It's way past time the CD community stood up and took responsibility for it's own acceptance. Not just piddly little university outreach here and there I'm talking major shit here.

I'm talking not hiding in the closets any more, whether personal ones, or larger ones.

I'm talking about not hiding from the SO's. It's frickin 2006 people and we've known for decades that hding is bad, but some of us still keep on doing it.

I'm talking about having enough pride to buy your makeup in the drugstores/chemist/M&S/Wal-Mart/Target/department stores like anyone else rather than paying a premium for overpriced stuff from some CD boutique. Same goes for clothing.

I'm talking about not making excuses while shopping or when someone asks why you shave your legs. No "it's for the wifey" no fake little shopping lists, no "I'm a bike rider"

I'm talking about being out in broad daylight rather than walking to the mailbox at midnight or just driving en femme without actually getting out of the car.

I'm talking about standing up against bigotry and standing up for yourself. If a group you're in is anti-TG, then for goddess sake quit and tell them why. If someone says a nasty slur, call them on it. If something gets printed in your local paper, write a rebuttal.

No ones going to hand you acceptance on a silver platter, you have to fight for it, work for it.

"But where I live (Texas/Arkansas/Rural Scotland) is full of rednecks and hooligans, Veronica"

Pooh on that, do something to change it. Stand together with likeminded people against them. Form alliances, speak out, embarass them, do whatever it takes to let them know that you will not tolerate bigotry. And no they won't beat you with a stick, that's hyperbole.

If there's not a group near you, form one. I'm trying to do that myself, it's hard, yes, but we have to do it.

And finally if someone asks you if you're a CD/TG, answer them simply and truthfully.

Rondelle (Ron) Rogers Jr.
Yep, that's my name, it's pronounced Ron-duhl not Ron-dell.