Quote Originally Posted by Jess View Post
At the end of the day I am not insulted, I am however frequently amused by the fact, that so many of you appear to need your heads removing from another part of your anatomy.

You may wear that which is deemed by society to be female clothing, but never ever will you ever come close to being. It has taken generations upon generations for us to evolve into what we are today, patterns handed down through generations of genes, and so you remain (CD's) males wearing dresses with not a clue.

Now this is just my from my side of the fence
So Jess has a clue.

Unfortunately, I read few others who do.

Listen up. Being a woman has NOTHING to do with clothing. Being feminine has NOTHING to do with clothing.

When you put on a dress, it does not make you feminine. It makes you a man in a dress. That's what CDing is all about. This is a CDing forum. CDing means wearing the clothes of the oposite sex. This is perfectly OK. And as I said earlier, many women actually find that endearing and kinda cute.

BUT, trying to say you are more feminine, just because you put on a dress (and everything else that goes with it), IS insulting to women. There is NOTHING inherently FEMININE about wearing a dress. Women are feminine when they are NAKED for goodness sake.

Being a woman is not easy. You have to deal with lower pay, expectations of running a household AND working, expectations of attractiveness, not being listened to, and sexual harassment EVERYWHERE you go, just to name a few. Having your man say he is becoming more feminine by putting on a dress can easily be viewed as insulting to women. The clothing is SUCH a small part of womenhood as to be ludicrous.

Start with being more empathetic, more nurturing, more helpfull, more kind, more understanding, gentler, nicer, softer, more friendly, and considerate. Start by remembering birthdays, wipe noses, change diapers, fold clothes, cook dinner, clean the house, buy your own damn clothes, and then go off to work for less money.

There is NOTHING wong with wanting to wear a dress. It can be a lot of fun. That's not what is insulting. What is insulting, is trying to claim some aspect of femininity and womanhood by dressing up in our clothes.
