A few days ago my wife and I were chatting about my dressing and everything. I mentioned to her that I had picked August 1st as Denise Anne Birthday as that is the date a few years ago that she was really able to come out into the world and be herself amongst other people. Mainly my wife. She was the driving force that helped me come out to myself and the world. She said that was a great idea.

Well, yesterday she gave me a Birthday card for Denise Anne and said happy Birthday belated and gave me a big hug. It was a beautiful card and it really made me feel special that she acknowledged her in that way with the card. It really touched me inside.

She is a very special and wonderful woman, wife and my best friend and I do love her deeply. She has a heart of gold and the feelings of an angel.

Just had to share this with you all!

Denise Anne