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Thread: Outed by a Microwave oven

  1. #1
    New "old" girl Suzie Petersen's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    I am lost, and I like it. Don't find me!

    Outed by a Microwave oven

    Who had that on their list of potential dangers? I sure didn't!

    So here is the story, intertwined with a bit of a going out story too, just for good measure.

    To set the stage, this morning I woke up in girl mode as I have been for the last 6 weeks. I have shared elsewhere how I am basically living 24/7 as a woman, more accurately, dressing as a woman. This includes sleeping with my forms in my bra, even sometimes glued on, with long hair installed with glue so it doesn't just come off, and I even most nights go to bed with my makeup on to not have to see the "guy" in the mirror in the morning. I clean it off and re-apply it in the morning during my morning routine.
    I have been staying inside because none of our neighbors knows anything about me being transgender, and I would rather they do not find out right now.

    So this morning I woke up and really felt like going for a walk/hike. The house borders a powerline easement right behind us, and we have dense forest on the property itself. The neighbors on both sides have one or more family members at home all day, but the trees and the layout mostly prevents them from seeing clearly what is going on in the backyard.
    So, I took the chance, dressed up in some workout attire, 3/4 leggings with a dark burgundy pattern, a long'ish gray sleeveless top with a deep V-cut front, white trainers.
    Bra, Forms, Hip and Butt padding, accentuated by the tight leggings. My long straight dirty blonde hair split in to a mid ponytail and the rest hanging loose down over my shoulders.
    Did my makeup incl lashes, put on a white ball cap and pulled the ponytail out through opening in the back, a look I really like on women, grabbed my phone and a set of wired earbuds.

    All this getting dressed story becomes important in a minute, so hang tigth.

    I left the house through the backyard and started my walk. It is a nice green area back there, very wide with tall trees lining the edges and the neighborhood properties visible through the woods. Many of the homes have decks and windows facing the easement.
    It was a beautiful day today, sun shining and at 9am the temperature was manageable. This is Georgie, so the days get hot and humid, but today was nice.

    I walked/hiked about 2 miles out to the main road and back, crossing the neighborhood road several times, and even walking along the road for a stretch. Lots of cars coming and going. I really enjoyed just being out of the house for a little bit.

    I even had a lovely moment with a Whitetail Doe that came out into the clearing and stood there for a moment, looking at me. I got a few nice pictures and really enjoyed the little moment with nature.

    So here it comes:
    When I got back, I heard a beeping sound out front, sounded like a truck backing up, but too consistent. I looked out but didn't see anything and thought it odd.
    I started making my coffee and kept wondering about the beeping.
    Finally got curious enough to open the front door a little and now I could hear it was coming from our RV sitting in the driveway! Hmmmm ... it sounded like an alarm from inside the RV! Not good at all!

    I am standing there in the door, in full on girl mode, with hair that is glued on and cannot quickly be removed, I cant really put a big hat on in May in Georgia in 70F weather. I know that there are people at home in both the immediate neighboring houses. We are at the end of a cul-de-sac so the front door and driveway is fully visible from the next 4-6 houses down the road on both sides too, I know there are people at home in several. Most of these people have known me for years, and they know my wife.

    Well, alarm is going off so I have to act. I get my keys and enter through the drivers door, climb in and sure enough, it is the fire alarm! I get into the back of the RV and there is smoke and the smell of electric fire! Definitely not good!
    I see no fire and the smoke is minimal and not pouring out from anywhere, just hanging in the air. There is some soot particles on the counter top and the floor. What the He.. is going on here?
    I turn off all electrical circuits, jump out and disconnect the shore power cable from the house. Back inside and get the alarms silenced, and get some windows opened.
    I check a few obvious things but nothing reveals what the issue might be.

    At this point I realize that I need to do some more serious trouble shooting, and I am in real danger of being totally outed if I continue this in girl mode.

    So I leave the RV and walk back to the house, again in full view with my girly outfit and my long flowing hair for all to see.

    Back in the house I do an emergency gender presentation change, the fastest I have done in years, take a shower to get most of the glue off my head, and get in to some guy clothes. I get back out there, now with little glue gummy stickies all over me!

    So after some trouble shooting, I finally open the microwave door, just to find it totally black and sooty inside! The glass tray is cracked in several pieces and the bacon frying tray on top of it is kinda' melted. Never seen anything like it.
    So clearly there was a fire inside the microwave oven! The RV has been parked since Friday evening, today is Monday, I have not cooked anything in the microwave the last couple of months, and there is no reason why it should have turned on by itself ... but apparently it did!

    This likely happened overnight or early morning, and while it is a shame about the oven being destroyed, the potential catastrophe that could have unfolded is almost unimaginable. RV on fire, house catching on fire, and so on.
    I could have been woken up by the fire fighters and/or the neighbors, all in my girly'est, and would have just had to face the consequences of all that.
    None of that happened fortunately, but I did have to run around outside in the driveway, unmistakably dressed as a woman with long hair, makeup, girly clothes, the works, to be seen by anybody paying attention. I know one neighbor works from home and has his office basically facing our driveway, so it is highly likely that he saw me. He usually dont miss much.
    We'll see if anything is said over the next few days.

    Oh well, you heard from Helen earlier that she got outed by a Memory stick / Flashdrive. but now you know that this devious act can also be performed by an innocent Microwave Oven.
    Don't trust your appliances, they cannot keep a secret!

    Other than that, it has been a lovely day here!

    - Suzie

  2. #2
    Silver Member Sandi Beech's Avatar
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    Gee, that is pretty scary. The fire potential that is , more so than the outing.

    Time to switch brands of microwave perhaps.


  3. #3
    Silver Member Maria 60's Avatar
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    That was a pretty intense day I would say and I'm glad to hear your RV and house didn't catch fire. I guess better to be outted then outted of a house. It's good that your safe.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Have never heard of a microwave just turning on by itself before.

  5. #5
    Platinum Member alwayshave's Avatar
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    Suzie, That is a weird happening. I'm glad you found the source of the problem.
    Last edited by alwayshave; 05-20-2024 at 08:39 PM.
    Please call me Jamie, I always_have crossdressed, I always will, "alwayshave".

  6. #6
    Platinum Member Crissy 107's Avatar
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    Suzie, Damn too bad. I know I would have been in a major panic mode. Good that it did not go further than the microwave.
    You will have to let us know what happens in the next few days. Good luck!

  7. #7
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    A bit south of the 49th!
    Yikes! That?s scary. Fortunate, tho that the microwave decided to cook itself during waking hours
    Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  8. #8
    New "old" girl Suzie Petersen's Avatar
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    I am lost, and I like it. Don't find me!
    Yes, it really was scary! And in the moment, I was a lot more worried about the potential ongoing fire than I was about me potentially getting seen, obviously.
    I was very lucky with this one for sure.

    Having reflected a little during the day, there is really not a lot you can do to prevent something like this from happening, other than thanking your lucky star a little more often. We surround ourselves with electronics and power tools all the time, and things fail every now and then. This could have happened at any moment, during driving, during the times where the RV is just sitting for weeks or months, just no telling. I could of course always unplug it, but it is not as simple as that, that requires removing the oven from the wall, 4 screws, nope, not happening. What about the microwave at your house? Are you going to pull the plug on that every time you are not using it, of course not.
    Sh.. happens, and we just have to hope it doesn't go all bad.

    As for me outing myself during the process, if that actually happened I am ready for it. In a way I would welcome it, I am so tired of hiding.

    Here are a few pictures from the day, good ones and bad ones.
    All in all I am not going to loose sleep over it, it was overall a good day.

    This evening I gave my nails a nice new coat of bright red polish, and I feel real good about that
    Attached Images Attached Images

  9. #9
    Aspiring Member Aka_Donna's Avatar
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    What was the microwave brand? Why was there food in it?

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member Philipa Jane's Avatar
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    Hey Suzi. No one is going to pick you out as anything other than female looking like that in the grey ball cap.
    Ha ha the microwave is rooted (Aussie slang for FOBAR).

    Philippa Jane

  11. #11
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Suzie, said that cars were coming and going in your neighborhood and u enjoyed that but were worried someone would see u jumping in or out of your FV? Sounds like u want to be outed to me!

    I had a serious talk with my microwave after reading your warning. Thank u!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  12. #12
    Gold Member bridget thronton's Avatar
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    G!ad you are Ok and the damage was limited to the microwave

  13. #13
    Senior Member
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    I wonder what your heart rate was during that fire drill talk about high intensity training! Your neighbors are still wondering who that pretty lady with the long blonde hair was.

  14. #14
    Connie Connie D50's Avatar
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    Suzie, first thank God the worse didn't happen. What a great outfit to do your trouble shooting in . Keep us posted on your neighbor's reaction if any. Connie

  15. #15
    New "old" girl Suzie Petersen's Avatar
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    I am lost, and I like it. Don't find me!
    Thank you for the comments and the concerns.
    Everything is still quiet on the Western Front, but we'll see what happens. The microwave is in the trash bin and a replacement will be on the way here shortly.

    Donna: What was the microwave brand? Why was there food in it?
    It was a Samsung, so not an off-brand thing. It was 22 years old, but never had an issue before.
    There was no food in it.

    Philippa: Hey Suzi. No one is going to pick you out as anything other than female looking like that in the grey ball cap.
    Ha ha the microwave is rooted (Aussie slang for FOBAR).
    Thank you, girl And thank you for the slang lesson too, had not heard the Rooted one before, but I certainly know what FOBAR is, and yes, this is it!

    Sherry: Suzie, said that cars were coming and going in your neighborhood and u enjoyed that but were worried someone would see u jumping in or out of your FV? Sounds like u want to be outed to me!
    A mile away from my house, just walking down the road, I don't see how that makes me wanting to be outed, Sherry.
    Running around in My driveway and getting into My RV, that is a slightly different matter. Now the dots are easy to connect. But no, that was also not a conscious attempt to get outed.

    Jill: I wonder what your heart rate was during that fire drill talk about high intensity training! Your neighbors are still wondering who that pretty lady with the long blonde hair was.
    I am pretty good with high stress situations and can typically stay very calm when the S... hits the F.., but I'm sure my heartrate made it up a little bit on that one


  16. #16
    Just can't help myself! Brenda456's Avatar
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    Now that was an unexpected adventure!

  17. #17
    Avatar: not me (I wish!) racquelr's Avatar
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    Yay! I was hoping you were going to post a pic of the deer.
    My wife and I go trail walking nearly every day and love seeing the animals in their natural habitat.

  18. #18
    Member Kitty S's Avatar
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    Nothing like a little excitement to get the heart going! I have thought about an emergency waking me up and needing to respond while in girl mode. We live remotely and fire is the number 1 worry. I also think how funny I would look racing outside to help the dogs with a bear or mountain lion in my cami and robe. Like you say if it happens it happens.

  19. #19
    New Member MarciMaybe's Avatar
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    I definitely worry about the "Emergency Scenario". Demanding my immediate attention, even if I am dressed in a skirt and heels.

  20. #20
    Member freeindress's Avatar
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    I hate those appliances and computers that stay connected in standby mode, and can be turned on by electromagnetic interference on the soft power circuitry or power glitch. Add circuit breakers or external switches everywhere !

  21. #21
    New "old" girl Suzie Petersen's Avatar
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    I am lost, and I like it. Don't find me!
    Well, this was a 22 year old Samsung microwave oven, installed in an RV, so as much of a techie as I am, I'm afraid this was just one step above the hand cranked model

    Racquel: Yay! I was hoping you were going to post a pic of the deer.
    My wife and I go trail walking nearly every day and love seeing the animals in their natural habitat.
    So glad you liked it Racquel! I love watching and photographing wildlife and we are lucky to have a lot around the house. I typically see deer every day, just looking out the windows, and of course lots of birds and every now and then a Racoon.

    Kitty and Marci, I am making an effort not to worry about things that "might" happen. You know the saying that 99% of the things I worry about, never happens! That's my philosophy. At least I try. If you worry about all the potential stuff that might go wrong, you will never rest.

  22. #22
    Avatar: not me (I wish!) racquelr's Avatar
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    We are lucky to have a lot of animals around our house too - regular visitors lately have been deer, foxes, coyote, raccoon, skunks (one that nearly all white except for a block spot on it's back), a fisher, and porcupine.
    We have a couple wildlife cams and there is some sort of animal in our yard at least every night.

    As for worrying, I try to be optimistic. My wife is a worrier, but not as bad as my mother-in-law. My father-in-law used to if she didn't have something to worry about, she'd be worried.

  23. #23
    Member Terrihoney's Avatar
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    I can see Chicago from my house
    Squatters were making breakfast, till you came home.
    Putting the 'Fun' back in dysfunctional.

  24. #24
    New "old" girl Suzie Petersen's Avatar
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    I am lost, and I like it. Don't find me!
    Well Terri, that would explain the extra clothes in the hamper!

    Raquel, That's great! cameras is a great way of finding out what is going on at night. Typically a lot more than you think!

  25. #25
    Senior Member Kris Burton's Avatar
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    Wow Suzie - glad you and everyone is OK. And I thought the only thing we had to worry about from a microwave was getting spied upon by the government.

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