I've been driving around while dressed for a long time. My biggest fear has been an accident of some kind.
It happened today.
I was out of town and pulling out of a parking lot. I was pulling into one way traffic, and while I looked to to right, my concentration was to the left.
I thought it was clear, started pulling out. BANG! I hit a bicyclist driving against traffic.
Fortunately he wasn't hurt at all. But his bike was banged up, and there is damage to my car.
Cops called.
And, I was wearing a denim mini skiers. I red blouse. D size breast forms, and black flats.
I wished I could have changed but....
Anyway. The biker kind of looked me over, but said nothing of my clothing.
Cops showed up, and didn't even flinch at me.

While it was nerve racking, in the end. It felt like no one cared what I had on. It wasn't like I could have done anything about it anyway, at the time.