Threads will be locked when the date of the event has come to pass and will be deleted within one week of being locked.
If you wish to post an additional comment in a thread that has already been closed, please contact the mod.
Any event may be listed here, not only events directly related to crossdressing. All we ask is that you only post about an event that is welcoming to crossdressers, transsexuals, etc.
Please place the name of the town or city and the date of the event in the thread title or it WILL be deleted
If a thread is merely inquiring about possible events, it (the thread) will be deleted.
ALSO unless a time and location is posted the thread will be deleted.
If the post is only inquiring if anyone is going....IT WILL BE DELETED....This section is for giving details about upcoming events Dates, location and what the event is.
Any regularly (e.g.- monthly) scheduled events threads that have not been posted to or updated in 3 months will be removed. Members are always free to start a new thread, however.
Please post directions,address ,times and or any links that will be helpful for our members to attend.