I have been crossdressing for a while now, and there are only 2 people about it. A month ago, on May 31, my mom died from battling cancer. I knew it was coming, and I could see it coming for a few years.

I am also a funeral director for my career. I was blessed and honored to be the director for my family to help them with the funeral and everything that goes with it.

She never knew about me crossdressing or my feminine stuff. Last Sunday, I went to the cemetery to see her. I know it is just her body through, but I decides to tell her everything about my secret side that no one in the family knows about me. I cried at times telling her how I enjoy wearing all things of women's clothes from panties and bras to dresses to pants or shorts to shoes to makeup, nails, and hair. I told her that I wanted her to know my personal life, but that I was afraid to tell her in person while she was still alive.

That night, I dreamt of her. My mom told me that she still loves me, and proud of me for telling her about my personal life. We hugged and came closer together. She told me that she doesn't care what or who I am inside. All she wants is for me to be happy. When I woke up the next day. I had a calm and pleasant feeling that was over me. That everything was OK, and she is ok with me dressing and other stuff.

I am not sure if it was real, but since then I have been a bit happier knowing my mom still loves me and is proud of me.

I told my wife this experience and I just felt I needed to share this with others. I don't post much or comment much here over the past few years, but I wanted to tell you all my experience I had with coming out to my mom.