View Full Version : Plenty of Fish Dating profile

05-19-2011, 09:50 PM
A little over a week ago, I tried something mostly as an experiment. I created a profile for Michelle and listed myself as a cd'er. The photo was of Michelle. It actually is my favorite photo which I need to switch my avatar to. I have had a couple of emails from women claiming support and have made contact with one which will ultimately lead to a date.

Has anyone else tried this on a mainstream website and what were you results?

P.S. I liked this photo so much that I went ahead and changed my avatar. This is my photo on Plenty of Fish.

05-19-2011, 09:58 PM
haven't tried it yet. So, how was that date??? Can't wait for more details.

I have a friend that has met dates that way.

05-19-2011, 10:05 PM
haven't tried it yet. So, how was that date??? Can't wait for more details.

I have a friend that has met dates that way.

I won't be going on the date for at least another week. Her son is graduating High School next weekend and with all of the family coming into town, she is unavailable. She has said that she will go out with me so that is one. It is just interesting to see the results although I think I do much better in person.

Cynthia Anne
05-19-2011, 10:11 PM
I say what ever works, do it! Let's just hope there not CDers also, or somthing worst!!!!!!Hopeing the best to you! Hugs!

05-19-2011, 10:30 PM
What? Like eharmony?

05-19-2011, 10:39 PM
some how i do not believe the thoughts of the mormons controlling e-harmony would go for it. i tried (as male) and after a year no matches but every couple days another couple pages of questions.
but as for meeting up with another it is a good thought, but have another in the wings..just in case of a setup. safety first


05-19-2011, 11:17 PM
I've got one up on OKCupid. I don't have a picture of me CDed as my main photo, though it is one of the first three on my photos page. Also I clearly state in the first sentence that i am a crossdresser. I haven't had any of the convos go anywhere yet, but here's to hoping.

05-19-2011, 11:48 PM
I won't be going on the date for at least another week. Her son is graduating High School next weekend and with all of the family coming into town, she is unavailable. She has said that she will go out with me so that is one. It is just interesting to see the results although I think I do much better in person.

Are you looking for a date and going on a date "dressed"? Why set up a profile as a female rather than as a male and then say you are a cd? Why was she looking at women's profiles, and not men's profiles?
just asking

05-20-2011, 12:27 AM
I don't think Michelle set up as a "female" but as a male crossdresser looking for a female. Michelle isn't one to mislead potential dates. And is there something wrong with women looking at women's profiles? There are gay and bi females out there in the world.

05-20-2011, 12:38 AM
Are you looking for a date and going on a date "dressed"? Why set up a profile as a female rather than as a male and then say you are a cd? Why was she looking at women's profiles, and not men's profiles?
just asking

I was clearly listed as a man interested in women, but with my only photo being of Michelle.

some how i do not believe the thoughts of the mormons controlling e-harmony would go for it. i tried (as male) and after a year no matches but every couple days another couple pages of questions.
but as for meeting up with another it is a good thought, but have another in the wings..just in case of a setup. safety first


On eHarmony I met 2 women who found out that I was a cd'er after the first date. The 1st one found out on date #3. The 2nd one found out after the first date on the phone. Both women accepted and went out with me as Michelle. I haven't had the trouble meeting women either way.

In fact I feel like I do much better in person. There is a mainstream bar & grill that I go to on Fridays for karaoke and I have met women there while dressed each time. They have asked for my phone # or given me theirs. I guess I just have become so comfortable with myself that I can meet women either way.

I am going there tomorrow night in male mode just to see if I have as much fun as when Michelle goes. I suspect that Michelle is much better at meeting women than I am. That will stink if I am right.

05-20-2011, 01:02 AM
I have always wondered how to find girls who like or accept TGs. That would be a dream. My friend found one who he knew all along. So lucky. I want that too. Its tough being lonely.

05-20-2011, 01:07 AM
I am going there tomorrow night in male mode just to see if I have as much fun as when Michelle goes. I suspect that Michelle is much better at meeting women than I am. I totally agree with you there. My problem is that all the girls I meet are just that, girls from 21 to 35. That makes me old enough to be their mother! But they totally accept me and I get to go to fun places in the company of some very attractive and cute young girls.

05-20-2011, 08:26 AM
I've listed different profiles on different dating sites, kind of an unofficial experiment myself. I use my femme pic for both, but I list myself as transgendered on one, and a woman on the other. Almost all the responses are from men. The one where I represent as a woman, I make sure I tell them right away. I am curious to the response, and how they feel about t-girls. I do get a lot more messages as a woman. Overall, the response has been almost 100% positive. A few crude comments, but not many. I get a lot of guys that are curious, and have never thought about being with a transgendered girl. Or, a polite no thank you. I also get some "confessions" that they like to dress too! I was always wondering what do people think when I'm out dressed, and this is kind of a way to read their thoughts. Most guys think that it's great that we can be the girl we want to be!

05-20-2011, 12:53 PM
I have an account on OKCupid and Plenty of Fish, but I haven't had any luck yet

05-20-2011, 04:19 PM
I totally agree with you there. My problem is that all the girls I meet are just that, girls from 21 to 35. That makes me old enough to be their mother! But they totally accept me and I get to go to fun places in the company of some very attractive and cute young girls.

I don't have any problem with the younguns as I call them. In fact the photo on FB of me at the Avs game is with one such lady. I do find the older ones rather easy to meet. I guess I just find it easy to meet people. I am very comfortable with myself and I don't know any strangers. That's cause I meet them before realizing that they are strangers.

05-22-2011, 01:40 AM
I don't think Michelle set up as a "female" but as a male crossdresser looking for a female. Michelle isn't one to mislead potential dates. And is there something wrong with women looking at women's profiles? There are gay and bi females out there in the world.

Michelle said "I created a profile for Michelle and listed myself as a cd'er. The photo was of Michelle." So the profile sounded to me as a profile made by a woman but down the road indicated that the woman was actually a cder. Otherwise, it would have been a profile for MICHAEL, right? So yes, I think it is misleading. Michelle is not the real name and it should have been a male name even if it was posted with a photo of that male dressed en femme.
There isn't anything wrong with a woman looking at profiles of women. Not sure what I was thinking at that moment. "This is my first time on earth".

05-22-2011, 06:59 AM
Hi Michelle .

What page do you have your pic on as theres 41 pages interesting tho. it'll take me at least 1 / 2 an hour to go through them. thats very fast for you to have people email or send a message , no matter what site or fourms im on youll allways know it's me both by name & pic. thought i'd let you know im there . there wont be any dateing thats for sure , oh well.


Amy Lynn3
05-22-2011, 08:00 AM
I am on both those sites and have been on dated from both sites. I present as male on both, but the OP has given me an idea about putting up another profile, dressed as Amy. Thanks for sharing.

Elsa Larson
05-22-2011, 08:02 AM
I'm on OKCupid as BBWElsa. Listed as Female - Bisexual. The details of the profile explain that I am MTF bi-gendered. I sometimes initiate messages to interesting men & women. Everyone has been polite. Most of the men are too shy to express interest (although some return to read my profile over and over). I have corresponded with some nice women and two are now on my Facebook friends (I'm male on FB).

05-22-2011, 09:00 AM
What? Like eharmony?

or cdHarmony? .

05-22-2011, 10:31 AM
I have not used an internet dating site. I am afraid of what type of people lurk there. That being said, I started dating again after 15 years and have found enough of both men and women to last me a life time. Of course, I had SRS years ago and identify as a woman. Anyhow, It is not so much how you present, it is who you are that seems to draw interest from what I have found.

05-22-2011, 01:27 PM
I have not used an internet dating site. I am afraid of what type of people lurk there. That being said, I started dating again after 15 years and have found enough of both men and women to last me a life time. Of course, I had SRS years ago and identify as a woman. Anyhow, It is not so much how you present, it is who you are that seems to draw interest from what I have found.

No reason to be afraid. They are just like you.

Hi Michelle .

What page do you have your pic on as theres 41 pages interesting tho. it'll take me at least 1 / 2 an hour to go through them. thats very fast for you to have people email or send a message , no matter what site or fourms im on youll allways know it's me both by name & pic. thought i'd let you know im there . there wont be any dateing thats for sure , oh well.


I have 2 profiles on plenty of fish.

The first one is using a male photo along with a picture of my cat. I have had several responses but none of them went anywhere. I contacted one woman there and told her I was a cd'er on our first date, but there was no chemistry. We just never clicked and seemed to take what each other said out of context. While she had no problem going anywhere with me it just wasn't a connection that I wanted to pursue.
The second profile is also a male seeking a woman but this one uses a photo of Michelle. I list that I am a cd'er. I also state that you get a boyfriend and girlfriend in the same deal with me. I have had 5 responses in 8 days on plenty of fish for this account. The most recent one was a flight attentant from NYC who comes to Denver frequently. She wants to hang out and be friends. She even said that she would go out with me either crossdressed or not.
The point is that you can be yourself and have people accept you. I have a friend in the Springs who has pushed me to introduce the women to Michelle first. I finally did it and the effects are more than expected. I go out on Fridays at Santa Fe Tavern in Denver for karaoke. I have gone everytime as Michelle until this last week and I have found women to be totally accepting. So much so that I have been given phone #'s by several women or asked for my phone #. The point is that being myself attracts women in ways that you can't as a guy. I don't understand it but I have seen the difference. Going out as Michelle in many ways is the best way to meet women.

05-23-2011, 01:16 AM
I have had a ad on Plenty of Fish for about a month now in the man for man section titled as a cd with pictures of both in male mode and Marina mode. And all I have gotten so far is men who tell me how sexy I am and want to meet me for sex at a hotel after one or two emails. Ahhhh NOT going to happen. Didnt get to 58 by being stupid. lol

Jordana Divinorum
05-23-2011, 02:15 PM
AKAMichelle: Your story is very inspirational. I haven't mentioned anything about crossdressing on my POF profile. Have you gotten any dates from the phone numbers you collected?

05-23-2011, 03:50 PM
I have some admittedly out-of-date perspective: My current partner (wife) and I met on a dating site quite some time ago. My profile didn't mention dressing directly, but provided clues. I believe I told her on the 2nd date, if not the first; I believe in full disclosure soon after meeting. Long story short, we figured we would simply be friends. That morphed to 'friends with benefits' and then into our being married a few years ago. So it is possible to meet a soulmate online, and it is possible to meet someone accepting/supportive of dressing. I certainly wish the best to those on dating sites now! Being yourself, and liking yourself for who you are, can help; a positive attitude goes a long way... :)

05-23-2011, 09:49 PM
The dating sites I'm on won't accept ladies pics if u r a male!

I hate to "carp" Michelle, but I'm NOT quite desperate enuff to date FISH yet!

05-24-2011, 11:26 AM
AKAMichelle: Your story is very inspirational. I haven't mentioned anything about crossdressing on my POF profile. Have you gotten any dates from the phone numbers you collected?

I have one coming up with a woman that I met there.

The dating sites I'm on won't accept ladies pics if u r a male!

I hate to "carp" Michelle, but I'm NOT quite desperate enuff to date FISH yet!

It isn't about being desparate. I have met women on eharmony / match / yahoo / zoosk. These women didn't know about my cd'ing before we met, but they were accepting and went out with me and oftentimes as Michelle as well. Plenty of fish did allow me the chance to conduct this experiment. I have no idea how it will turn out. I am enjoying the journey too much right now to care.

P.S. POF did allow me to check off an item that has been on my bucket list since I was in my 20's. I am going on a date next week with a flight attendant. CHECK!!! <LOL>

Jordana Divinorum
05-24-2011, 01:49 PM
AKAMichelle: That's awesome. I had two dates from Plenty of Fish last weekend, but they weren't what I was hoping for. I'm kinda at the point in my life right now where I'm not sure how to present myself. I have my own band, and I wear skirts on stage, and I try to raise awareness about all types of discrimination. I'm taking a bit of a break from playing concerts to work on my album though.
Sometimes I think maybe it would have been easier to get girlfriends or meet people if I was a little more "normal". I often think maybe I've missed out on being included in new social circles and dates with women because I'm a little bit outside of the social norms. Sometimes I even wonder if I should be marketing my music more conservatively to make it more accessible to the public. Also, it was easier to find dates when I was playing a lot of concerts, I suppose because I was doing something exciting and women like being part of something that's fun. Anyway, I'm not really sure what i'm trying to say. Somewhere along the way, I've lost my confidence and I'm not sure what direction I see my life going in. Sometimes I think I should change who I am because I like fitting in and being around people, but I also want to be accepted for who I am. I'm finding meeting new people, especially women extremely difficult now. Good luck with your dates eh. :O)

Jordana Divinorum
05-25-2011, 01:55 PM
I have one coming up with a woman that I met there.

It isn't about being desparate. I have met women on eharmony / match / yahoo / zoosk. These women didn't know about my cd'ing before we met, but they were accepting and went out with me and oftentimes as Michelle as well. Plenty of fish did allow me the chance to conduct this experiment. I have no idea how it will turn out. I am enjoying the journey too much right now to care.

P.S. POF did allow me to check off an item that has been on my bucket list since I was in my 20's. I am going on a date next week with a flight attendant. CHECK!!! <LOL>

You'll have to let us know how it goes :P Sorry for hijacking your thread by the way. I just find myself in similiar situations sometimes. Do you find you have more or less success by being upfront about crossdressing in the dating community?

05-25-2011, 06:28 PM
You'll have to let us know how it goes :P Sorry for hijacking your thread by the way. I just find myself in similiar situations sometimes. Do you find you have more or less success by being upfront about crossdressing in the dating community?

Definitely more success. It is weird because I sometimes feel that I do much better finding women as Michelle.

Jordana Divinorum
05-25-2011, 07:56 PM
Definitely more success. It is weird because I sometimes feel that I do much better finding women as Michelle.

Awesome. That's kinda unexpected. I kinda thought you would have less success as a crossdresser on a dating site. I have a profile on POF but I never mention crossdressing. What made you decide to go "all out"? Have you ever met women that were turned off or disappointed when they found out you enjoyed crossdressing?

05-25-2011, 08:01 PM
I believe honesty is best as soon as possible. I have dated men and women but they all know in advance that Brenda is packing!

05-25-2011, 08:18 PM
Awesome. That's kinda unexpected. I kinda thought you would have less success as a crossdresser on a dating site. I have a profile on POF but I never mention crossdressing. What made you decide to go "all out"? Have you ever met women that were turned off or disappointed when they found out you enjoyed crossdressing?

I have the best success rate when I can meet a woman in person. Then I am able to show the woman the inside of my being. I think the real difference is that I am extremely comfortable in my skin. That allows me to show them confidence and happiness which attracts women. But I have met women from my male profile and then told them that I was a cd'er. Most of those women accepted and even went out with me dressed.

There are some women who just don't like it and want nothing to do with it, but I haven't met them yet. I have met the women who realize how out I am and worry about the fact that I may want to live full time as a girl. For the most part I have found cd'ing to help with my dating life, but who knows for sure. All I know is that I am having a lot of fun.

05-25-2011, 08:49 PM
Michelle, I'm in your age bracket. I'm happily in a relationship with my SO and I'm not looking, but I do have single girlfriends who say there just aren't that many good prospects out there for women in their 40s & 50s. So .. it makes sense that women would go for someone who is confident, energetic, and successful. :) Also, if a woman like me has been in a long term marriage that didn't work out, she might have learned what is and is not important in relationships and she might have figured out that it's not a big deal is someone likes to CD? I should think there might be a bigger concern about the CDing if a woman is in the child bearing ages than otherwise, so I just wonder if there might be wider fluctuations in open-mindedness among different age groups, and also among the different socio-economic circles that people move in. Some parts of the country may be more open to flexible gender boundaries than others, or maybe it is just easier in urban areas since there is such a large pool of dating prospects?

But, whatever are the reasons, it is happening for you so congratulations! :)

Beth Wilde
05-26-2011, 05:08 AM
I was so intrigued by this thread that I created a profile for myself on POF. Being a gay man, I put it in male for male but with only Beth's pictures. Left it for 24 hours and came back to nearly 3 pages of mail!! Oddly, almost all of it is from guys listing as straight males and normally starts with "I've never met a TV but....." or "I have always wanted to try....". I've added a few terms and conditions to my profile, stated that there are 2 sides to me and you need to accept them both, and prevented people with no pic from mailing me. The interest is still high so hoping that finally I can find someone long term for me.....
I'll keep you informed!