Quote Originally Posted by Sometimes Steffi View Post
No, I wasn't a "hot mess". If anything, I was grossed out. Problem solved.
What a spot on point! In the days before I finally figured out that I had more gender than orientation problems, I too thought I was likely gay. Back in my time anything remotely femme for men was labeled gay (or just Queer). And yes, there was experimentation with my sexuality during the journey. Some of it "not so bad", even pleasurable experiences. I've fallen in love with another man before (he didn't know it) and had crushes, so I know I am capable of establishing a relationship with another of my sex. But for the most part my "attraction to men" evaporated.
Here's what I've discovered in taking a serious look at Guys (as partners, lovers or anything). I wonder what the hell most women see in men. Really. When I examine the general state of Manhood (these days and for a long time past), I see slim pickings. If I were a GG trying find a partner in this world, I'd have a hard time of it, in my opinion. I feel sorry for women these days.
Most Guys are just jerks; many losers or self-absorbed egoists. And don't get me started what "real men" in real life look like in the real nude. The human race isn't as body beautiful as the movies and TV lead us to believe. [PS:Yes. There are some gems and winners out there still; but few and far between].