I have not been able to dress very much since the kids got out of school in June. My normal routine is to dress on Thursday, my only weekday off from work. My kids know I dress. My 17y old son is super-cool with it, even calling me Carroll when he sees me. My daughter, on the other hand, is another story. She is a high-functioning autistic 14y old. She sort of lacks the empathy and ability to understand why her father is wearing a dress and wig. She is not mean about it but makes remarks like "that's mom's dress" or will laugh at the wig to the point of one day she just took it off me. So, fast forward to the start of school a few Thursdays ago. Both kids get on the bus and I get dressed, with the intent of staying that way for a large portion of the day. Nope! The temp that day was pushing 90º and I did not want to sweat my butt off! I lasted just a few hours. This past Thursday was a no-go also. My wife's van is at the body repair shop due to a fender-bender with a building that she backed into. So I have to take her to her therapist because nobody drives my PT Cruiser (it's a 5 speed and she's not a fan manual transmissions). Now we find out that the body shop was not happy on how the van turned out, so they are going to redo it, so it looks like no dressing next Thursday either!