Where/Why does the public automatically think a man that dresses in female clothing to what ever degree is GAY? We all know women have sex with men and they wear female clothes. If a man wears female clothing does he have to have sex with men? Does wearing male or female clothing dictate what sex you'll be having sex with? Why/What should our choice of liking female clothes better than male clothes have to do with what gender you have sex with? In Other Words clothing has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Why can't they smarten up and understand not all men are in the same bucket, some prefer the smarter, more form fitting, colorful and softer choices women have and men don't, and they much prefer presenting as a woman and find it more attractive than as a man. The public knows and accepts women wear both male and female clothes, it's what they choose for either style or comfort, why can't the public apply the same standard for men without assuming they are gay? Most today are knowledgeable in high teck. phones, computers, GPS's; why are they so slow to understand the clothing/sex issue? Or am I looking at it through CD glasses?