My wife and I just recently celebrated our 24th Wedding Anniversary and in a joking way I told her that next year we should go to Vegas and renew our vows, expect this time I get to wear the dress. You should have seen her eyes light up! She first said that she could get a really cool suit, then she said that she was going to have to make a respectable women out of me, and would need a ring. It has been a non stop discussion since then looking online for dresses, talking about where to stay and what we are going to do while we are there and very soon we will make our reservations. We are not sure which wedding chapel we are going to go to and if we are going to try to do something that is themed. Too Bad the Star Trek Experience is no longer at the Las Vegas Hilton........ We are both nerds and would have loved to get married on the set of the Enterprise........ I am leaning towards an old Vegas wedding, maybe with an Elvis impersonator or get a singer that sings Sinatra and Rat Pack songs.

I am thinking the next time we go out of town for a "girls weekend" she is going to pop the question and give me a ring! It has been such a wonderful gift that she supports me and loves me like she does and I never would have imagined the excitement and fun we have had trying to plan this. When we got married in 94, we were just like, lets get this done and get to the honeymoon. This time we are really savoring and relishing in the idea of making this an "Event!"

Looking for suggestions and anyone that can share similar experiences. We will keep you posted too!
