Hi girls,

Not sure where to put this so will try here...

Well actually this week there was no crossdressing but being a TG girl still entered into the equation to a certain extent. Earlier in the week my wife and I flew into North Carolina. The place where I got the job offer payed for trip; the purpose was that I accepted their offer last month contingent on my wife first seeing area. My wife had said it was OK but I felt at least I owed that to her. During our stay here (through Sunday), we would also look for houses.

My wife says she likes the area and we looked at what seemed like thousands of houses! That part was stressful. However, after a few days we actually did find a nice house that fit our needs: it was affordable, we got good mortgage (reasonable monthly payments) and has a lot of room for storage! It's a 3 bedroom so we will have a master bedroom, combination sewing room (wife) and exercise room (me) and a guest room (which will also double as Steffie's room). The closets will be spacious (especially the master bedroom)! In the master walk-in there is even a shoe rack to put all our shoes (my few male shoes, my wife's shoes and Steffie's 50 shoes lol)! Another great feature is the garage. Now I can actually safely leave the house dressed by going to the garage and drive out as Steffie without neighbors seeing. Plus the houses are not on top of one another which helps Steffie get away too. It mis a far cry from my condo in NJ!

Once we got a house (they accepted our offer Friday and hopefully we can close by mid-April), we then went and got appliances (washer/dryer/refrigerator and a nice TV for living room-all on 36 month free financing) as well as a few more furniture pieces (24 months free financing) which will help match the hardwood floors.

I got the more expensive house as well as extra furniture to help make my wife happy. She was. In fact she was so happy she even said will go out with Steffie every New Years Eve from now on. She never has really gone out with me in NJ but at least now will do so once every year. That is nice if she will do that. But that was not reason for buying these things. She just kind of said it out of the blue. I hope she still means it later in the year.

At least now we can relax through Sunday (when we leave back for NJ). We're going to look around area on Saturday. In fact my wife said she will help me pick out an outfit (maybe another lady business suit) for when I go to see Tyra show as audience member in NYC as Steffie next week (with my other TG friend). We will move down there sometime in May.

Sorry for long post but I am both happy, relieved and excited to be starting a kind of new life (better job, nice house, etc.)! Plus now no more clutter!! There will be three people in house (me, my wife and Steffie) and Steffie can now have her own room and plenty of closet space which every girl can appreciate!
