Hi Everyone!

I came across a site some time ago that showed just how to make your own gaff CHEAPLY (now you're talking!). At the time I was seriously confused, but then suddenly the light dawned *grin*

In the interests of disclosure, I herewith submit my guide to inexpensively making your own breast forms and gaff from one pair of stockings and some filler for the forms.

The first item on the agenda is a normal pair of stockings (make sure you get one that fits you at the waist - this is an NB). Cut off both feet of the stockings at a decent kind of length since you are going to be filling them to make your forms.

Then, choose a leg and cut another length of about 20cm (remember: I am South African - measurements in centimetres!).

Finally, cut the very top of the pair of stockings off. This ring is where the elastic hides away in - you want that whole piece.

After filling the feet of the stockings (a whole stack of suggestions out there including rice, bird seed and so on - almost anything you have available!) and tying them up, you should have the following pieces:

The top is the two recently filled feet. The second item is the top piece of the mutilated stocking (still whole). The last is the piece of stocking that was trimmed off too. I thought I would be very professional and have a ruler there too ... that is, if you can see it!

Now the next step is the fun bit for the gaff making. All you have to do, pay attention now, is slide the bottom bit over the waist band ring making sure to scrunch it in to the middle. Simple no? Not that I thought so initially!

So here is the next picture to hopefully elucidate the statement:

See the gaps on either side between the ring and the bit in the middle? Those are for your legs dear. Pull it up nice and tight like a thong, then tuck everything into place in the "sack" that was created because of the middle thing.

Clear as mud, isn't it?

Questions? Comments? Those that have done this before, what have I left out? The big thing for me is that the stocking I used was actually a little on the small side, so the gaff tends to be a tad uncomfortable over the long run. The other thing is that I have virtually no hips, so I need to cover it with fairly tight panties to make sure it stays in place

Good luck! May your fronts be bumpier (at the top) and smoother (below the waist) than ever!
