Since we are not really GGs, and we seek to imitate, I was curious what everyone's role models were? If there was never a person that you wanted to emulate, that's fine...just describe the look you were after. If there were more than one...go ahead and spill it honey!! We are all listening!

Personally, for me...

It was always usually rock stars and actresses.

In the 70s, when I was young, I wanted to look like Linda Blair (not the possessed version mind you)

As I got older, in the early 80s, I wanted to look like Nancy Allen from Dressed to Kill. Then later in the 80s, I wanted to look like Lita Ford!!

In the early 90s, I wanted to emulate the look of Mortisha Adamms, for the original Adamms Family...don't ask why...I have no idea. In the late 90s, I think I became infatuated with the look of Tiffany Amber Thiessen.

Now days, I am really fond of the look of Siouxie Sioux from Siouxie and the Banshees, as well as many of the goth girls I see.

Heck, I would settle for looking like Lindsay Lohan at this point (sans the house arrest ankle bracelet)
