One night while I was having an honest conversation with my wife about crossdressers ( she already knows Im a crossdresser ) she raised the question whether Im a bisexual ? I have answered that Iam not ...yet in a sense it is true ..I am not attracted to males ....but thinking about it several times I loved the idea to share sexually with only a crossdresser like me ,,even though I had never done or will do it ...but sharing a special moment with only a crossdresser is a lovely thought ,,since both of us are attracted to the thought of a women make aroused sexually ...
Nonetheless when I'm in the mode of crossdresser I arouse to the idea of being felt like a women to be kissed kissed and love making as a woman but with another crossdresser and not a male you feel girls ...are most of us the same ...and does this means Iam a bisexual or just a woman feels to be love sense attracted to others like her ?????