife, K, was able to go with me. We got there a little on the late side, and saw all of the ladies waiting in the hall for the studio to open. Seeing everyone in tights and ballet shoes, K remarked "I feel like I'm going to an audition."

    I enjoyed the class, but felt that I didn't do as well as the first time. I don't know if I was holding back because my wife was there, or if it was something else. Still, I kept up okay with most of the exercises, although I still struggled with one of the routines in the center. Later that night, I think I figured out what I was doing wrong, but I'll have to wait til next week to confirm with the teacher. In the meantime, I've ordered a ballet book and a DVD to help me come up to speed. My legs are not nearly as sore today as they were last week. And I definitely feel like I'm building up strength in my ankles; which should be helpful when walk in high heels!

    K didn't enjoy the class as much as I did, making the valid point that it was way too crowded. She had some training as a little girl and is used to classes with roughly 10 people and plenty room to move. Still, she intends to keep going with me. It's fun to share this with her.

  18. #18
    Duality sometimes hurts.. PetiteDuality's Avatar
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    It's funny, but this post made me remember about my first feminine experience (pre-crossdressing?)

    At home, we had (well, it still exists) a very old child encyclopedia (it was old when I was I child). It consists in several books with different subjects (3 per book), like baseball, horses, snakes, cars, drawing... and of course, ballet.

    I remember reading about it and watching the pictures and the positions, and I felt the urge of imitating these girls. I remember locking in my room, and practicing secretly these movement. I had a feeling that it was something to hide (as with my first crossdressing experience)

    So I guess that ballet is the root of my crossdressing

    Thanks for bringing up those lost memories...

  19. #19
    Senior Member Sarah V's Avatar
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    Jamie: Congratulations on taking the class and do keep up with it. I have taken adult recreational ballet classes for years and just love the exercise, keepin in shape with out bulking up or running my legs off. I understand your feelings on where you and your SO are in fitting into your class at the moment. You are right in that many of the students are carry over's from the previous semester, so they do have more of the basics down, but again, don't worry you will catch up. To me you do seem to be enrolled in a rather large class for an adult beginner type class and this will make it more difficult for you to learn.

    Since you are taking class at a local community college, my guess is that many of the "adult" students in the class are younger college students taking the course for PE credit. Community colleges do this all the time, in that they will advertize a class such as yours for the community, but it acturally is coded as a p.m. PE course for students to take. My current adult class that I take only has 5-6 other ladies (all past college age) and me (well past college age) in it. It is the perfect size class to learn in. Look around your community and see if you could find another class with a smaller class size, I think you would enjoy your class that much more.

    Try calling around to any of your local dance studio's to see if any of the instructors would be interested in you taking private beginners lessons from them, since no one else is offering an adult class. Who knows, you might find the rare instructor who would be willing to teach you and let you dress for class as a lady.
    Last edited by Sarah V; 01-31-2010 at 05:38 PM.


    "Sport is for men.......But Ballet is for women" ---- George Balenchine

  20. #20
    Diamond Member Persephone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamieG View Post
    I enjoyed the class, but felt that I didn't do as well as the first time. I don't know if I was holding back because my wife was there, or if it was something else. Still, I kept up okay with most of the exercises, although I still struggled with one of the routines in the center. Later that night, I think I figured out what I was doing wrong, but I'll have to wait til next week to confirm with the teacher. In the meantime, I've ordered a ballet book and a DVD to help me come up to speed.
    You are doing such a cool thing, Jamie! And it is so great that you are really getting into it and working at it.

    It's like the frustrated New York dancer said when the lady asked her, "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?"

    "Practice," she sighed, "practice."
    "If you are living the life you want to live you've successfully transitioned to being the person you want to be." - Eryn.

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  21. #21
    Gender adventurer JamieG's Avatar
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    Took my third lesson last night!

    I don't know if anybody reads this thread or cares, but as long as I have something new to say, I'll keep with the updates...

    So for my third lesson, I decided to take my ballet outfit to the next level. In the past, I've worn black running tights and a baggy long sleeve tee. This time, I decided to wear mens footed ballet tights (in black) and a white, long sleeve Under Armor-style compression shirt. (Sorry to disappoint those who were hoping for pink tights, leotard and tutu). I don't know if anyone here has ever worn mens ballet tights before, but they are not as comfortable as women's tights. They're really thick and don't roll up into a donut as easily. They also have a seam down the back of both legs that then goes down the middle of the sole of your foot. Men always get the shaft with clothes! However, once I got them on, I got used to them, and left them on for a few hours after returning from class.

    Once again, my wife joined me for the lesson. As usual, we wait outside those ridiculous basket ball courts you have to walk through to get to the dance studio. When its time for class to start, we all process in. I'm engaged in conversation with my wife when suddenly WHAM, a basketball smacks me in the side of the face. The kid who apparently airballed his shot for the basket comes over all apologetic, and given that I was wearing tights (underneath track pants) and about to enter a ballet class, I didn't want to make a scene. I just told him to be more careful, and although I didn't say this, I'm glad it hit me instead one of the genetic ladies.

    Once again, the class was fun and good exercise. The one hour and 15 minutes seemed to fly by. The good news was there were fewer people there; enough missed class to make it feel like you weren't crowded at the barre or on the floor. I hope that some people have dropped out, and that it'll be this size or smaller here on out. I'm still convinced that this is something I want to do for the rest of my life, and have started thinking about how I could take a second class so I don't have to wait a whole week for ballet. I've ordered a book and a video in order to practice at home, and the book arrived in yesterday's mail. During the commercials of the "Lost" season premiere (my wife and I are huge Lost fans), I kept on flipping through it.

  22. #22
    Diamond Member Persephone's Avatar
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    I'm here and enjoying your posts, Jamie! I think that what you are doing is great, and I'm so glad that you and your spouse are having fun.

    Really sorry to hear about the smack with the basketball. That hadda hurt!

    Quote Originally Posted by JamieG View Post
    I'm still convinced that this is something I want to do for the rest of my life, and have started thinking about how I could take a second class so I don't have to wait a whole week for ballet.
    Wow! You are seriously falling into the deep end of the pool! Just be careful that you don't overdue the stress on your body. Otherwise, enjoy!

    "If you are living the life you want to live you've successfully transitioned to being the person you want to be." - Eryn.

    "If you truly care about me you should damn well want for me what I want for myself" - Michael Westen (Burn Notice)

    -.-. --.-/-.-. --.-/-.-. -../ Persephone™ and Persephone™ are trademarks of Persephone herself, accept no substitutes. The terms "en femme" and "en drab" originated with Marcia Sampson/Staylace (OBM).

  23. #23
    Junior Member VeronicaV's Avatar
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    Congrats Jamie on surviving your first class! Plus you've got a leg up with your dancers build! I took a class in the fall of last year at a local college. It's absolutely true; just because it's a beginners class doesn't necessarily mean the pace will be slower, that was my experience too. I'm soo uncordinated myself, but when you love to dance, you just keep with it because with every class it will becomes second nature. Also, don't worry about the basketball players, if recent sports articles are any indication, some of them may be wearing tights too. :-)

  24. #24
    Member CamillaCD's Avatar
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    I had my third lesson yesterday too.

    My choice of colors are just the opposite, white mens footed tights and black on the top. The seams on my tights goes on each side of the sole though. I don't intend to mix crossdressing and ballet in the class. Knowing myself there is a great possibility that I will go onto the 'net and order a tutu and dress (if I can get one in XL), but it will be only for home use.

    The class is getting more comfortable with each other. This time we even interrupted the instructor to make her repeat some of the moves and do them more slowly. A big difference from the first lessons, my we were a shy group of people. There are moves that I still don't get right. When I do get them right it will be much more fun. So I see myself doing this for a long time.

    I have told some of my coworkers (2 GGs and 2 guys, they don't know I CD) of me trying on ballet. The subject of what they do to keep in shape came up one day. After they had told what they did I just let it out. None of them raised any eyebrows. They thought it was a cool thing to do and a perfectly valid method of excercising.

  25. #25
    Silver Member SherriePall's Avatar
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    Jamie -- I'm still following your ballet adventures. That's one thing I don't think I could do, even if I were able to attend classes dressed. Keep up the good work.
    Sherrie Lynn Pall

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    Please don't let me be the last post on this thread

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