My wife said I didn't need any more clothes, and she was serious about it. For the record, 9 dresses, 7 blouses, 8 or 9 skirts. A good collection, as all the dresses are formal or semi-formal, but I'd like something more, for lack of a better word, business-like.

I found a two-piece dress today which I really like, even though the color is dark blue. Were it pink/light blue/cream/ivory/anything lighter, I'd own it, but I passed, for now.

I wonder...if I remove a couple of items from my wardrobe which I rarely wear, anyway, if that would allow me, in her eyes, to replace them with a single item?

Just thinking out loud, thanks, y'all.

I may gently bring it up, later, and see what she says, but I'm concerned she'll be annoyed I'm still shopping.


A large part of me does NOT want to rock the boat, as she's not been the slightest bit upset about me dressing almost daily, but I really like this outfit.