Say what you will about the "progress" of CD being more publically accepted, but some decades ago it seemed to be a lot more prevalent in ways that would be unimaginable today. From the 1930's to the mid 1960's it seemed to be accepted in the mainstream---depending on the circumstances , or course.

Some are my own memories (late 50's-early 60's)
In colleges and even in highschools FRESHMEN were usually initiated by dressing the boys as girls, smearing lipstick on them and praiding them around campus(you can see this in old yearbooks, and I witnessed it myself in 2nd grade--in my consoladated school) On Halloween, nearly every boy I knew, and many I didnt dressed as girls for Halloween and Mardi Gras(Its not only in Louisianna) Some boys were often punished in school by having to wear a scarf and even lipstick. And a very BIG event put on by civic orginizations and even CHURCHES, to raise money were WOMANLESS WEDDINGS.----And this was in the bible belt! A lot of old members in my church still fondly recall them, which was, unfortunately, before my time.

What happened? Nowadays such things are often deemed unthinkable, frowned upon, and often with much hostility. Back then everyone got a laugh and it was considered good, clean fun. No one mentioned ANYTHING about it being associated with homosexuality or "perversions"

Of course, I realize that outside of the "accepted contexts" above, "Transvestisim" (and homosexuality) WERE concidered "perversions" of the worst kind---But with more aceptance of gays, and to a lesser extent, of CDs in recent times, the socially accepted CDing oppourtunities have nearly all dried up. Dressing up freshmen? Dressing on Halloween?(still done but not nearly as much) Girly punishment at school? Womanless weddings and beauty contests at CHURCH?---unthinkable! What happened?