Let me put my 2 cents worth in here, My wife gf at the time found some pic's of me on my computer. She is a pretty up front girl and flat out confronted me about them. Asked all the normal questions, are you gay?, do you want a sex change?, how long have you been dressing? etc. well after about an hour of a very embarassing conversation on my part she accepted it. The point im trying to make is this is a very embarassing thing to talk with a spouse or friend about. This is the most private thing a person does and its hard to open up and share it with somebody, in some ways it is a kinda of stripping down and showing that you arent that macho man you may have married and its very hard to admit that. look at the carears post on this forum you will see a good majority of us have very macho carears. I am an EMT for example also was a firefighter for a few years. A lot of us try to over masculate to compensate for our fem feelings. Something that may help him is getting him some info off the web or leave a book out like "My husband wears my clothes" it may help him come to tearms with the confusing feelings that he is having. Reassureing him that a lot more men than he may think crossdress and being labeled a crossdresser is a badge of honor not a demeaning label. It shows the world that we are in touch with our masculanity and feminaty that is the only complete person in truth. Sorry for rambling and I hope to chat with you some more feel free to e mail me and I would be happy to pass it on to my wife if you so desire.