The first bunch of questions are from members.
This is just for fun and seeing how we relate and I am writing this as a Member and not a mod.
As always just put just put N/A if it does not apply.
Thanks for all the feedback and as long as you all are still enjoying this we will keep it going.
The last question is where you can put a question for next time or pm me,
Thanks everyone for joining in,

1) What has your experience, when telling friends and family of your CDing

2)Is your personality the same when dressed? If so explain.

3)Do you find yourself avoiding family time in order to have free time to dress ?

4)Do you have a set beauty routine?

5) Does your need to crossdress indicate some sort of failure on your part.
If so, what sort of failure is it? (May be more than one answer).
Is this failure a good or bad thing?

6) If there were no negative repercussions with family ,job, or no money concerns, if given the chance to live and present as a female full-time with no repercussions, would you?

7) ) There are a lot of questions I would like to see discussed among the elders, i.e, those who were raised in the 1950's and 1960's. Young people just do not comprehend anything about sexuality in those decades. Society is so permissive now that I truly think young people do not comprehend.. So would any seniors like to tell us what life was like for them back then ?

8) Does male attention scare you or do you enjoy the attention when dressed?
explain the above ( pg version)

9)Funniest thing that ever happened while dressed ?

10) Do you dress more gender neutral in everyday life?

11) Are you the equal amounts happy in male mode as female mode?
Explain the above

12) Pierced or clip ons?

13) My personal opinion , dressing is just a part of you, but many here post about WHY they dress . Do you feel you have or need a reason ? Your thoughts on this.

14)Misgendered when out. It happens sometimes by accident by a harried sales associate ( it?s happened to me) or jerks just trying to well be a jerk .Do you take it as a slight?

15) How do you react, how do you wish you would react to the above?

16) Having read here sometimes a member saying they could not do such and such because they were dressed/ implying there are certain things a women does and a certain things a man does.( even going as far of saying if I do that dressed I will lose that spark and have to / shower / change) I just never got that . So are there certain things you would only do in guy mode or girl mode ?

17) in regards to your cd life is there anything you would change ?

18) Friends - Do you have separate groups of friends from your guy side and fem side.?

19)For those wanting to have the talk with their loved ones is there any bit of advice you can give?

20) Any questions you would like me to next time?