Hi everyone and very best wishes to each of you for 2024
Well I made it back from the in-laws yesterday after the extended holidays, my beautiful wife has gone to her work office and has of course left me with the unpacking and pile of laundry to sort but it leaves me time to catch you all up to the events over Christmas.
At this point it had been agreed with my wife for me to only bring night wear for Amy as the days would be entirely in drab to avoid potential embarrassments ( after much pleading my myself ) however all of a sudden she announced that I should pack a couple of complete outfits along with shoes, nylons and my favourite wig " just in case". She explained that she was not going to 'out' me but this is now "my secret to keep " and if I'm found out or if she is asked directly she would no longer lie to her sisters about our lifestyle, it was lucky she drove that day as I was shaking so much I don't think I could have concentrated on the road.
We didn't leave until Christmas Eve afterall, a work call meant my wife had to deal with something important on the Saturday so when we arrived everybody was already there. Her sisters met us on the drive and we were introduced to the new male partner, a typical mans man which had me wondering how embarrassing this was going to get, next thing ' rascal' is running down the drive and launching her arms around me, I could distinctly feel her fingers of one hand glide across my back as if feeling for a bra strap and her other hand fall to the top of my leg seemingly searching out a suspender clasp, without discovering any she gave out an audible sigh and looked me straight in the eye with a smile as if to say 'well played', I felt great, my planning had paid off and I'd defeated ' rascal' as we walked to the house my wife whispered in my ear " I wouldn't get cocky it's early days yet". Here we met 'rascals' new partner Charlotte a very attractive brunette in her late twenties, which surprised us both, very quiet like myself as opposed to the firecracker nature of 'rascal' and as it turned out very sympathetic and kind toward me, "this is (me) the one I've told you about" 'rascal' said as she introduced me.
3 events will be burnt in my memory about this trip, 2 inevitably the result of 'rascal' and 1 my wifes doing.
1. Present day, this was always my biggest fear after last year and as we sat around the gifts were handed out one at a time to be opened, heart pounding I took mine from a grinning 'rascal', with huge relief it was just an envelope no possible way of holding anything embarrassing and as I started to take out a gift token I just had time to see the value of ?100 before she grabbed it out of my hands and started to pass it around to the other 6 women, I of course was thanking her profusely and she was making me promise to get something nice for myself and to promise to show them what I brought next time we meet which of course I did, being distracted by her I only slightly registered the fact that everyone of the women smiled or stifled a giggle with my wife having the biggest smile as she put it back in the envelope and put it in her purse. That night in bed my wife said would you like to see the gift card 'rascal' brought you you might want to read it more closely with all the promises you gave, I nearly fainted it was for a ladies only boutique, she had gotten me again and had not even tried to pretend it was a mistake.
2. After trying to avoid eye contact with anybody the next day and nervously laughing off 'rascals' jibes at "have I had thought of what to get yet " and "don't forget you promised to wear it for all of us" it calmed down abit. 2 days later after a huge meal and the subsequent bombsite of a kitchen the sisters new male partner was leaving, we hadn't spoken that much but he asked if I was interested in going for a few drinks and 'leave the womens work to the women', it was my chance to bond as a male so said "lets leave them to it" unfortunately for me 'rascal' was within earshot and loudly said " he can't he's promised to help me and Charlotte fix the kitchen" and ( my wife ) has said he has to.
Once he left with mutterings of 'under the thumb''rascal' dragged me to the kitchen and said if I started on the washing she and Charlotte would dry when the items were building up, as I started to load as many suitable items into the dishwasher 'rascal' went to the door and shouted to her sister "have you got any frilly aprons for (me) I think she's getting homesick" she actually called me she!, her sister replied that she didn't own such sissy items which was followed by laughter. "You're lucky she said and sat at the table with Charlotte with a bottle of wine, time passed Charlotte did say shouldn't we be helping but 'rascal' said don't worry he's used to housework until the whole kitchen was finished at which time 'rascal jumped up grabbed Charlottes hand and disappeared to the other sisters declaring they'd sorted everything. Soon after I excused myself saying I was having an early night leaving an increasingly alcohol fuelled room full of women behind me. It was then that Charlotte followed me out and apologized for the way 'rascal' treated me and that I was very special and most of all loved by them all which was very nice.
Finally 3. As I was leaving the raucous room my very tipsy wife shouted for me "to be ready" later to the chorus of very loud Whayheys! from the sisters, this of course meant full Amy appearance of babydoll, nylons, wig and makeup. At this point I need to explain the layout of the house, 3 levels ground floor living and kitchen areas, 1st floor 3 bedrooms 2 en-suite 1 not and the large family bathroom, 3rd floor 2 bedrooms 1 en-suite accessed through a walk-in dressing room and 1 not having to use the bathroom downstairs. We had the bedroom at the top with the walk-in dressing room and en-suite which was of course was essential for me considering I had to spend my nights as Amy, anyway after being woken by a very drunk wife in the nearly morning hours demanding attention should we say, I got up afterward to freshen up only to discover the door to the dressing room and as such access to the en-suite was locked, I turned and asked my wife where the key was only for her to collapse giggling that I will have to use the downstairs family bathroom, I begged I pleaded but in her state it was a huge game which was really exciting her.
So it came to be that my enduring memory of this trip was creeping out of the room past 1 bedroom with voices still up, tiptoeing down the stairs past 3 more rooms into a bathroom whilst wearing a black sheer babydoll, blonde wig, full black lacy lingerie and black seamed stockings my heart thumping so loudly I thought I would either wake everybody up or have a heart attack. Nothing has made me more scared but my wife found it hilarious and rewarded me when I safely managed to get back to my room.
So that girls was my Christmas 2023 highs and scares but so glad to be home doing boring things like the vacuuming.

Amy x