Hi girls.

When I went out today, something very interesting happened. One of the stores I went in to was Christopher Banks. The one sales lady mentioned that earlier they had a fashion show there (which I had never heard of). As I was checking out the 2 tops I bought she then asked me if I could model clothes for their next fashion show (which is supposed to be held in the fall). I was totally shocked at this but my heart beat real fast with excitement at the possibility. I then asked her if she really wanted me and is it even possible for a transgender girl to be in a show like that? She said not to worry as she has some transgendered friends and can understand that fear and thought since I dress so mainstream and look natural that I would do well. She then complimented me and said I looked pretty and that despite my height, I should do fine. So I then said to her, sure I would LOVE to model clothes next time they have that show!! She took my telephone number and said they would probably call me in August for their fall show which would be a short time later. I really hope this comes true. I would so love to walk on a kind of runway modeling clothes. I still can't believe it though.
