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Thread: Shake Down Cruise

  1. #1
    Member Missy Anne's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Shake Down Cruise

    Hi all,

    Since plans have gelled for making tomorrow our day for the long planned first cruise of the mall en femme, Mrs. Missy and I decided that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get ready as though we were going, and drive around our local area to see if any issues would come up that we had not thought about. So since we were basically alone today and knew the roads would be empty on Christmas day, we spent the best part of the morning getting ready. We never really did resolve the eye makeup issues but we were running out of time, so we decided to soft-pedal the eyes, use heavy mascara, a little bit of liner and call it quits until we could practice more, and maybe get another makeover.

    The morning went like a blur and around 12:30 we said, “Lets go!” Mrs. Missy was to drive. I went to the passenger’s door and…oops! Can’t get into a car that way with a straight skirt. The first burp and we haven’t even opened the garage door yet! I knew how to do it, I just instinctively tried it the other way. As I was swinging my feet in the proper way, they hit the door and one shoe almost came off. Dang again! Oh well. Our biggest worry now is, if we’re driving out of the driveway and get a surprise visitor…we’re trapped!

    The next plan was to drive to the post office and my assignment was to get out, go inside the post office and mail some letters. We arrived at the post office and as I went to swing my legs out, they got wrapped up in the strap of my handbag, which was on the floor near my feet. Dang again! Anyway, I got out, went up the steps, walked through the post office door and into the history books. It all went well, felt very natural and I returned to the car without incident, remembering how to get in gracefully this time. Then we decided for practice, that we would do the same thing at four other post offices in the area. Unfortunately it was beginning to rain, and I was only able to do one more post office visit. So we drove around for about an hour, just getting comfortable with the feeling, and then it hit me – pictures! How stupid of me! I forgot the camera! I would never hear the end of it from my friends on the forum, if I didn’t document my momentous occasion. Besides, I wanted some for myself in case I ever doubted that I really did this. And maybe someday the kids will stumble across them and realize that Dad wasn’t quite as stuffy as they thought after all.

    So, back to the house, got the camera and by this time, it was way too wet to put my new 3” heels on the ground. So we went to a banquet hall where they have an overhang and Mrs. Missy took a movie of me getting out of the car, walking up to the door, looking through the hall door and walking back to the car. Then we decided we really should have a souvenir movie from the first post office, so we went back there, parked real close to the overhang to avoid most of the rain and I again went in and out to record the event for posterity.

    I would like to post the movie, but I have no idea how to do it. If any of you know an easy way, I’ll be glad to do it.

    When we returned home, we took a few pictures and so here’s what I looked like on Missy Anne’s Wild Ride.

    Barring any unforeseen circumstances, tomorrow is Mall Day………..

    Missy Anne

    DSCN1155_cropped (Large).jpg

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  2. #2
    Unofficial CD Mom Holly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    In between states.
    Anne, I'd say you're all set! That's a great outfit, BUT maybe a tad dressy for the day after Christmas at the mall. You and Mrs. Missy (love that name) have a wonderful day!
    Fulltime girl on the inside.


  3. #3
    Silver Member Amy Hepker's Avatar
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    St. Petersburg, FL
    Sounds to me that you are getting broke into the real world of womanhood and wearing skirts and dresses. There really is more to it. The first time I drove enfemm, I found it hard to stay on the seat while driving a stick and wearing a Polyester Dress with a slip and satin panties. WEEEEE!
    Ladies have a GREAT time!
    Smile GOD LOVES you!!!
    AMY Hepker

    I'LL BE ME

  4. #4
    Enjoying Life marie354's Avatar
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    Ocean City, Maryland
    You look so natural.
    Sounds like you had fun.
    I'll be doing my first outing sometime next month.
    I'm not sure how to do the movie... You may have to upload it to Yahoo or something and put a link to it here.
    Hope you have fun shopping at the mall!

  5. #5
    Banned Read only Calliope's Avatar
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    Twin Oaks
    Lookin' great!

  6. #6
    Gold Member MJ's Avatar
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    Hamilton ,Ontario (British/Canadian)
    way to go . congrats on your trip out see it was not so bad was it. i look forward to reading more

  7. #7
    Junior Response Associate Cheryl GG's Avatar
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    My Own Little World
    I am so thrilled that you did it...and that you got video and photos....gotta tell the them....granted I agree that that outfit is a tad dressy for the day after Christmas at the mall...but if you feel comfortable in it...then go with it....congratulations.....let us know how it goes at the mall....-Cheryl

    ~No one can make you feel inferior without your consent - Eleanor Roosevelt [/SIZE]

  8. #8
    Platinum Member Shelly Preston's Avatar
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    Aug 2005

    What an outfit as some have said it may be a little dressy but it looks

    Judging by the pics you going to get viewed as a GG

    Thanks for sharing your adventure with us

    Super Moderator....How to tell your partner......Abbreviations

  9. #9
    Member Missy Anne's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    Hi to all - Holly, Amy, Marie, Daytripper, MJ, Cheryl, Shelly...

    Thank you for your nice replies. A girls loves to hear that, after spending hours getting ready.

    Holly, CherylGG and Shelly - The outfit would be a little dressy for most malls, but we're going to one that's pretty upscale, with stores such as Bloomingdales, Neiman Marcus, Nordstroms, etc., and we've noticed that my outfit is commonly seen there. Mrs. Missy is going to wear an equivalent outfit (with pants, of course), so we think we will blend in well. It is also my basic style preference so I will feel more comfortable in it.

    AmyWannabe - That's really funny, thinking about you sliding on the seat while shifting gears. It's one of those unforseen circumstances that we hoped to smoke out on the "Shake Down Cruise".

    Marie - Good luck on your first outing. Where are you going? I'm going to look into "YouTube" for the video. I'm not sure my format is usable there.

    MJ - Looks like you've been out quite a bit and you certainly are passable! And you're right, it was not as bad as I thought, just a lot of pressure getting up the nerve for the first one.

    Cheryl - We love the shoes too. It took a long time to find that style in my size.

    Shelly - Hopefully I will be viewed as a GG, as long as I don't have to speak or show my hands! Mrs. Missy says she thinks I'm passable and also that no one I know would recognize me.

    Thanks again!

    Missy Anne


    From Mrs. Missy - a note to anyone who may be considering this...

    I don't believe that anyone will recognize me, either. We got our first wig for Missy Anne, and it didn't fit properly or look quite right on her. So, I took it! We both think it looks pretty good on me and that it makes me look like a different person. When Missy Anne first saw it on me, she was floored at how I did not look like myself. I think this wig has helped to give me the confidence that I needed to go out with Missy Anne and have a pretty good feeling that we will, hopefully, just blend into the crazy, post-Christmas mass of shoppers!


    Missy Anne's GG

  10. #10
    Gold Member TxKimberly's Avatar
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    Austin Texas area
    Quote Originally Posted by Missy Anne View Post
    Hi all,

    Since plans have gelled for making tomorrow our day for the long planned first cruise of the mall en femme, Mrs. Missy and I decided that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get ready as though we were going, and drive around our local area to see if any issues would come up that we had not thought about. So since we were basically alone today and knew the roads would be empty on Christmas day, we spent the best part of the morning getting ready. We never really did resolve the eye makeup issues but we were running out of time, so we decided to soft-pedal the eyes, use heavy mascara, a little bit of liner and call it quits until we could practice more, and maybe get another makeover.

    The morning went like a blur and around 12:30 we said, “Lets go!” Mrs. Missy was to drive. I went to the passenger’s door and…oops! Can’t get into a car that way with a straight skirt. The first burp and we haven’t even opened the garage door yet! I knew how to do it, I just instinctively tried it the other way. As I was swinging my feet in the proper way, they hit the door and one shoe almost came off. Dang again! Oh well. Our biggest worry now is, if we’re driving out of the driveway and get a surprise visitor…we’re trapped!

    The next plan was to drive to the post office and my assignment was to get out, go inside the post office and mail some letters. We arrived at the post office and as I went to swing my legs out, they got wrapped up in the strap of my handbag, which was on the floor near my feet. Dang again! Anyway, I got out, went up the steps, walked through the post office door and into the history books. It all went well, felt very natural and I returned to the car without incident, remembering how to get in gracefully this time. Then we decided for practice, that we would do the same thing at four other post offices in the area. Unfortunately it was beginning to rain, and I was only able to do one more post office visit. So we drove around for about an hour, just getting comfortable with the feeling, and then it hit me – pictures! How stupid of me! I forgot the camera! I would never hear the end of it from my friends on the forum, if I didn’t document my momentous occasion. Besides, I wanted some for myself in case I ever doubted that I really did this. And maybe someday the kids will stumble across them and realize that Dad wasn’t quite as stuffy as they thought after all.

    So, back to the house, got the camera and by this time, it was way too wet to put my new 3” heels on the ground. So we went to a banquet hall where they have an overhang and Mrs. Missy took a movie of me getting out of the car, walking up to the door, looking through the hall door and walking back to the car. Then we decided we really should have a souvenir movie from the first post office, so we went back there, parked real close to the overhang to avoid most of the rain and I again went in and out to record the event for posterity.

    I would like to post the movie, but I have no idea how to do it. If any of you know an easy way, I’ll be glad to do it.

    When we returned home, we took a few pictures and so here’s what I looked like on Missy Anne’s Wild Ride.

    Barring any unforeseen circumstances, tomorrow is Mall Day………..

    Missy Anne

    DSCN1155_cropped (Large).jpg

    DSCN1159_cropped (Large).jpg

    DSCN1164_cropped (Large).jpg

    It sounds a little lame but - "You go girl"!
    I have only recently started doing a few "normal" things and it's a rush!

  11. #11
    Member Alaceann's Avatar
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    W. Mass.
    Love the outfit. You look great also, hope you have a good time at the mall.

  12. #12
    Member Missy Anne's Avatar
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    Thanks Kim and Alaceann for the compliments and encouragement. It certainly could be described as a real rush!

    Missy Anne

  13. #13
    Hugging the Kurves! RobertaFermina's Avatar
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    Dear Missy Anne,

    Brilliant of you to have a shakedown cruise ! And you look wonderful. Delicate touch with the Pink Turtle upon a canvas of Feminine Sensibility!

    Enjoy the Waves of Emotion in your mall crawl.

    I remember the first times I emerged from my car into public space in a mix of joy and fear - it all added up to excitement, as I kept stepping forward.

    Your emotions will be all yours - may there be thrills, and triumph - and many beautiful memories !

    My heart is right beside you and your wonderful wife!



  14. #14
    Mild-mannered member Marla GG's Avatar
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    Missy Anne, I am so proud of you! I think a trip to the post office is a perfect, low-stress first outing. You look great and I predict you'll have a wonderful time at the mall.

    Tell your wife that I know EXACTLY how she feels in that wig! I love wearing them, not so much to hide my identity but just because it seems to make me feel extra confident and outgoing when I look like somebody else. She is one cool lady.

    Oh and one more thing: it made me giggle when you said "Mrs. Missy is going to wear an equivalent outfit (with pants, of course)." Of course! When I wear a skirt, Angel sometimes jokes that I am breaking the GG dress code. It's funny when we go out with a group of CDs and I am the only girl wearing trousers.

    Best of luck to you, and be sure to come back and tell us all about it.....

    Love, Marla xx

    And if the people stare
    Then the people stare
    Oh, I really don't know and I really don't care....

    --The Smiths

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Your adventure

    Dear Missy
    Take it from the resident admirer....You look just wonderful and NATURAL. I adore the "professional" look that you project and it will do just fine. I have a CD friend who enjoys the now and then adventure to the mall in fem and when I am with "her", its just a blast for both of us. The thrill on her face to just be out and about and blending in is just over the top. I have been told by her that there is nothing that can compare to the feel, the excitement and the thrill of just being a women among women. Wish I were going with you. Looking forward to seeing your movie and hearing more about your experiences after going for the "real" mall trip.

  16. #16
    Whew, much cooler!! KrazyKat's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    Wow, Missy Anne, you look awesome, what great taste in the whole ensemble!!

    Mrs. Missy, what a great tip, gg wearing a wig if timid, it does make you look quite a bit different!!

    Hoping you had a wonderful time!!

    Cuddling with my spouse of 18 yrs., GypsyKaren makes me Happy!!

  17. #17
    Member Lori SC's Avatar
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    Greenville, SC
    You are looking great. Most of us do little minor outing like you described before we try the mall. After all, the mall is the big time - no place to hide there.

    LOL, love the little mis-adventures, but these happen all the time. Like can anyone tell me who to gracefully get into the back seat of an 8 passenger minivan? I'd love to know.....

    Hugs, Lori

  18. #18
    Member Kimkandy's Avatar
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    You look great, I luv the outfit... hope there's some sales on at the mall so our get bang for your bucks... wish I had a sexy GG to go shopping with, anyway enjoy and Merry Christmas.



  19. #19
    Senior Member Sabrina Flowers's Avatar
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    Dorset England
    I think you look great Missy Anne and a nice story of your outing to go with the pics.
    What matters most is how you see yourself.

  20. #20
    Member Missy Anne's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    Hi again everyone and thanks for more nice replies.

    Roberta - Thanks for your eloquent note.

    Jerry - The professional look is my favorite.

    Lori - The mall is definitely "big time" and I certainly can't hide in the men's room! I was thinking about your question about getting into an eight passenger minivan. I have not come up with anything yet.

    Kim - Thanks. It's definitely sale time!

    Sabrina - Thanks and glad you enjoyed the story.

    Marla - Thank you. Here's Mrs. Missy...
    Hi Marla - I love my wig! I almost feel like a fly on the wall, or invisible! It is so cool (and I don't mean temperature wise)! I do feel so much more confident, especially in this high-pressure "will my deodorant fail me?" environment! I decided to wear pants because I thought it might be less conspicuous if only one of us was seen wearing the (visible) pants in the family!

    Kat - Thank you for your compliments. Here's Mrs. Missy...
    Hi Kat - I really felt like a totally different person in the wig. It's really a strange, yet great feeling! And to think it is all because of a little 'ole head of synthetic hair!

    We've been to the mall and we're going back tomorrow for another makeover with our now favorite MAC makeup artist. A full report will follow by the weekend.

    Best regards and hugs,

    Missy Anne and
    Mrs. Missy (Missy Anne's GG)

  21. #21
    Senior Member DeniseNJ's Avatar
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    I am so enveous of all .. Someday Someday!! You look great Missy nice heels

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