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Thread: Wig shopping en femme....and more!

  1. #1
    Mild-mannered member Marla GG's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    Northern California

    Wig shopping en femme....and more!

    As some of you may remember, a week ago I made an appointment for us to visit a wig salon in our local area. Our hope was to find either a replica of Angel’s current style, or perhaps a new look. The exciting part was….we would be going with Angel en femme! Up until now, our only fully en femme outing involved a drive in the car and a brief walk in a parking lot at dusk. So this was to be Angel’s first time out in daylight, and interacting with other people, as a woman. What follows is an account of our experience that I wrote with Angel's help.

    It took us about an hour and a half to prepare Angel for our trip. We had already decided on an outfit that I felt was totally in keeping with what a woman would wear on a Saturday afternoon shopping trip. We paid careful attention to the details: makeup, jewelry, and shoes. I felt that Angel looked very “put together” and classy when we left.

    We were both a little nervous when we pulled into the parking lot, after a 20 minute car ride in 100 degree summer weather. I squeezed Angel’s hand and told her everything was going to be fine, and we walked to the entrance. As we approached, we could see that the salon was busy, perhaps because it was weekend. There were two sales assistants, several women trying on wigs, and a large family in the waiting area. As we entered, I said to the first sales associate we saw, “Hello, we’re here for our 1:00 appointment. Should we go on back?” She said to go ahead, and we made for the private, curtained area in the rear.

    We were welcomed by a friendly woman who introduced herself as Kristy. She shook my hand and asked me what my name was, then turned to Angel and asked, “And this is?” I replied using the female version of Angel’s birth name: “This is Richelle.” She smiled warmly and said, “Hi Richelle,” and we immediately felt at ease. She asked us what we were looking for, and we explained that we wanted to try some different medium-length styles in light auburn or golden brown, preferably with some waves or layering. She went out into the front and while she was selecting some wigs for Angel to try, I took this “before” photo.

    She came back holding two adorable wigs and said to Angel, “Are you ready?” Angel smiled and said yes, and she removed the old wig and carefully pulled one of the new ones onto Angel’s head. “Oh,” she exclaimed, “So cute!” And it was. She played with it a bit, combing and arranging it, and then she gave Angel a mirror so it was possible to see the sides and back. At that point I asked her, “So, how long have you been doing this?” “Oh, about five years,” she said. “I have so much fun. It’s like playing with Barbie dolls. Like today, I get to have fun with Richelle here in the chair!”

    We both liked that wig, but were eager to see some different styles too. The next wig Kristi put on Angel was lovely. It was a Raquel Welch monofilament wig called “Image.” I liked it straight away, but Angel was initially less enthusiastic about it. It was very different from the old wig, in both color and cut, and the look was a little outside Angel’s familiar comfort zone. We agreed to go back to it again after seeing a few more. Half an hour and five wigs later, Angel began to think differently about the “Image” wig. Kristi and I both told Angel how flattering it was, and that it was very age-appropriate and fashionable. At one point when Kristi left the room, I said to Angel, “You look so pretty….I would go anywhere with you looking like this, darling.” Angel’s mind seemed to be made up then. Kristi asked, “Would you like to wear it out?” Angel said, “Yes, please!” Before we left, Kristi kindly took this photo of us looking happy with our new purchase.

    Angel looked fabulous, and we felt on top of the world. Read on to find out what we were inspired to do next!
    Last edited by Marla GG; 07-24-2005 at 09:32 AM.

    And if the people stare
    Then the people stare
    Oh, I really don't know and I really don't care....

    --The Smiths

  2. #2
    Mild-mannered member Marla GG's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    Northern California

    Part 2.....

    Getting into the car, I turned to Angel and said, “So, how about we go to the mall and get you a purse?” Angel didn’t seem too sure about this and said in a nervous voice, “Errr……do you think we should?” “Sure!” I said, “C’mon!” I am telling you, Angel looked so terrific that I just had to go and show off my new girlfriend to the world. We drove to the nearby mall. Angel told me later that she felt her femme image was the best it had ever been. In the space of an hour, she had matured in her mind from her previous girlish self into an attractive, sophisticated, forty-something professional woman. I thought she was totally passable and would fit right in with the Saturday afternoon crowd of weekend shoppers and soccer moms.

    Almost as soon as we entered the mall, we found ourselves walking through a large sidewalk sale (bargain section) filled with teenaged girls, mothers, and children. Angel was nervous after all we had heard about teenaged girls being able to read crossdressers, but none of them even gave us a second glance. As we continued walking, the only stares we got were from men, and those felt to me exactly like the stares women get from men all the time. We headed into JC Penney and spent some time browsing for handbags and looking at shoes. Angel said she felt like “the invisible man”—no one could see the “man” at all. She thought to herself, “Wow, I am really passing.” It was an amazing feeling.

    We bought a nice black purse for Angel, and took our time walking back through the mall. At one point I walked ahead, turned around, and took this shot. Doesn’t Angel look like she belongs? Even the people walking past her don’t seem to notice anything odd.

    After our big adventure, we came home and celebrated with a glass of wine.

    Angel and I would both like to thank the members of this forum for giving us the courage to take this step. We may never have even considered it had we not read about the experiences of all you girls who continue to inspire us every day. From the bottom of our hearts…..

    Thank you!
    Last edited by Marla GG; 07-23-2005 at 11:38 PM.

    And if the people stare
    Then the people stare
    Oh, I really don't know and I really don't care....

    --The Smiths

  3. #3
    That's right, I did it Sharon's Avatar
    Join Date
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    near Philly suburbs
    Wow -- very cool, Marla! And you're right about the wig -- Angel looks wonderful!
    “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
    Marilyn Monroe

  4. #4
    Wife's best friend Jenny Beth's Avatar
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    Near Vancouver, Canada
    And they lived happily ever after! Great story, glad you two had so much fun. Now I'm itching to get out, it's been a while.

  5. #5
    Tristen Cox
    You two look very happy. And she looks like a kid in a candy store

  6. #6
    Silver Member Sherlyn's Avatar
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    South Eastern Ontario
    Cool Cooooool congrats you 2 ....only 1 glass of wine ..or did several corks pop after

  7. #7
    Member Stephanie Mancini's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    JUst fantastic, the pictures say it all with no explanation necessary, well done both of you

    [size=3]Le Bleu Angel[/size]

  8. #8
    Banned Read only
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    That is woderful and I love the pics.

  9. #9
    Member laurab323's Avatar
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    Jul 2005

    Good for You!

    The wig looks great. Marla great choice, Angel looks terrific. Sounds like a really fun day.

    Angel my heart was pumping just seeing you in the middle of the mall!!! I admire the courage it took to get out there and be seen. You look great!


  10. #10
    I'm so happy for the both of you, and it looked like a lot of fun. My wife is supportive of me, so I know how much it means to Angel that you're able to look past labels and love her for who she is. I think you're really great and Angel is lucky to have you.

  11. #11
    Gold Member Julie York's Avatar
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    I suppose you'd have to be a CD to appreciate it.....but that was more scary than a Stephen King novel. Will they get read? Will it all end in disaster?....Dan dan daaaaaah!

    I was adding my own background music in my head......"Shall we go to the mall?" (violins from Psycho.) " you think we should?"

    (Shouting at my monitor) Don't go!! Don't go!! There'll be teenage girls there!

    Excellent account Marla. And glad to hear it all ended happily because I've just chain smoked 3 cigs.
    Congrats to both of you.

  12. #12
    Jedi Penquin Stlalice's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Way to go !!!!

    Now that you have gone out and broken the ice you know how good it feels to just be YOU. As you go out more often it will get easier and the nervousness will go away. The biggest thing to remember is that you have every bit as much right to go out and shop, eat, go to a show, etc. as anyone else - and most people will be so wrapped up in their own affairs/business that they will pay you very little attention. As I've said in previous posts - if you dress to blend in and project an attitude of confidence people will accept you for what you appear to be. Remember that fear/nervoousness will show in you whole demeanor and people will pick up on it - and that is when they will give you trouble. Good going girl - and hang in there.
    And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

    -Anais Nin



  13. #13
    Aspiring Member Deelite's Avatar
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    Hampshire UK
    That is fantastic!!

    Well done Angel, to have the courage to do what you did, well the payoff is sooo worth it!!!!!

    Marla i wish all GG's could be like you, maybe one they will!

    I have said this before, but you two are so lucky having such an understanding relationship, i can only dream of what you have!

    Luv Dee.

  14. #14
    Administrator Tamara Croft's Avatar
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    Blimey.... what an adventure you both had The new wig looks more natural and totally suits Angels skin colour. It's amazing how much you dread going out for fear of what the general public is going to think and then you get out there and no one bats an eyelid. Let's hope your adventure inspires more couples to get out there and do what you did. Congrats to you both

    Missing my Libra babe Sherlyn, I hope she's rocking up there with the angels
    Missing our Rianna, doesn't seem right, gone to early, hope she's partying with Sherlyn

  15. #15
    Maturing Member JoAnnDallas's Avatar
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    Ladies... Congrads on the outing. I know haw scary it can be first time out.

    Angel... you were perfect. You looked so natural and relaxed. I know it did not feel that way at first. Your wig is perfect for your face. It looks very natural and complements your features.

    Can not wait for the next outing..

  16. #16
    ~ Bondage & Pantyhose ~ cosmolovesph's Avatar
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    Phoenix, AZ area...
    Sounds like Angel and Marla had a great time and the wig looks good on you!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Regarding the wig shopping photos

    I don't use wigs personally...

    However, I am impressed with the commentary, and photo sequences!

    Overall, the whole presentation provides a cheery visual ideal for married crossdressers to relate to...especially those deep in the "closet" (IMO).

    My compliments to the photographer(s?)...especially for the understated (but quite descriptive) professional quality overall.

    Last edited by Mx Justina; 07-24-2005 at 10:29 AM.

  18. #18
    Senior Member Deidra Cowen's Avatar
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    Way cool! Very nicely written and I love the pics. You two are great.

  19. #19
    WOW. I'm so sincerely happy for the both of you! All of your stories make me smile so big! I get so excited for you - my heart races when I imagine how Angel must have felt walking through the doors... into the shop... into the mall! Marla, your encouragement is such a gift! And you both seem so genuinely happy in your pictures - I'd love to hang out with you girls, you seem so wonderful!

    Good for you!

  20. #20
    Unofficial CD Mom Holly's Avatar
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    In between states.

    You Two...

    are just too much! What a delightfully inspiring account. And so glad you had the foresight to take a camera and the courage to use it!

    Angel, honey there is joy in your eyes. It's as if you have discovered a deeper truth about yourself and a greater understanding (and peace) about who you are.

    Marla, your willingness to encourage and inspire those around you to become all that they are is a trait I truely admire in you. You exemplify one of the traits of femininity I hold is highest esteem... placing the happiness of those you love above all else.

    Keep it up, girls... the sky is the limit!
    Fulltime girl on the inside.


  21. #21
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    Loved this post. The both of you look so happy. And Angel I love the new wig. Congrats to the both of you.
    If you are a Genetic Female (Female at Birth) and would like to join us in the F.A.B. Forum, please follow the link.

    F.A.B. Forum Access

    Sherlyn,My beautiful sweet girl
    You forever and always will be my one and only true love . ❤️


  22. #22
    The Truth Is Out There DanaJ's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Yeah, sure....where are the pix? Oh, I see them

    Seriously, Marla and Angel - fantastic story and what a great time you two must have had. Of course, I am majorly envious of you Angel


    P.S. Great wig too!!

  23. #23
    Aspiring Member Teddie's Avatar
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    :thanks: :kewlpics: :Power:


  24. #24
    Member Stacie Stockman's Avatar
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    Detroit, MI
    beautiful story and pics...

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Marla, your encouragement was just as important if not more so than the encouragement of those of us here. There's nothing quite like a supportive SO who's willing to do what you have done. You need to give yourself some credit too. I'm sure Angel appreciates this, maybe more than can be described in words. And that wig looks so natural on her!

    Thanks for sharing

    PS: I wore an age appropriate wig once and a GG friend of mine who's 31 read me the riot act! "You look like an old lady!" She and her other friends talked me into removing it and going with my own hair. One of them, who's a hair stylist, took me to the ladies bathroom armed with her tools of the trade and fixed me up as best she could. That was the last time I went age appropriate.

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