I used to dress with a shirt and tie in the office for years. I loved some of my great looking ties. In reality, they were one of the few ways I could express myself by spicing up my outfit with some color, although I did have some nice pink and purple dress shirts too. The balance of my attire was pretty much stuck within the confines of societal norms for men. Dark and boring. As a photographer for many weddings I would note the drab attire of the guys and the wide array of clothing that women were able to select from. So while there are downsides, yes, women are lucky in there choices I believe overall. Hence why I choose to partake when possible. This is not the only area of discrimination. Recently I was shopping for a new bike. Seems like every time I saw one in a color scheme I liked, I was told that was a women?s bike. Here you go sir, same model for men, yes you can get it in black or gray!! Damn!