So, it's nearly year end and as we often do it's time to review the year just passed and look forward to the year ahead. Let's set aside the generalities of life and concentrate on the dressing side of things.

Was it a good, bad, average or even a milestone year for you? Were goals achieved or did chances evade you? Are there things you hope to do in the coming year, steps forward or more of the same?

For me this year has been a reasonably good one. I've spent a lot of time dressed albeit around the home but also I've been lucky enough to spend more days days out and about and in doing so met more folks from our community.

As for the coming year if I feel the time is right or an opportunity presents itself then perhaps the talk might take place. What will be the outcome from that, well who knows. If it went well would it result in me getting more out and about time seems a big leap from a basic, this is me I like dressing and spending more time dressed indoors. If the talk doesn't happen then I know I'd still get home dressing time and all being well, another week away fully enfemme 24/7 and with that the chance to meet up with others from here on the forum. Watch this space.

Oh and one thing, a New Year resolution is going to be to continuing to loose weight and get a really flat tummy. My appearance improved significantly last year, loosing the beer gut and getting a more defined waistline. Need to keep up the good work. Just got to finish off the turkey and chocolates first.