I was on my evening walk tonight and at the top of a hill I spotted a short skirt and tights. For whatever reason that's my superpower - I can pick out a skirt and tights from a distance, even on a dark night like tonight.

Initially I was concerned - if this was a woman out late at night, having a 6ft5 male walking towards them in the dark on a road with no cars around may seem threatening, or cause them fear.

I then moved on to "Is it a lady of the night?" thinking, because it seemed so out of place for a woman in a fairly short skirt to be out late at night.

As they got closer I realised that it was a male with a skirt and tights on.

I was so shocked to actually see "one of us" in the wild that I didn't really have any kind of facial response for them either negative or positive.

I'm so disappointed in myself for not giving them a smile and just letting them know that I was happy for them to be living their best life.