Yesterday I spent the day with my wife clothes shopping because of all the winter clothes clearances. When we were leaving she thanked me for the wonderful day together and how much she appreciates having me as a friend to go shopping with. I must admit I have become more comfortable in stores to a point of asking each other if the other likes something or will it suit me, I guess girl talk.
We get in the car and then she asked me what would have happened if she didn't accept my situation when I told her. This is a little of a red flag for me because I could lie and tell her what she wants to hear or tell her the truth and maybe discourage her and loose some ground.
I started by apologizing for not being honest and that I threw all my fem stuff out a week before we got married but then a few weeks into our marriage and I put on her pantyhose that morning was the day I realized its power and that wasn't fair to her and was the day I knew I had to come clean.
Being careful of my words I told her if she was going to be totally unaccepted I don't think things would have went well for us and stating she sees the power it has over me.
She instantly asked me that I was going to choose the dressing over her, oh boy I'm starting to drown.
I told her if she wasn't going to try to make any effort after I spilled my whole life struggle and make no attempt even to a point of she didn't want to see it then she wasn't being fair either and I believe things weren't going to end well. I told her there had to be a happy medium and that I never would have imagined it would have got to this point of fully dressing, I was only into slips and pantyhose at that time and that she bought me my first bra a skirt. The red flag came down when she told me she was happy she made the decision to give it a chance because she would have regretted it and missed a life of our beautiful children and grandchildren and having a best friend.
At this point I was very emotional and happy that nothing negative came out of this but I choose the honest card and when playing cards you just don't know what the other person holding. I believe I took a safe and honest approach and it did work out. I wanted to share the pressure we have when it comes to this situation how I'm so scared to push to many buttons and not wake up any breast. Just another day in this crazy life.