Quote Originally Posted by sterling12 View Post
Might I suggest that instead of a direct dialog, you write down your thoughts and give him the letter. Then, give him a chance to digest the information and think things through. Often, the male part of him wants to "retreat into his den," when he's working on a big problem like this. Women often believe it's better to "talk it out, often immediately."
Sorry to make this addition, but Joannie's post apparently came in while I was writing mine. Her post gives you another option -- and I'd like to see you consider all options. Maybe, for example, you could give him the present I suggested with a note saying what you initially said. There are many ways to go about this. My initial reaction is that if I was in a situation like you and your husband have, I would love the present and the words, written or spoken. You know him better than us, so the final decision is yours. Personally I'd opt for the present and the spoken sentiment. There are merits to both ways.