Congratulations on a successful first shared outing. It must have been so much fun getting makeovers together and shopping.

I am not surprised that you were somewhat on alert during this first time out. I went out with some of my closest GG friends and observed a similar protectiveness in them. That kind of hyper awareness is understandable, but often it can exaggerate the perceived negatives and even make a glance or comment seem like something when it was not.

I have two suggestions for the future. Accept that she will be read sometimes and, rarely, an individual may seem to make an in complimentary remark. It happens, but don?t let it spoil your fun. Just laugh it off and go back to enjoying the moment. The more often you go out, the less anxious you will feel. Once that is out of the way, the two of you can allow yourself to fully enjoy the times when no one notices or cares.