About a year ago, I added blood donations to my ever-growing list of fun things to do while dressed as my true self. Blood supply is running low these days so in addition to being a lot of fun, it provides an important service. Restrictions apply and ID is required. Please see below*.

Other fun things include museums, yoga classes, walking on the bike trail, taking a long drive (and using the ladies room at every rest stop), visiting the Library, and getting my eyebrows threaded. I have a special penchant for getting dressed to the nines to go grocery shopping. It feels so June CLeaver.

So girls, what's at the top of your 'out and about' list? Do tell and spare us no juicy detail.

* Restrictions and donation process: It's all explained on the website. In the USA, it's redcross.org. They will need to see a picture ID, and ask a bunch of health questions. ALso, don't expect a fantasy nurse in fetish wear. Just regular folks but they have never raised an issue in the four times I've donated while crossdressed. If you are looking for a way to interact while dressed as a girl, this could be your ticket.