This was a really tough decision for me to make but I finally arrived at a logical solution. I have been highly successful at maintaining a "secret life" as a crossdresser for a long time. This was only possible since I usually had excuses to travel out of town and stay at hotels alone. This forum has been a fantastic resource for me and I appreciate every bit of advice and help given to others as well as myself. I know it is only a matter of time before logic and the law of averages catches up with me and my locked up crossdressing materials such as make-up, wigs, skirts, tops and shoes are discovered. It would be a bad day when that happens and would be difficult to explain as well as accepted by my wife. Therefore I have decided to purge everything at the end of July. I have two or three more out of town trips scheduled and I plan on taking advantage of the situation to be Janet during those trips. I don't know why I am sharing this information but if feels good to at least tell someone and get this off my chest. Thanks for listening. Its been a great experience but one that must end.