O.K. So many people still think CDs are all gay.

Is that so bad?
Sure it's easy to be upset at being thought to be something you're not but, if you could be accepted as a CD, if you could go out in public dressed without concern for violence or discrimination but strangers assumed you were gay, would that be so bad?

Eventually close friends would learn you weren't gay. Your family would learn you weren't gay and eventually everyone you knew would learn it.

If you could be out and accepted but people thought at first that you were gay would it be worth it?

Is it just that we don't want to be misconstrued, is it that we don't want to bear the burden of anit-gay prejudice on top of anti-TG prejudice, is it that we fear our chances with women would be massively reduced or lost totally (isn't that already a worry at the moment?) or is there some degree of remnant homophobia that leads us to be so strident in our heterosexuality?