
I am new to this forum. I just recently found out a few months ago that my husband is a cross dresser. I didn't find out through him, I found out from a neighbor who had spotted him numerous times walking outside in women's clothing while I was at work. I was more shocked than anything. I confronted my husband about it and he admitted it was true. He can be a very quiet person and he finds it hard to discuss certain things, including his cross dressing. I asked him what makes him want to dress up like a woman, and he just shrugged his shoulders. Ever since I found out, he is not open about it with me, so I have no clue what he is feeling. I want him to be comfortable with talking to me about this. So I guess my question is, what causes a man to want to cross dress? Maybe if I get an answer from someone who is open to discuss, I may get a better understanding. I love my husband very much, and he was scared to tell me out of fear of me leaving him, but I wouldn't do that. I just want to understand is all. Looking forward to reading your responses. Thank you.