Hello gurls just wanted to share my experience last weeek end. I had to stay in town over the wek-end and thouoght I would spend the day as Paulette. I got up in the morning and put on my nightie and robe to go down stairs and have coffee. After coffee I took my shower and made sure all of the right places were shaved (those that I can not shave get a a real nice trim). I then did my toe nails and finger nails all the while wearing my silky robe. It was time to break out the heavy equipment and do my makeup. After what seemed like five minutes I was done. OK the clock stopped and did not start again for another hour and forty five minutes but who was paying attenion. After my make up was done I got dressed in a very casual outfit to do my housework and relax. Later I frehened up my make up and decided to go to a T friendly bar about 8 blocks from my house. As the bar was close I decided to walk. Getting ready to go to the bar required a complete change of clothes. I put on my silky cami over my glued on forms and nice white bra to match my control boy cut panties. My low rise girls jeans came next, followed by my high heel calf lenght boots. The shirt I chose was a strech stripped one with long sleeves. Picking out a necklace and earrings followed by my girl watch, braclet, and a nice ring on the wedding finger topped off the outfit. As I had been dressed all day the freshening up was quite a thrill knowing that this is exactly how a GG would have prepared to go from hanging around the house to the club. Checking my wig and gathering my coat (which I had gotten a couple of Months ago for a trip to Reno and make over) I checked the mirror several times to make sure everything was just right. Grabbing my purse after making sure everything I would need was in it iI headed out the door. The sound of my heels on the side walk is always exciting (I have walked around the block before but never for blocks) and reminds me to make sure I lead with my pelvis and not my head. Taking the smaller steps necessary to effect the correct gait I proceeded to the club. Walking down the street as a lady, I became more aware of who was in the area. I passed sevral people and just smiled and kept my head up and back straight. No one seem to make me or at least if they did they did not say anything. Arriving at the club I eas scared to death the place was busy and there were people standing out front under a bright light. Did I say a bright light, like real bright. If it had not been that the last three blocks were murder on my feet I would have turned and ran hme. Now I could barely keep the pain from face as I had come this far and was not going home until I had drink and chair to sit in for a few minutes. While waitng for a drink I was approached my a man who asked me if I wanted to party. I politley told him that I had just gotten there and that I was still waiting for a drink. He walked away and I noticed a couple of other T gurls playing pool. When the bar tender brought me my drink ( a girlie one with a cherry, not my usual irish wisky straihgt up) I went over to a table and sat down by my self. One of the T girls came over and invited be to come join them which was so nice to be people who understood how I would feel sitting alone. We had a couple of drinks and I was starting to think about the need to use the restroom when one of the girls asked if I would go with her to restroom. WOW what a treat, safety in numbers and I had to go myself so off we went. Now this club has a lot of gay and lesbian customers and no one said a word about us going into the ladies room. While I was in the restroom waiting my turn I checked my make up, hair and put on fresh lipstick. One of the GG's saw me trying to get the line just right and said that if I made a big circle of my mouth it would be easier to line the lips. After spending several hours with the group we said our good byes and I walked back home. I was even more aware of my souroundings now that it was after mid-nite and to my surprise the down town area still had a lot of folks walking around. Passing several on the way home I just smiled as I passed them and again the world did not stop. One nice thing was that I been in girlie mode so long that day that I was swinging my hips and talking in a more femmine voice with out thinking about it. I know that this has been very long but as this was my first time to a club I hope everyone will be tolerant. I can not wait for the next time. BTW: The guy who hit on me tried again later in the night and if he had treated me like a lady instead of a hooker he might have had a chancd to get to know me better.