Hi all, I hope I'm posting this question in the right forum, as it concerns how we, as TG/TS people think about this issue. I've been thinking about this because of my own inner struggles and some of the posts I've been reading here on the forums. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that we are born with this gender issue and we have to deal with it, wheather we like it or not. How the gender issue comes out in our basic personality is an individual thing, but we all have to deal with it. Anyway, my thought on this is that God gives people challenges in their lives, the "thorn in our side" if you will, and how we deal with it is what is important. Most of us try to deny this gender "thing" at some point in our life, but eventually that denial causes us more problems then the issue would cause. We all know what religious fundamentalists try to tell us about this, that it's wrong and sinful, but if that's true, why do we have it at birth. Sinful behaviour is generally a choice we make, and I've never had a choice about how I feel, only about how I act on these feelings.
So, to my questions. Do you think this is something we were given to test us? Do you think We were given this challenge to see how we would deal with it in our lives? Is this a gift that we are supposed to develop to the best of our abilitys? To think from both gender-related points of view should be a valuable skill, but we spend so much of our lives denying this ability that we don't develop it to the extent that we could, and maybe even should. Are we denying a gift, an ability that "normal" people don't have, an ability to think outside the "gender" box that should be valuable to society and encouraged because of the insite it gives us?
Any and all opinions are welcome here, I look forward to reading them.