Hi - I'm brand new here. Lifelong 55 year old cd. About 10 days ago I got a call at work - it was my wife saying. "I'm sitting here looking at a picture of you in drag. Would you like to explain this?" I think you all know how I felt. OMG the blood left my face. I rushed home and spilled all to her. Told her how much I wanted to tell her - that I'm not gay that its been all my life etc etc. She FREAKED and withdrew. Later she came and said she thought could deal with it but the vision of me in drag was a huge turn off. She said - As long as this is not every weekend and never happens in from of the kids, I can deal with it. She agreed to a counselling session and we went to my gender therapist in Providence and it was such a relief. We negotiated permission for me to attend a cd support meeting and started talking about letting me go to Southern Comfort. Now I feel scared to bring it up again - tthe subject has gone cold - ice cold and she has no interest in me as a sex partner. ( My newly shaved legs really really disgust and upset her) - We have gone to lunch together and shopping (for her) and had wine and she said - "You know - you have always been my best girlfriend" I think I'm lucky but I long for more from her. God grant me patientce and all of you here please tell me your story and give me advice.